Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why Althetes Use Ste Roids Essay Example for Free

Why Althetes Use Ste Roids Essay There are two stories that we read that talked about Performance Enhancing Drugs. One was â€Å"Cheating and Cheating † by Joe Posnanski, the other was â€Å"We, the Public the Best Athletes on Pedestals† by William Moller. Both of these stories explain in great detail on how using these drugs are wrong and change any game you play but mostly baseball. Joe Posnanski talks about how in baseball around Babe Ruth’s era nobody had used steroids and they are now called the greatest players of all time including Babe, Ted Williams, Honus Wagner, and Mickey Mantle. Three of these players we on the Yankees. He explains how they didn’t need to use drugs to make their stats better. They worked day in and day out on becoming a better ball player. William Moller explains how A-rod used them because he taught he needed to be the best player in the game from the contract by the New York Yankees. He also explains how there are other was of cheating such as when he was in a school he used Ritalin to stay up and study for a test when he was already beginning his third straight all nighter. There are other drugs then this though. Such as what kids use in college called Adderall. This is the same goal as Ritalin. Except doesn’t have much side effects. This drug makes you focus more then you have ever done before. This is prescribed to people who have add. This can help people get a paper done is under an hour if they can type fast enough. Another side effect is that it is very addictive. You may want to use it the next day because of all the work you’ve done. This is not a drug but it can be counted from what it does. This is called Niacin, and its included into Vitamin B. This helps clear an athlete’s body from drugs. It doesn’t help as prescribed drugs, but it can still do the job. This makes it so athletes cannot be caught if they do take drugs. People need to realize that things like this are available for an athlete. Even though there is no possible way to take this out they need to find a way to see if they have taken this to help them pass the test. â€Å"The Mitchell Report† made a significant impact on the MLB. This report stated that when released in 07’ eighty-nine players were convicted in using steroids or drugs. Bud Selig came to George Mitchell in 06’ asking him to see who used illegal substances. In this report there were many very famous players including Barry Bonds, Jose Conseco, and Roger Clemens. He changed baseball for the better by doing this even though there is still illegal activity in this sport. A way Bud Selig the commissioner for the MLB has stopped this from happening is make players have a 50 game suspension. Well-known names are Manny Ramirez, Ryan Braun (who appealed later and was reversed), and also Melky Cabrera from the San Francisco Giants. He at that time was leading the league in Batting Average, and was a great player who brought the team down after what had happened. Some fans believe that players should use steroids so they can hit those 500-foot bombs, or steal as many bases they can get. They think that it shouldn’t matter because of how much they get paid for. But what they don’t know is what these drugs do to their body. Some athletes still want to have a family and live a normal life once they retire. But these drugs can affect them by not being able to produce for a family. Other fans believe that if players do these drugs then that hurts the sport, and doesn’t show how athletes really play. Records would be broken repeatedly, and the sport would lose fans left and right. They think they can get stronger and stay healthy like any other person does like eating well and lifting weights. A great question to ask is should athletes who used performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in the Hall of Fame? Jim Bunning states this in the us news article, â€Å"Major League Baseball must set an example so that children and young athletes dont see steroids as a way to get ahead of the competition. If a player is caught using banned substances in an effort to break records set by players who achieved them through honest hard work, I think those numbers should be expunged from the record books. There is no place for cheaters in the Hall of Fame.† This is a great statement because in a couple of years the â€Å"steroids era† is going to become eligible for voting. This year Mark McGuire was elected when he was an athlete who used steroids, and while Jeff Bagwell leads in careers HBP (Hit By Pitches) didn’t get accused once. People who had to vote on this ballot had to think about weather someone accused should be inducted. Another view of athletes who use steroids and other drugs could be gamblers. They could argue that a game was not fair because an athlete cheated. Which could cause a massive eruption due to so many athletes being accused. Think of how much an average bet is, could be around $100. So if there was 20 bets placed on one game that totals to $2000 on one game, and if someone cheats why should someone lose their money over it? Some athletes must use steroids though. Lance Armstrong battled cancer for multiple years. Without this drug he might of died and nobody would say he was the best cyclist in the world. They wouldn’t on been able to watch him over these years. But why should he be stripped of his accomplishments? In the Washington Post his attorney Robert Luskin says, â€Å"They don’t unilaterally have the authority because they didn’t award them,† also â€Å"an endless game of whack-a-mole.† why would someone want to take away something an athletes been working for their whole life while battling cancer? How does steroids even affect your body? Some male athletes might not be able to start a family after taking this drug. Also they can enlarge breasts and shrink testicles. It cant stunt your growth, loss of hair, and have oily skin and very bad acne. You can get a stroke or a heart attack at a very young age; have high blood pressure and also very high levels of bad cholesterol. My opinion is that if an athlete has a serious illness or injury there can take steroids to bring them back into action, or use any other drug that could help. But not when they are playing. Why would you want to risk what that does to your body to get an extra base or a hit? They need to learn that some things need to be achieved by doing hard work, and not by cheating yourself and getting ahead of many other players. There is to much risk of side effects then to help raise your chance at an extra salary. Play the game right and play it safe!

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