Friday, August 23, 2019

Aging and Ageism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aging and Ageism - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that Janet is has her resilience and ability to adapt to change. Being married to an alcoholic for 35 years greatly affected her and her ability to deal with turbulence and change. She has grown through adversity all of her life and now leads a content lifestyle still pursuing her dreams at age 71. She has taught me that a passion for life, varied interests and a deep desire to help others can create a joyful life.This study outlines that celebrating and recognizing transitions in life has always been important to Janet. At age 60 she was given a crone party where her family and friends took the opportunity to acknowledge her for where she had come from and where she currently was. It was a chance for her to share some of the lessons she has learned as she aged. Janet used the ceremony to release past issues like a smoking habit she quit many years before, menstruation as she had already gone through menopause, her teaching career, her husband, and the rai sing of her children. It was a unique way for friends and family to learn from her experiences as well as honor who for who she had become—and recognize that even though she was now considered at times by society as â€Å"over the hill†, that she had many years of fruitful opportunities still available.  Spirituality has always been a large influence on Janet and her outlook on life. She is deeply religious and believes that her thoughts and actions affect others as well as herself.

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