Sunday, August 4, 2019

My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Teachers Essays

My Educational Philosophy Education is the answer to all of the problems facing the world. Knowledgeable people do not take inhumane and unethical actions against others. It is only through the education of others that crime, poverty and hunger will be solved. It is due to the potential of education that has inspired me to be an educator. The ability to make a difference and to communicate my passion for literature and the English language is my driving force and ambition. Inspiring a disinterested student to read or write poetry is a gateway to creative open minds, which will result in a more civilized world. My classroom will be arranged in a horseshoe. In this way, the students are not separated into clusters and the main focus will always be in the end of the horseshoe. Students will be facing one another and there will be open space for discussion. I want bulletin boards to be changed at least once a month. There will be a calendar focusing on historical events in literature. There will also be a timeline of events on whatever book the students are currently reading. In addition, there will be 10 facts about the author of the month that will appear on an extra-credit quiz. Furthermore, I want 15 different vocabulary words on another bulletin focusing on preparation for the ACT and SAT tests. As much as I would like to establish a non-authoritarian atmosphere, I have only seen it fail. Non-Authoritarian attitudes are often taken advantage of by the students. They use their friendship with the teacher to skip class and not do assignments. Besides, nowadays most parents are too worried about being friends that they do not stress authority either. Kids need to find authority somewhere. Authoritarian attitude is essential for at least the beginning of the year. Each class of students is different; therefore, it is not fair to govern them all the same. Some students will want to learn the material and respect the teacher; however, until the students have proven themselves, I will use an authoritarian rule.

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