Thursday, August 1, 2019

Literature Search Worksheet Essay

Select a literature search topic relevant to your practice. The topic must be sufficiently delineated in scope without being trivial. You will revisit this article in the Week Five presentation. Possible topics include but are not limited to: Non-pharmacological pain relief with childbirth Effects of shift work and fatigue on medication errors Best practices for pin site care Nurse satisfaction in magnet hospitals Accurate temperature assessment methods in neonates Pain assessment in the cognitively impaired d type II diabetes and obesity Complementary and alternative therapies for control of menopausal symptoms Best practices in nurse-led smoking cessation classes Thermoregulation in the operating room Best practices for pain assessment and management in specified area of practice Complete the table below: Which topic did you choose? Thermoregulation in the operating room Which three databases will you use? 1.EBSCO host 2.Proquest 3.Google Search each database, using key words, for relevant research on this subject. What key words did you use in the Search Strategy fields? Include all attempts and limitations used to refine your search. 1.EBSCO host- operating  room, temperature regulation 2.Proquest- Thermoregulation in the operating room 3.Google- Thermoregulation in the operating room Report the number of citations identified from each database in the number of articles found field. 1.EBSCOhost- 2 2.Proquest- 1502 3.Google- 185,000 Select one article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last three years—or a germinal article which may contain an earlier publication date—and provide the citation in APA format. Horosz, B., & Malec-Milewska, M. (2013, January). Inadvertent Intraoperative Hypothermia. Anesthesiology Intensive Therapy, 45(1), 38-043. Retrieved from Answer the following questions using your selected research article: 1 Is this qualitative or quantitative? What is the study design? What criteria did you use to determine the study design? It is a Quantitative. In the research there are numbers that indicate temperature regulation as variables. The study tests the patient’s core body temperature in the operating room when they are under anesthesia and with controlling the room temperature during surgery. The criteria I used out of this study were to determine the study design was that numbers were used in this study. The research was using a relationship between variables, the temperature of men vs. women and also the time that the person was in the operating room in and under sedation. There was documentation done in a drop of core temperature the longer the person was sedated and in the operating room. 2 How did you confirm that the journal you selected was peer-reviewed or germinal? I determined that the journal article was peer-reviewed because I selected  peer-reviewed form the EBSCO host database and it came from a credited web base. In the publication it also states that it is peer-reviewed. 3 Does this research article generate support for evidence-based practice? If not, state why it does not. Please review the critical appraisal guideline on pg. 466-480. It does provide evidence based research, In the article it describes ways of warming to prevent hypothermia in the operating room all based on research to keeping patients with warm fluids and warm blankets and monitoring the core temperature of the patient while they are sedated.

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