Saturday, August 10, 2019

Is Teacher Certification Worthwhile or Not Essay

Is Teacher Certification Worthwhile or Not - Essay Example Every industry faces high levels of competition, and as such, having a competitive advantage over other firms is of priority for different firms. Subsequently, they hire the best and highest qualified individuals in the market to work in their firms. Governments on the other hand, in an effort to raise their GDP, have seen the importance of investing in quality education for its population. It is with this reason that there is an increase in the demand for teacher certification as countries and firms battle out at the global market arena. This essay addresses the reasons why it is important for every teacher to seek certification before joining the teaching profession. There is an increase in the number of colleges training teachers especially in California. Without any mechanism in place to test the competency of these teachers, there is a high likelihood of there being non-trained as well as poorly trained teachers. A non-trained or poorly trained teacher cannot teach in a competit ive way. Although these colleges are accredited colleges, there is no mechanism in place to prove that a teacher in deed has gone through training and can thus comfortably handle students. Initially, when there were few universities and colleges offering teachers’ training, it was possible to tell the quality of the tutoring. This is however not the case anymore. With the increase in the number of colleges, the only way of determining the quality of training that teachers receive in these colleges is only through the certification process. Additionally, teacher certification is the only way in which a person can prove their skills and expertise. The uniqueness of the teaching profession makes it necessary for the certification of teachers globally, not just in California. A teacher needs to have basic teaching skills in addition to their ability to handle students comfortably. Understanding that teaching entails much more than just classroom teaching is the bottom line for se eking certification. Taking a specifically exam is one of the main ways in which an individual could become a certified teacher. However, there are different kinds of skills that teachers need to have, which different tests seek to test in a teacher. The California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST) in California is one of these tests that seek to test the basic teaching skills of a teacher in the state of California. Notably, most of the exams test reading skills, writing skills and the computation skills of a teacher. For one to pass the test, the middle graduate student knowledge is mandatory. Therefore, without having acquired this level of knowledge, it is hard for one to pass the test comfortably. The importance of having this certification is evident by the fact that unified school district holds only the certificate of basic education test. This is the first step of becoming a teacher, as one has to take the certification test to qualify as part of the unified school distri ct department. Moreover, the CSEST tests the understanding of the teacher’s basic knowledge, history, and application of skills in the major subject. This makes it possible for the unified district department to screen out teachers by the understanding of the subject and decide that who can be employ. Currently, the CSEST does not require any experience for one to qualify as a

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