Wednesday, September 11, 2019


PLANNING IN THE BUSINESS CONTEXT MHR-1-PBC - Essay Example Your palms are sweaty and your legs are shaking but you try to appear calm and composed. The clock seems to have slowed down, on one hand you want the time to pass slowly, while on the other hand, you want to fast forward everything and just get the interview over and done with. But one must always keep in mind that the interview is the initial place where you can prove to the interviewer that you are the finest person for the job and outshine all your competitors by being confident and giving the right answers. Tips: There are a lot of tips which could help in polishing your interview skills but in my mind the most important one is â€Å"Practice†, for I believe that practicing time and again is the key to success, as it does wonders for your confidence level. One should try to think of possible questions and then practice after developing precise answers for each one. These are the three prime things which can lead you to triumph. You should be passionate and self-assured wh ile giving answers and not be in a rush to complete your response. Where it’s important that you don’t rush with your answers, it’s also extremely important that you don’t go on with unnecessary details. ... (Best-Interview-Strategies, 2003) While preparing for the interview, you should get to know a little bit about the company, for instance the major people and functions including heads of key departments, the product line, services they provide, where their various branches are, chief competitors, and the most recent news on the industry in which the company under question lies. The easiest way is to start with the company’s website, and furthermore the newspapers etc. (Hochkeppel n.d) In relation to dressing for the interview, it is very important that the dress should be appropriate as well as impressive. Not only the dressing, but the overall look should spell class. You should look well groomed. Get a haircut if necessary and go to bed early the night before so that you wake up fresh the next morning. Wake up a little early than usual the next morning and start your day with a fresh shower, wear clean classy clothes, groom yourself and you are all set to go. (Carr n.d) Inte rview Schedule: Interview Schedule Applicant Name: Aaron William Date: 12.2.11 Position Applied for: Assistant Sales Manager for the brand Kellogg`s Frosties Recruiter’s Name: Ben Richard Recruiter’s Phone: ( 004477984570142 ) Start Time End Time Interviewer Location 9:00 AM 10:30 AM James Henry 93- Thorton Heath, Surrey The Interview and Questions: Precisely at 9:00 A.M, Mr. Aaron’s name was called. He walked into the room and was asked to take a seat. The interview started off just fine but after a couple of questions he started fumbling with his hands and kept readjusting his position in the chair. He was very confused but still tried to remain calm. Either he had not prepared for the interview or his

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