Saturday, September 7, 2019

Managment and People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managment and People - Essay Example These problems are related to team building and could have been avoided if an effective team building strategy was adopted. One of the problems that are very conspicuous in the case study is lack of cohesiveness and coordination in the team processes. According to Tannenbaum, Beard, & Salas (1992), a team process refers to ways in which members of a team interact with each other. In this team, the level of interaction of the members of the team is low. Moreover, the general rules of a team like the rule of accountability and communication protocol do not exist. Therefore, the interconnection between the roles undertaken by some of the members of the team is greatly interfered with resulting in the problem of lack of cohesiveness and coordination in the team processes. Lack of coordination and coherence appears because of the failure of the members of the team to link their activities with the activities of the members of the team. Moreover, appears because of the difference in priorities of the different members of the team. Beatrice prioritizes accuracy of work more than saving time and meeting the deadline. Bill and Ben give more priority in meeting the deadline. In this case, the team leader has been effective in making the team members play their roles to their level best. Moreover, he had failed to clarify roles and set an effective communication line between the members of the team. This is what has made the activities of the embers to fail to interconnect thus resulting in lack of coordination and coherence. Every teamwork problem is avoidable and soluble through the employment of proper team building techniques. The problem of lack of cohesiveness and coordination could have been avoided in several ways. Team building approach used in this case study is the roles approach. This seems to have contributed to this identified problem. This is because of its ineffectiveness, especially when used in a place  where roles might conflict. Therefore, this problem could have been avoided by using another team building approach to the goal setting approach or the problem-solving approach. Moreover, the problem could have been avoided or resolved by a continuous evaluation of the proceeding of the team.

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