Saturday, September 28, 2019

Economy and Infrastructure Sector Research Paper

Economy and Infrastructure Sector - Research Paper Example The hosts of regulatory bodies like Security Exchange Commission, Chicago Board of Trade Futures, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), The New York Stock Exchange, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and many others are part of the policy environment, which is responsible in allowing, regulating, and settling various financial transactions, without which we cannot think of existence of any present-day business activities. Importance of business and financial infrastructure can be gauged from the fact that federal government has identified the financial sector as part of its critical infrastructure protection (CIP) efforts. Numerous arrangements help protect customers as well as institutions. The depositors are protected by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the event of a severe liquidity crisis or due to the failure of a bank. Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) is available to all institutions during disruption of the primary communication links. It is possible that we may encounter totally unknown calamity whether manmade or natural of totally different dimensions and depth and then it will be a real litmus test for all our thought process and strategic preparedness and final assessment from the fact that how we come out of it unscathed. The economy of any country rests and thrives on its infrastructure setup. Finance and business infrastructures are the primary necessities through that economy of the country throbs and elevate to the new levels in terms of Gross Domestic Product of the country. When the  U.S. was under the grip of great depression during the thirties and unemployment was rampant, then the new president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt spearheaded the country through a host of infrastructure projects in terms of roads and buildings, bridges and hydroelectric dams, electrification and irrigation projects. This helped reduce the high unemployment rate and increased business activities manifold. After the necessary pause during the World War II, activities again got momentum to create large-scale interstate highways, air and sea ports including many housing projects in private sectors.

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