Monday, July 22, 2019

Romeo and Juliet essay Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet essay Essay Marco has shown him whose boss and Eddie does not like it. This scene is also left in the audience because the curtain then closes, so this is the picture put into their heads last. A Scene of triumph, a scene of warning, it says dont mess with me, or my brother! Because I will always win. Millers stage directions are also very important here. This is why A View from the Bridge is a play and not a book. The audience need to see Marcos face of warning and Eddies grin vanish as he realises whats just happened. This would not be written effectively enough for the audience to understand this is such a dramatic action in the play. Because to a reader this seems like another game, like there still getting a long fine. But the stage directions his chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head. These stage directions show that this is no longer a fun family game, but a competition and a threat. We open again; Alfieri makes the audience aware that Rodolfo and Catherine are alone, for the first time. In this scene we can clearly see that Eddie has got to her he has Catherine anxious and scared that Rodolfo might only want his papers. She starts by questioning him, whether or not he would be willing to relocate back to Italy if the circumstances allow it. Suppose I want to live in Italy. Rodolfo thinks that Catherine is joking as he says you going to marry somebody rich? Then Catherine quickly shows him she is not joking No I mean live there- you and me (His smile vanishing) Rodolfo becomes disappointed in Catherine as she is taking Eddies words to heart. Thy continue their conversation and Catherine brings up the real problem, Im afraid of Eddie here. Rodolfo is so angry not at Catherine, but Eddies poisonous words that have corrupted his loves mouth. He gets angry you think I would carry on my back the rest of my days a women I didnt love just to be an American? this rhetorical question hives effect to the sentence. It leaves Catherine with no choice but to say no and to agree. And unwisely this leads to a large fall in Eddies status. Theres nobody here now, come inside. ( He leads her towards the bedroom) At this point Eddie appears and he is drunk. Already the audience can see that this is a recipe for disaster. Catherine and Rodolfo are in the bedroom, and Eddie is drunk, so not quite able to control himself. When he sees Rodolfo and Catherine come out of the bedroom, he is angry. As any father would be if in his situation, but Eddie is angry for a different reason, he is jealous of Rodolfo. Pack it up. Go ahead. Get your stuff and get outa here. When Catherine makes a move to go with Rodolfo, Eddie is angry and takes what he wants. He doesnt ask, he just takes it. (He reaches out suddenly, draws her to him, and as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth. This disgusting and selfish move from Eddie only causes more problems. He has just forced the girl he raised like a daughter to kiss him. It is at this point we as the audience truly learn of Eddies true desires. Then the ironic line follows. Stop that! Have respect for her! Rodolfo is now demanding respect, but for Catherine. After Eddies countless demands that Rodolfo doesnt respect him or Catherine the roles have now reversed and it is Eddie needing told. Then Eddie takes it all as a joke and kisses Rodolfo as well. Eddie has taken it to far by now. And he is almost at a point where he cannot climb back up to the top. You can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole that a word that you gave a way. Eddie had almost reached this point, where a million dollars would be easier to get back than his respect. He snitched on his whole family I want to report something. Illegal immigrants. Two of them. Eddies respect has gone. Theres no way of retrieving it now. His name, his family this is a huge step in the scale, telling on his own family and ruining their lives. In this play Eddie becomes very selfish, I want my name he says this like someone has taken it from him, when he has taken it from himself. You used to be different when he is the one that has clearly changed. Beatrices line IM no different shows us that every one is noticing the change in Eddie now. Is Eddie the victim? No he is not. Eddie is the culprit through and through this play, and now every one knows it. When the immigration officers come, Beatrice knows straight away. Oh, Jesus, Eddie. oh, my God, my God What did you do? Eddie denies it, but everyone knows, Catherine knows, Beatrice knows, Marco knows, Rodolfo knows, even the neighbourhood knows, Eddie Carbone is a traitor to his family. A guy do a thing like that, hows he gonna show his face? And o add insult to injury, Marco points him out in front of every one. That one! I accuse that one! he is too disgusted to use his name, but just points. He killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! Miller uses this line because he is showing the audience this is it. The end. Marco will go back to Italy, to no work and no money to feed his family. Eddie, who once helped, killed his family. Eddie should be humbled, he should be quiet. He has accomplished hat he wanted. But he is still hung over about his name. Only blood is good? Beatrice tries to tell Eddie that Marco comes in peace; he wants this to be over. But Marco is beyond kissing Eddies hand. Ad Eddie is beyond letting him. In both these stubborn mens eyes there is only malice and hatred. Te only way to solve this, is to confront it like a man. Eddie Carbone! shouting his name is almost a challenge, Eddie repeats his name three times, as though confirming that it is HIS name, and he wants it. Maybe hes come to apologize, heh Marco? For what you said to me in front of the whole neighbourhood? Wipin the neighbourhood with my name like a dirty rag! I want my name Marco! his next step has he lunges for Marco looks as though he is going to physically take his name from Marco. When it is irretrievable. But Marco shows his strength again another step in Eddies decline. Animal! You go on your knees to me! The tears are in Eddies eyes. Everyone knows he has taken it too far, even him. But he cannot quit now. He lunges towards Marco as Marco flips the blade and delivers a fatal blow. Eddie has gone. He is not Eddie anymore. He lost himself trying to get what he wanted to most. His inappropriate love for Catherine was his downfall. Mans jealously over powered him and no one could help him come back. He finally gives up on his deathbed he appears as though he is going to tell B of, why did you let this happen then he dies in her arms, with the words My B! He loves B but it is to late now. Alfieris closing statement reminds us of the beginning, Most of the time we settle for half, and I like it better. If Eddie Carbone had settled for his half, Catherine and Rodolfo would have been happily married, Marco would have enough money to go to his family and Eddie and Beatrice would continue to love. Eddie would have respect. But he was greedy; he wanted the whole apple not just a bite. This story does not have a happy ending, as you would expect it to. It leaves us guessing, but Eddies greed incapacitates those around him. The audience is left with no doubt in their minds at what happens next. And they cant help thinking; this is not a story that has never happened before. This tale happens all over the world, men take what the want and give nothing back. And yet, it is better to settle for half, it must be! And so I mourn him- I admit it- with a certain alarm! Abigail Craig-A View From the Bridge Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

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