Sunday, May 10, 2020

Should Performance Enhancement Drugs Be Banned - 865 Words

â€Å"I want to be like Alex Rodriguez when I grow up. I want to play for the New York Yankees and be able to hit the baseball like him. I want to like A-Rod,† says a young six-year-old boy. As children grow up they look to professional athletes as role models, they dream about being like them, but what image are these athletes setting if in order to perform, there injecting and popping drugs into there body? Performance enhancement drugs are, drugs used by athletes to enhance their abilities in the performance of their sport. Often the drugs mean illegal or unethical use of these substances (Medical Dictionary). Performance enhancement drugs have been a major topic of sports over the past decade. Many athletes over the history of performance enhancement drugs have been caught with the illegal substances within their system, in which some athlete’s stories were more public then others. The health effects of doping, which is an act or instance of giving a narcotic, usual ly a steroid, to an athlete to unfairly boost performance in a competition (Dictionary), are very negative and can have major impact on the athlete not only during performance, but also later on in life (Allan Stensballe 368). Athletes of all ages are turning to performance enhancing drugs as a way of improving their performance by giving them that little extra edge. This isn’t only unethical, but it’s a form of cheating and a form in which is harmful to the human body. Performance enhancing drugs are not new toShow MoreRelatedSport Enhancement Drugs1667 Words   |  7 Pagesit interests me why athletes feel like it’s ok or acceptable to take drugs to enhance their performance on the field of play. Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their skills on and off the field. With the use of steroids, athletes everywhere, not just â€Å"well-know† or â€Å"popular† athletes are putting their entire career on the line with steroid use. The use of steroids and other substances to enhance sports performance has risen to an all-time high over the last few years. Steroids areRead MoreSports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a changeRead MoreThe Use Of Anabolic Steroids And How Athletes Are Cheating1482 Words   |  6 Pageshas started to increase and guys are looking for ways to enhance their performances. Many turn to repetitive practices and healthier diets, while some turn to protein powder. No mat ter the method the average athlete is trying their best to propel his or her efforts past previous marks. Most stick to natural remedies, but there are a select few that turn to steroid injections. Steroids have overtaken the sports world and banned many famous athletes from ever competing again. However, they believe theRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use in Sports Summary1493 Words   |  6 Pagesfierce among athletes. Winning a t all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goals and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost? Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports because their use results in many harmful side effects; because theirRead MoreEssay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs 741 Words   |  3 PagesDrugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah† you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports thatRead MoreEthical Dilemmas1304 Words   |  6 Pagesare using a new performance enhancing drug. Paul’s teammates are always reminding him that it is not a banned substance, and the coach has turned a blind eye to the whole issue. Paul told me that his coach is making some changes, and he may lose his starting position. He is starting to think about actually taking this drug so he does not lose his spot. The dilemma is that Paul could just take the drug, and get to keep his position as a starter. Since the drug is not listed as banned, and the coachRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 PagesSteroids seem to to be having a negative view for much of history. Steroids are drugs used by athletes to become stronger and achieve a strong physique. Steroids are illegal and are strongly discouraged to be used and may be seen first expressed during high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. The perspective against the legalization of steroids believes in the many benefits of legalization. The perspective for the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroidsRead MoreSteriods in Sports Should Be Banned1295 Words   |  6 PagesSheila Sim Mrs. Virginia Link-Pease English 122 02 October 2010 Steroid Use in Sports Should Be Banned Day by day professional athletes are being praised for their ability and accomplishments in their respective sports. The professional athletes that are succeeding the most are generally using performance enhancing drugs, other known as anabolic steroids (Mayo Clinic). Anabolic steroids are drugs which imitate the effect of the male sex hormone, Testosterone. The cells producing protein increaseRead MoreThe Effects Of Blood Doping On Professional Sports1265 Words   |  6 Pagesargued that the prohibition of sports enhancing drugs in the professional sports mirror the prohibition of alcohol, making for unsafe, unsanitary and black market drug erupt. Instead of prohibition, could the professional sports community limitations in order to better allocate their money? There are great incentives to use blood doping techniques with little by way of repercussions. Blood doping is a process intended to boost athlete’s performance by increasing the body’s ability to filter more

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