Friday, May 22, 2020

The Ancient Calendar

Be quiet! The Roman calendar is the most perfect yet devised. It has twelve months.Except when it has thirteen, as this year.And all of these months have either thirty-one or twenty-nine days.Except Februarius, which has twenty-eight. Only this year, according to you, it has only twenty-four.~ Steven Saylor Murder on the Appian Way, p. 191. Early farmers couldnt simply look at a wall calendar to see how many days until the last frost date. However, knowing there were approximately 12 moon cycles between one spring and the next, they could calculate how many lunar phases remained before planting season. Thus was born the concept of the 354 day lunar calendar, a concept eternally at odds with the approximately 365.25 day solar year. Blending time derived from the motions of the rotating earth, the earth revolving around the sun, and the moons passage as the earths satellite is hard enough, but the Mayans had 17 cosmological calendars, some of which go back ten million years and require the services of astronomers, astrologers, geologists, and mathematicians to figure out. Introduction to Mayan Calendar Terminology provides simplified information on some of the cycles and glyphs used in the Mayan calendars.~ From Mayan Calendar Terminology (1) The position the planets is vital to many calendars. At least once, on March 5, 1953 B.C.-- at the beginning of Chinese calendar time -- all the planets, the sun and the moon were in alignment.~ Source (2) Even our calendar system calls on this relationship with the planets. Names for the days of the week (although the Teutonic Woden, Tiw, Thor, and Frigg have replaced the Roman names for deities of related prowess) refer to various celestial bodies. Our 7-day week began under Augustus. [See table below.] According to Calendars and Their History, calendars permit us to plan our farming, hunting, and migrating activities. They may also be used for prediction and to establish dates for religious and civic events. However accurate we might try to make them, calendars should be judged not by their scientific sophistication, but by how well they serve social needs.~ From Calendars and Their History (3) Calendar Reform disagrees. Its author thinks its high time for reform. Our Gregorian calendar, adopted in 1751 by an act of Parliament, uses basically the same months Julius Caesar established 2 millennia ago, in 45 B.C.~ From Calendar Reform (4) Julian Calendar Reform Caesar faced an unreliable lunar calendar system based on a distrust of even numbers. The original first month, Martius, had 31 days, as did Maius, Quinctilis (later renamed Julius), October, and December. All the other months had 29 days, except the last month of the year, which was allowed to be unlucky with only 28 days. (The Aztecs, too, considered certain days of their xihutl calendar to be unlucky.) Finding, over time, that their calendar didnt correspond with the seasons of the solar year, the Romans, like the Hebrews and Sumerians, intercalated an extra month -- whenever the College of Pontiffs deemed it necessary (as in the passage from Murder on the Appian Way). Caesar turned to Egypt for guidance with the difficult Roman calendar. The Ancient Egyptians predicted the annual Nile flooding on the basis of the appearance of the star Sirius. The period between was 365.25 days -- less than an hour wrong in five years. So, abandoning the Roman lunar calendar, Caesar set alternating months of 31 and 30 days with February having only 29 days except every fourth year when February 23 was repeated.~ Source (5) Why the 23d? Because the Romans didnt yet count from the beginning of the month, but from before it. They counted how many days before the Nones, Ides, and Kalends of each month. February 23 was counted as six days before the kalends of March -- the old beginning of the year. When it was repeated, it was referred to as bi-sextile. What Was the Format of the Roman Fasti Calendar? Gregorian Calendar Reform Pope Gregory XIIIs major changes were algorithms to calculate movable feasts and a new system of leap years that got rid of leap years in years that are divisible by 100 but not 400. Pope Gregory also deleted ten days from the 1592 calendar year in order to accommodate a shift in the equinox. When Did We Switch From the Roman Fasti Calendar to the Modern? A variety of calendars culminate around the year 2000. Calendar Convergence shows the common end of calendar cycles from the Hopi, the Ancient Greeks, the Early Egyptian Christians, the Mayan, and the Indian Vedic tradition. Planets Alignments in 2000 shows an alignment of the seven planets on May 5, 2000.~ From Calendar Convergence (6) and Planets Alignments (7) U. Glessmer. The Otot-Texts (4Q319) and the Problem of Intercalations in the Context of the 364-Day Calendar in:Qumranstudien: Vortraege und Beitraege der Teilnehmer des Qumranseminars auf dem internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Lit., Muenster, 25-26. Juli 1993 [Hans-Peter Mueller zum 60. Geburtstag]. Schriften des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum; Bd. 4. Ed. H.J. Fabry et al. Goettingen 1996, 125-164.~ From ANE discussion (8) References ([URL ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ECUVAX.CIS.ECU.EDU/~PYMCCART/CALENDAR-REFORM.HTML ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ])([URL ]) Table of the Days of the Week dies Solis Sun day Sunday domenica (Italian) dies Lunae Moon day Monday lunedà ¬ dies Martis Mars's day Tiw's day Tuesday martedà ¬ dies Mercurii Mercury's day Woden's day Wednesday mercoledà ¬ dies Jovis Jupiter's day Thor's Day Thursday giovedà ¬ dies Veneris Venus's day Frigg's day Friday venerdà ¬ dies Saturni Saturn's day Saturday sabato   Related Resources †¢ Julius Caesar†¢ Calendars†¢ Maya Calendar Round†¢ Intercalation†¢ Gregorian Calendar†¢ Julian Calendar

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Who Is The Leader - 1631 Words

Who is the Leader? James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States held office from 1977-1981 and lost his reelection bid due to what was perceived by many as incompetency in his decision making and self induced alienation from potential followers. Carter however, exemplifies the personification of true humanity toward his fellow man in his efforts to eradicate the Guinea Worm and bring women’s rights as the new face for the civil rights movement. Three decades past his presidency, Mr. Carter shows the true mark of a great leader forging a great legacy. Mr. Carter was born on October 1, 1924 to religious parents James Earl Carter Sr. and Bessie Lillian Gordy that introduced him to Christian values that highlight Mr. Carter’s persona present date. He grew up on his father’s peanut farm spending his first four years in Plains, Georgia until his father decided to relocate the family to a rural area in the close by town of Archery. A bit introverted, Carter was still studious in his studies. Carter showed an interest in hard work and politics at as early as age ten while working in his father’s family store. Carter studied engineering in college which helped him land a much coveted spot at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was not so popular with his peers due to what they deemed as a lack of physical and psychological savvy; however, Carter still managed to continually excel in his studies and upon his completion showed he had secured theShow MoreRelatedWho Is A Leader?892 Words   |  4 Pagesorder to be a leader one must have all the answers; however leadership is more about asking questions than it is about giving answers. The truth is that no person will ever have all the answers in every situation. It is through the process of skilled, intellectual inquiry that leaders are able to guide their teams to success. Inquiry is essential to leadership and should be utilized to foster growth in self, others, and the field in which the leader is involved. The role of a leader can be extremelyRead MoreWho Is The Leader?969 Words   |  4 PagesWe are all called to be Leaders. At some point in your life you will play the leadership role. Some of you do it everyday and don’t realize it. What is a leader, any who has influence over someone. Let’s look at some synonyms for leader are: head,supervisor, overseer,conductor. To prove my point that we are all called to be leaders; I have listed some action words for leader: adapted, advocated, aided, answered, arranged, assessed, assisted, cared for,clarified, coached, collaboratedRead MoreWho is a Leader?1332 Words   |  5 Pages Leader is an important person who is responsible in an organization. A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. â€Å"Culture isn’t simply one aspect of the game, it is the game and once you enter a successful culture, you feel it immediately† (Laurie Hillis, Ma). The quotation are form an article that give the view about the possibilities for a leader to influence people, creating culture and eliminate cul ture. Culture is group or organizational-level ofRead MoreWho Is A Leader?1840 Words   |  8 PagesWho is a leader? Some may say a father, a husband, a brother, a friend, or even a mentor can all be leaders. Well for the first 30 years of Steve Job’s life, many of those closest to him would say he was none of the above. In fact it was this time in his life that mattered the most. Since the beginning of birth, every event that occurs leads up for a reason and it’s what you do with those events that help shape the leader you are to become. In Steve Jobs case the outcome of events in his life isRead MoreWho Is A Good Leader?1241 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership- I believe that a good leader has other strong types of leaders around them. If a leader is to be successful they must first keep good hardworking, and trustworthy people around them. With that being said I see myself a mixture of Tao and Covey forms of leadership. These styles are very complementary of each other, both favoring community based leadership. The two parts of Tao leadership I think I want to embody better are appearing foolish and warrior, healer and Tao. For Covey the twoRead MoreWho Is A Peer Leader?1362 Words   |  6 Pagesthink a peer leader does? What kind of qualities should a peer leader have? A peer leader should provide support, encouragement, and information to incoming ninth graders because they have their own experiences to use a guided framework. Because of the peer leader’s experience in the school, they could give advice on classwork, homework, how to interact and reach out to teacher, and other social issues. Overall, a peer leader should make a meaningful impact on ninth graders. A peer leader should beRead MoreWho Is A Better Leader? Essay1550 Words   |  7 PagesWho makes a better leader? The competition of who is a better leader is still on the run. There is no doubt that there is change in the leadership styles and skills of men and women. Men by birth are considered to be more powerful in terms of confidence and in contrast women are considered to be the ones who are less powerful. From the very ancient times people have preferred male to in the top managerial position. Think manager-Think Male in the 1970’s Virginia Schein can be the one of the appropriateRead MoreWho Is The Leader Of The Propaganda?1567 Words   |  7 Pagespopularity, there is another reason that he is chosen to be the leader of the propaganda. â€Å"Momotaro is the embodiment of Japanese heroic courage and succeeds in overcoming a seemingly superior enemy, who, in an analogy to the fairy tale, is a devil.† Momotaro is a young boy who is born through supernatural means and yet is accepted into being a symbolic hero for the nation. He is untouched by outside forces, said to be a à ¢â‚¬Å"pure Japanese hero†, who faces against â€Å"foreign demons† , which can easily representRead MoreWho Is The Dysfunctional Leader?945 Words   |  4 Pagesrequires others, and that implies they don’t need to be â€Å"direct reports†, (Kruse, 2013). Some leaders are great leaders, they care about the organizations they work for, they also care about the people they manage and their future. Other leaders are just put in positions or situations that they are simply not qualified for. There is also one dangerous type of leaders called dysfunctional leaders. Dysfunctional leaders can be gifted with charm and determination, but when something goes wrong, their self-confidentRead MoreWho Is A Servant Leader?2606 Words   |  11 PagesHow do you rate as a servant leader? Discuss commitment to others as shown by access, communication, and support. A person who is a servant leader is someone who is committed to the people. I would consider myself a servant leader due to my strong commitment to people, whether it is to coworkers, customers, management, and even people outside of the work place. This can be shown through access, communication, and support. In a fast paced world where everyone is head deep into their computers

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Should Performance Enhancement Drugs Be Banned - 865 Words

â€Å"I want to be like Alex Rodriguez when I grow up. I want to play for the New York Yankees and be able to hit the baseball like him. I want to like A-Rod,† says a young six-year-old boy. As children grow up they look to professional athletes as role models, they dream about being like them, but what image are these athletes setting if in order to perform, there injecting and popping drugs into there body? Performance enhancement drugs are, drugs used by athletes to enhance their abilities in the performance of their sport. Often the drugs mean illegal or unethical use of these substances (Medical Dictionary). Performance enhancement drugs have been a major topic of sports over the past decade. Many athletes over the history of performance enhancement drugs have been caught with the illegal substances within their system, in which some athlete’s stories were more public then others. The health effects of doping, which is an act or instance of giving a narcotic, usual ly a steroid, to an athlete to unfairly boost performance in a competition (Dictionary), are very negative and can have major impact on the athlete not only during performance, but also later on in life (Allan Stensballe 368). Athletes of all ages are turning to performance enhancing drugs as a way of improving their performance by giving them that little extra edge. This isn’t only unethical, but it’s a form of cheating and a form in which is harmful to the human body. Performance enhancing drugs are not new toShow MoreRelatedSport Enhancement Drugs1667 Words   |  7 Pagesit interests me why athletes feel like it’s ok or acceptable to take drugs to enhance their performance on the field of play. Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their skills on and off the field. With the use of steroids, athletes everywhere, not just â€Å"well-know† or â€Å"popular† athletes are putting their entire career on the line with steroid use. The use of steroids and other substances to enhance sports performance has risen to an all-time high over the last few years. Steroids areRead MoreSports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a changeRead MoreThe Use Of Anabolic Steroids And How Athletes Are Cheating1482 Words   |  6 Pageshas started to increase and guys are looking for ways to enhance their performances. Many turn to repetitive practices and healthier diets, while some turn to protein powder. No mat ter the method the average athlete is trying their best to propel his or her efforts past previous marks. Most stick to natural remedies, but there are a select few that turn to steroid injections. Steroids have overtaken the sports world and banned many famous athletes from ever competing again. However, they believe theRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use in Sports Summary1493 Words   |  6 Pagesfierce among athletes. Winning a t all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goals and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost? Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports because their use results in many harmful side effects; because theirRead MoreEssay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs 741 Words   |  3 PagesDrugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah† you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports thatRead MoreEthical Dilemmas1304 Words   |  6 Pagesare using a new performance enhancing drug. Paul’s teammates are always reminding him that it is not a banned substance, and the coach has turned a blind eye to the whole issue. Paul told me that his coach is making some changes, and he may lose his starting position. He is starting to think about actually taking this drug so he does not lose his spot. The dilemma is that Paul could just take the drug, and get to keep his position as a starter. Since the drug is not listed as banned, and the coachRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 PagesSteroids seem to to be having a negative view for much of history. Steroids are drugs used by athletes to become stronger and achieve a strong physique. Steroids are illegal and are strongly discouraged to be used and may be seen first expressed during high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. The perspective against the legalization of steroids believes in the many benefits of legalization. The perspective for the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroidsRead MoreSteriods in Sports Should Be Banned1295 Words   |  6 PagesSheila Sim Mrs. Virginia Link-Pease English 122 02 October 2010 Steroid Use in Sports Should Be Banned Day by day professional athletes are being praised for their ability and accomplishments in their respective sports. The professional athletes that are succeeding the most are generally using performance enhancing drugs, other known as anabolic steroids (Mayo Clinic). Anabolic steroids are drugs which imitate the effect of the male sex hormone, Testosterone. The cells producing protein increaseRead MoreThe Effects Of Blood Doping On Professional Sports1265 Words   |  6 Pagesargued that the prohibition of sports enhancing drugs in the professional sports mirror the prohibition of alcohol, making for unsafe, unsanitary and black market drug erupt. Instead of prohibition, could the professional sports community limitations in order to better allocate their money? There are great incentives to use blood doping techniques with little by way of repercussions. Blood doping is a process intended to boost athlete’s performance by increasing the body’s ability to filter more

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conquest Of America Essay - 1078 Words

The 15th century was a turning point in the worlds history, since the ocean, which was previously seen as an obstacle to reach beyond, was turned out to be a medium to unify the continents. The discovery of ocean is mainly referred as the oceanic revolution and it put the study of history in a global context, for power relations were no longer limited to national histories. At the time the Ottoman Empire was the leading figure in terms of power, since it was dominant in the Mediterranean which, as Bender states, formed the core of the worlds economy. The Europeans, feeling inferior against the power and the wealth of Islamic world, saw the ocean as an alternative way to claim power. As Haring suggests ‘Ocean Sea became the medium†¦show more content†¦As Haring states, another motive for colonization was to impose their modes of civilization upon as large a part of the world as possible. In his letter, Columbus described the natives as simple, timid folk who went abo ut naked and who lived simple lives in an environment like that of the Garden of Eden. Thus the Spaniards justified their colonization of the Americas with the concept of the White Mans Burden. The success of the Spaniards colonization of the Americas was partly a result of the condition of the natives. Columbus referred to the natives as timorous creatures without any weapons, so the men who remain there alone sufficient to destroy all that land. In addition to this, the Aztec belief in the return of Quetzalcoat also played a significant role in the submission of the natives to the Spaniards. As the Spaniards were coming from the sea with their ships, the natives believed that they were the agents of the God and thus they showed their respect. Columbus recounted that they all believe that power and goodness are in the sky, and they believed very firmly that I, with these ships and crew, came from the sky; and in such opinion they recevied me at every place where I landed... Another, yet not the last, factor in the success of the Spaniards was their use of Indian tribes suchShow MoreRelatedThe Conquest Of The Americas1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe conquest of the Americ as is one of the most important events in modern history. The invasion, which took centuries to complete, created a trans-atlantic world. The people that began the conquest were Spaniards, inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, primarily from the Christian kingdoms of Castille and Aragon. Following the initial discovery By Cristobal Colon in 1492, Spaniards conquered most of modern South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. They did this in the words of Bernal DiazRead MoreThe Spanish Religious Conquest Of America1739 Words   |  7 Pagesthe key factors that have shaped our world society today. The Spanish religious conquest was one of the first early history examples that played a big role in America. As soon as the Spanish landed in New Spain it changed the Native Mexican culture. The consequence of the spiritual conquest was the loss of the native people beliefs, buildings, and customs. However, the Native Mexicans did not respond well to the conquest, it caused them t o rebelling against the Spanish, but with time they started toRead MoreConquest of South America Essay785 Words   |  4 PagesThe conquest of Mexico began when Hernando Cortes first arrived in South America. When he started his first movement of the conquest, some people looked at him as a great leader or a God and others saw him as a simple man. His conquest brought the Spaniards and Indians happiness and sorrow at the same time. The differences between the Spaniards and the Indian accounts were vast and varied from writer to writer, for a mans deeds could be bad and good. The differences that the reader encountersRead MoreEuropean Exploration And Conquest Of Latin America1277 Words   |  6 PagesBefore European exploration and conquest in Latin America the indigenous people lived off the land working mainly to support themselves. Despite having conflicts of their own, most Latin American tribes would coexist peacefully relative to what was to come. Some, more advanced civilizations, such as the Aztec, did have conditions somewhat similar to those that would soon spread to the rest of Latin America. When European settlers started to take over the Americas, however, conditions got markedlyRead MoreThe Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov Essay3698 Words   |  15 PagesThe Conquest of America In the book The Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov, Todorov brings about an interesting look into the expeditions of Columbus, based on Columbus’ own writings. Initially, one can see Columbus nearly overwhelmed by the beauty of these lands that he has encountered. He creates vivid pictures that stand out in the imagination, colored by a marvelous descriptive style. Todorov gives us an interpretation of Columbus’ discovery of America, and the Spaniards’ subsequentRead MoreEssay about Religious Conquest of the Americas1910 Words   |  8 PagesCatholic religion, they were to be punished severely and sometimes even fatally. This influence would undoubtedly be brought over to the Americas a century later, as the colonization of the New World would begin by then. While it was very essential for the Spanish (as well as the Portuguese) to improve their economy by using the resources they found in Latin America, it seemed to a number of them as if that was the o nly reason for being there, or the main reason at the very least. During the SpanishRead MoreThe Discovery And Conquest Of Latin America And The Caribbean Islands1235 Words   |  5 PagesConquering the Americas The discovery and eventually conquest of Latin America and the Caribbean Islands is perhaps one of the single most important encounter of two cultures. In 1492, when the conquistadores first set foot on the New World, not only did they discovered territories previously unknown to them; but also great civilizations who inhabited the lands. As Marshall Eakin describes in his book The History of Latin America, the civilizations of the Americas were â€Å"monarchies led by powerfulRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words   |  5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rationalRead MoreThe Conquest Of America By Walter Ong And Goody s Claim1333 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout his text The Conquest of America, Todorov, a french sociologist, implements multiple theories written by Walter Ong and Jack Goody in regard to the contrasting effects living in an oral versus a literate society plays on its members. More specifically, Ong and Goody claim that the way one communicates, greatly affects their thought processes as well as their physical brain. To explore this, Todorov uses Cortes’ and Montezuma’s communication techniques throughout their battle to highlightRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words   |  5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rational

The Fall Of Rome Free Essays

The Book is written by Bryan Ward-Perkins, with the title The Fall Of Rome: And the End of Civilization and printed by Oxford University Pres in 2005. John Bryan Ward-Perkins was born in 1912 in UK. He was a British historian and archeologist and director of British School at Rome. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fall Of Rome or any similar topic only for you Order Now During WWII he served in military, during which he gained the knowledge of Tripolitania and Roman ruins which led him to take interest in history. In 1946 he accepted the position of Director at British school at Rome and stayed on this position till 1974. â€Å"The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization†, addresses the general perception of modern historians about the benign change from Roman Empire to Christianity. The author corrects this thinking through archaeological evidence. He mentions that it was the coming of German tribes and their long term effects that led to the dissolution of Roman Empire. The main argument which I find different from the normal text books is the telling of story of fall of empire from the other side. For example, he mentions that the transition of Roman Empire was neither nor peaceful; instead it was Germanic tribes (Vandals, Visigoth) etc who crossed the river Rhine in 5th BC and took whatever they wanted by force rather than through treaties or negotiations. He argues that one of the main reasons for collapse of Roman Empire was decline of Roman economy through many centuries. He provides a reality check to modern readers shocking them with the truth about a Rome that was caught in economic collapse, rebellions from barbarians and rise of new orthodoxy; all of which became the reasons Rome collapse. The book provides interesting insight into the fall of Roman Empire from a different view compared to popular thinking in schools and text books. I believe this book is essential for any history student to look at a great event of history from a different perspective. Reference: Bryan Ward-Perkins,The Fall Of Rome: And the End of Civilization. Oxford University Pres,2005. How to cite The Fall Of Rome, Papers

Postmodernism Theoretical Interpretation of Death †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Postmodernism Theoretical Interpretation of Death. Answer: The understanding of death was subject to postmodernism analysis. Literatures pertaining to death have been developed after 1970s as there was limited understanding relative to the topic(Larkin 2011). Death has been defined an experience individual in nature that is understood by culture and personality. I completely agree to postmodernism analysis of death, which provides a theoretical interpretation and hypothetical understanding. I agree to Postmodernism theoretical interpretation of death as it contends that our insight about the social world is continually changing in view of individual viewpoint at a particular point in time. Most importantly it provided understanding of death encompassing social perspectives. A social function and public display of death allows the bereaved to cope with reality. It provides social support to the bereaved(Adrian 2011). The view helps explain grief work as the production of stories for the deprived to investigate their sadness and adapt. It helps individuals understand their own meaning in e to mortality. It allows a broader point of view to accommodate funeral ceremonies and public mourning display. Though it has deviation from modernism but it contains aspects from historical era of social structure, hence I support it. It has some amount of enlightenment rationality that deviates from understanding of this modern world understanding. References Adrian, E. (2011). Social Aspects of Health, Illness and Healthcare. Larkin, M. (2011).Social aspects of health, illness and healthcare. McGraw-Hill Education (UK)