Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The 10 Most Bizarre Easter Traditions

The 10 Most Bizarre Easter Traditions Whips, water, and fire †not actually the things you may consider when you consider Easter customs. In a couple of days, the U.S. will be loaded up with youngsters coloring eggs, eating chocolate rabbits, and making trails out of jellybeans. In any case, Easter is one of only a handful hardly any occasions that is praised around the world. Along these lines, there are some extremely one of a kind methods of observing Easter that may stun you. 1. Thump, Who’s There? Louisiana Egg Knocking Despite the fact that it’s a piece of the U.S., portions of Louisiana are increasingly remote that nations outside of our fringes. In the absolute most profound pieces of the march, Easter festivals start with an egg-thumping function. Groups of contenders attach their eggs with strings and thump them together. The individual whose egg breaks initially loses, and the game is played until there is a â€Å"Egg King.† 2. Go Fly A Kite In Bermuda, the weeks paving the way to Easter are set apart by building kites which are just flown on Easter Day. These kites are made of whatever neighborhood kite-creators can discover, from cases to ties and old garments. One of the most significant components of the Bermuda Easter kites is the â€Å"hummer,† which makes a noisy humming sound when the kite is in flight. 3. Whips and Water? In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, whipping and water are simply ordinary pieces of the Easter celebrations. On the Monday after Easter, men create bright whips from Willow branches and give the ladies in their lives fun loving lashes. The whipping should keep ladies lovely and rich for one more year, and furthermore goes about as a tease gadget. Be that as it may, the ladies aren’t without plan of action. The following day, they fight back by tossing water on the leaders of their aggressors. 4. A Fair Egg Exchange In places where Hungarian is spoken (Translyvania, Southern Slovakia, and parts of Serbia), there is likewise a custom of pouring water. In these nations, the day after Easter is called â€Å"Watering Monday.† Men will customarily visit families with ladies and young ladies and sprinkle them with fragrance in return for the Easter eggs. 5. Stunt or Easter In Finland and Sweden, the one custom most Americans consider as Halloween-ish are praised at Easter. Kids in these nations regularly convey pussy willows on Palm Sunday rather than palms. At that point, the day after Easter, they embellish the pussy willows in vivid paint and thump on entryways. The people group gives youngsters candy in return for the wonderful embellishments. 6. Illuminate it In various nations, Easter is praised by gigantic campfires. Frequently, youngsters (particularly adolescent young men) go through town assembling any scrapwood that they can discover. These flames go about as an opposition, with the kid who has the biggest fire as the victor. In Italy, the Scoppio del carro lights a fire from shards from the Holy Sepulcher which thusly sets off an immense firecrackers show. 7. Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ In England, Ireland, and Scotland, kids take part in egg moving as a piece of their Easter fun. The objective is to roll an egg the farthest which makes the proprietor of the egg the Easter victor. There is likewise a notion that eggs that don’t make it down the slope flawless must be squashed totally, or the egg might be utilized by witches to do fiendish enchantment. 8. Pace Egg Plays Despite the fact that this specific custom dropped unfashionable for some time, as of late the Pace Egg Plays have a great time some portion of Easter for some English, Irish, and Scots. These plays go back to the Crusades and rotate around the invented shenanigans of St. George and a troublemaker named Old Tosspot. Watchers are urged to give Easter eggs to the two characters in return to see their voyaging appear. 9. A Man-Made Holiday In Russia, men aren’t permitted to cook, clean, or in any case chip away at Easter. Truth be told, there is a custom that says men shouldn’t even be permitted in the kitchen by any stretch of the imagination. In the event that a man does, it’s said that his facial hair and mustache will quickly turn dim and he will age before his time. 10. Egg-Zellent In Bessieres, France, there is a convention of taking care of the entire town with a solitary omelet. As indicated by legend, Napoleon halted in the little town one night and requested and omelet. He was so satisfied with his supper that he requested that all the townspeople bring their eggs so the culinary expert could make a dinner for the entire town. Presently, the dining experience is produced using 15,000 eggs and 25,000 kilos of oil every year. Easter doesnt appear to be so exhausting currently, isn't that so? This year you can take a stab at something new, observing Easter abroad or possibly attempting the odd Easter conventions with your companions in US. Have the Happy Easter, and disclose to us your accounts!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strategy and management control system: Tata Motors

Technique and the board control framework: Tata Motors Presentation This exposition tends to a truly easy to refute yet basic point identifying with the connection between the methodology and the board control arrangement of an association. The conversation in this article roots from Andrew Campbells paper, Tailored, Not Benchmarked: A Fresh Look at Corporate Planning. This paper talks about the effect of benchmarking and the impact of productive arranging procedures on the estimation of an association. He proposes that instead of conveying normalized benchmarking and arranging techniques dependent on another association, every association needs to assess its interior condition and devise methodologies as indicated by the necessities of the individual association. Campbell portrays the arranging procedure suitably in his paper as, A decent arranging process is one of a kind to its organization () deliberately custom-made to the requirements of the organizations just as to the abilities, bits of knowledge, and encounters of senior corporate supervisor s. Moreover, Campbell lays weight on the way that associations need to continually screen and change their arranging procedures to coordinate the necessities of the association and the dynamic business condition. In this paper, Campbell has unobtrusively addressed the way that administration control frameworks (MCS) and technique basically supplement one another and ought to be composed to deliver the ideal firm worth (Campbell, 1999). MCS are characterized as any formal, data based methodology and articulations utilized by supervisors to screen and impact the conduct and exercises in a firm (Simons, 1994). While, technique is a proceeding with example of dynamic for the fate of an association (Mintzberg, 1978) intentional (formal) or unintended (casual), that rises because of the open doors that emerge in the association or market (Merchant Stede, 2007; Langfield-Smith, 1997) A previous point of view on this subject was given by Anthony (1965, 1988) recommending that, methodology is the consistent given component in the association and the board control frameworks hold the activity of observing, altering and following the advancement of their execution. Lorange et al (1986) presented another relationship of the executives control and technique in the idea of key control. Vital control is a framework continually analyzing an associations methodology concerning its objectives, and changing them at whatever point the need emerged. The one restriction every one of these points of view experienced was the way that, the executives control frameworks related to the undertaking of observing and adjusting system just (Simons, 1990). Robert Simons (1990) presented another point of view suggesting that administration control frameworks were answerable for checking or usage, yet additionally for development of procedure; thus building up a significant connection betw een the board control frameworks and vital decisions of an association. Expanding on these thoughts, this article expects to break down the connection between the board control framework and methodology of Tata Motors Limited (TTM), a global car company headquartered in Mumbai, India. Over the span of this article, we will initially view TTMs foundation procedure, control frameworks, execution estimation framework, and the dangers they are confronting. Followed by this will be a conversation on TTMs case in the light of alternate point of view referenced above to see whether there exists a connection between the procedure, the executives control framework and execution estimation proportions of TTM. At last, we will examine a few recommendations as to their control frameworks that could help TTM improve their position. Goodbye Motors Limited Background and Strategy TTM is a piece of the Tata Group, the biggest private corporate gathering in India. Goodbye bunch has undertakings in steel, interchanges, tea, data innovation, force and friendliness beside autos. TTM is Indias biggest vehicle organization, with united incomes $20 billion of every 2009-10. It is the pioneer in business vehicles in each section, and among the best three in traveler vehicles alongside being the universes fourth biggest truck maker, and the universes second biggest transport producer. Notwithstanding household development, TTMs significant key move after some time has been worldwide extension. TTM has gained Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company Limited, Hispano Carrocera S.p.A. Spain, has a joint endeavor with Marco Polo of Brazil for creation of transports and most as of late obtained the notorious British brands Jaguar and Land Rover (Just-Auto publication group, 2010). Goodbye engines keep a direct standard for development; since they have restricted mechanical accessi bility to get a nearness on the worldwide modern scene, they search for nations with access to innovation and items, locate a key accomplice in that market, and afterward sell Tata engines items in that nation while trading their items and limits locally (Seshan Kumar, 2008). For instance, In January 2006, Tata engines consented to an arrangement with Fiat Group to sell Fiat vehicles through the Tata Motors outlets in India. In May 2006, the joint endeavor of Tata Motors with Fiat developed into a mechanical organization for sharing Indian offices to produce vehicles, motors and transmissions for Indian and abroad markets (Just-Auto article group, 2010). Alongside Internationalization of activities, TTM follows the methodology of item development, which gives TTM its serious edge sensibly estimated items. It began with presenting the imaginative 407 stage for trucks during the 1980s, planned particularly to suit Indian street conditions, in thought with rustic territories. Besides, even today towards the finish of the third decade of its reality it rules two-third of the market. In 1998, TTM propelled the first indigenously planned traveler vehicle in Quite a while, the Tata Indica wearing advancement by giving more space, contemporary highlights at a serious cost. In 2005, TTM propelled Indias first smaller than expected truck, a little sub one-ton vehicle encouraging intra-city or shorter separations. This vehicle was intended to supplant the three-wheeler carriages showcase in India by a progressively complex four-wheeled method of transport at nearly a similar cost. It utilized a two-chamber motor, gave distinctly in Irish crã ¨ me shading and had an unbending front hub and back wheel drive for minimal effort. The latest advancement TTM has come out with is the 632-cc Tata Nano, professed to be the least expensive vehicle on the planet likewise called the Peoples vehicle/Rupees 1 lakh vehicle ($2500). The objective value itself turned into the wellspring of advancement, as industry asserts that it is difficult to make a vehicle at that cost. This vehicle is created dependent on a progression of imaginative thoughts; motor was bundled on the back side; two chamber motor (expectedly there are three-four chamber motors); indistinguishable handles and instruments for left and right side entryways. Also, the speedometer and different instruments board in the Nano are in the focal point of the dashboard, instead of confronting the driver, to make it simple and less expensive to switch the situation of the guiding wheel from the privilege to one side encouraging fares to different markets too (Seshan Kumar, 2008). Besides the vehicle has offbeat seats; boosting the inside space by pushing the wheels to the corners and force train to beneath the back seat making adequate space to suit three-to-four individuals (BMA, 2010). Examination Management control framework and Performance Measurement System To continue the development in items and extension in business sectors TTM needed to acquaint changes in their MCS with supplement their key moves.TTM has two principle divisions dependent on the sort of vehicles traveler vehicles and business vehicles (CVBU). With expanding activities TTM In the year 2000, TTMs CVBU endured its first loss of $2.5 million that drove the organization to embrace the Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM). TBEM, in light of Malcolm Baldridge Award for business greatness and Balanced Scorecards as its presentation estimation, which will be examined inside and out later (Tata Group| Corporate Governance| Busniess Excellence, 2010). TTM saw move from a progressively various leveled structure to a compliment authoritative structure, encouraging simple correspondence between representatives. The adjustment in plan of action commended the adjustment in the data innovation framework as well. TTM utilizes a reconciliation of redistributed offices some of which a re Ariba for provider arrangements; item lifecycle the board and propelled PC supported structures for the building and plans of their items; SAP undertaking programming application and projects for big business asset arranging and expanding exchange adequacy. Through this, the exercises of all divisions creation, fabricating, buy, fund tasks and so on, were interlinked encouraging better control and coordination by methods for an effective flexibly chain the board framework. Moreover, TTM changed their item improvement process and presented an increasingly shared procedure using the capacities of various endeavor accomplices, providers, plan houses, auxiliaries and partner organizations having some expertise in various verticals. With the change of the in-house creation process TTM understood the significance of venturing into the global market and in this manner received the internationalization reasoning referenced above, to keep in accordance with their objectives and targets si multaneously as accessing various markets (BMA, 2010). TTM has a vital see of their arrangements like clockwork where plans are adjusted while presenting new objectives and goals. An all around characterized process for the arrangement and checking of the yearly spending plans and long haul marketable strategies is followed. There are gatherings two times per month of the administration board at operational levels to audit the tasks and plans of key business zones. TTM

Traficant essays

Traficant expositions Prior to taking statewide office, recently chose authorities, judges, delegated commission individuals and organization chiefs, and uncommon law implementation officials are required to make a vow of office from any individual in the state approved to regulate pledges. Officeholders each gravely vow to help, comply, and protect the Constitution of the United States to release the obligations of the workplace with constancy. Notwithstanding the protected necessities refered to above, state authorities must keep government resolution to make and document the necessary vow of office (U.S. Code, Title 4, areas 101-102). Different state rules additionally require explicit state officials to make and record the vow of office: i.e., unique law authorization officials; office chiefs; and individuals from sheets, chambers, councils, commissions, and so on. These resolutions and approaches additionally require numerous different authorities to make the sacred vow of office before starting thei r obligations (Oaths of Office). At the point when James A. Traficant spoke to himself in his excusal from the House he obviously expressed his blamelessness. In the national news there was the $150,000 animal dwellingplace expansion they blamed me for, you additionally heard on the news, which was the primary national report that I was associated with was a homicide plot by contract, yet there is no physical proof to excuse me (Your Congress). James Traficant' didn't committ extortion and take cash. While different government officials utilized techniques crusade donations,speaking charges, book progresses and other shrouded ways, he adhered to his customary strategies (free trafficant). He needed to make a vow like I expressed previously. A man who maintains an administration position must speak to that position with genuineness and character. He didn't do anything incorrectly, others get in a tough situation and never got, though he has one little issue and the House excuses him, its not reasonable ( Free Traficant). ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Unit 5 DB - Regression Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 DB - Regression Analysis - Essay Example Direct relapse is the kind of relapse which recognizes the relationship of two huge factors (reliant and free) (Seber and Lee, 2012). For instance the expert would attempt to relate the murkiness of aircraft’s glass (subordinate variable) with ice stores (autonomous variable). Straight relapse implies the immediate connection between two such factors (Weisberg, 2005). The accompanying condition speaks to the relapse condition, where Y is the needy variable which is reliant on X free factors, an is the block while b indicates incline of the line X (Hoffmann, 2005). In the segment of criminal equity, the examiners regularly utilize different expository devices to settle on better decisions and choices on the field. Relapse is one device which criminologists frequently apply to distinguish connections between two nearby factors like wrongdoing conviction or criminal’s practices. Examiners use relapse coefficients to distinguish which procedure is more successful than the other on wrongdoing control segment. As indicated by one report of Federal government, various analysts came out from University of Nebraska in the year 1990, who used relapse investigation instrument to survey the impact of venture on crime percentages. The investigation recognized the connection between two factors by distinguishing proof of relationships and direct condition, which are on a very basic level deterministic by straight relapse examination instrument. This came out to be an adequate instrument of relationship investigation which later on got applied in the criminal equity area. Still today a few criminologists utilize direct relapse model to recognize the relationship of two huge factors (Weisburd and Britt, 2007, p.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

20 Public Speaking Tips for Students

20 Public Speaking Tips for Students January 02, 2020 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Hero Images/Getty Images Public speaking tips for students aim to reduce anxiety that can interfere with giving presentations or speeches in class. These tips can also be helpful for those with social anxiety disorder (SAD)??  who have difficulty speaking in front of a group or telling a story among friends. If you suffer from SAD and need to give a speech  in elementary school, high school, college, or university, it helps to be as prepared as possible. Beyond preparation, however, there are strategies that you can use to reduce anxiety and fight the urge to stay home with a fake illness. Tips for Managing Public Speaking Anxiety Public Speaking Tips for Students Talk about what you know. If possible, choose a topic for your speech or presentation that you know a lot about and love. Your passion for the topic will be felt by the audience, and you will feel less anxious knowing that you have a lot of experience to draw from when other students ask you questions.Practice. Even great speakers practice their speeches beforehand. Practice out loud with a recording device or video camera and then watch yourself to see how you can improve. If you are feeling brave, practice in front of a friend or family member and ask for feedback.Visit the room. If you have access to the classroom where you will be speaking outside of class hours, take the time to visit in advance and get used to standing at the front of the room. Make arrangements for any audio-visual equipment and practice standing in the exact spot where you will deliver your speech.Tell someone about your anxiety. If you are speaking in front of a high school or college class, meet with your t eacher or professor ahead of time and describe your public speaking fears. If youre in elementary or high school, share your fears with your parents, a teacher, or a guidance counselor. Sometimes simply sharing how you feel can make it easier to overcome stage fright.Visualize confidence. Visualize yourself confidently delivering your speech. Imagine feeling free of anxiety and engaging the students in your class. Although this may seem like a stretch for you now, visualization is a powerful tool for changing the way that you feel. Elite athletes use this strategy to improve performance in competitions.Realize the other students are on your side. Think about a time when you have been an audience member and the student delivering the speech or presentation  was noticeably nervous. Did you think less of that student? More likely, you felt sympathetic and wanted to make that person more comfortable by smiling or nodding. Rememberâ€"other students generally want you to succeed and feel comfortable. If for some reason the audience is not on your side or you experience bullying or social exclusion, be sure to discuss this with a parent, teacher, or guidance counselor.Concentrate on your message. When you focus on the task at hand, anxiety is less likely to get out of control. Concentrate on the main message of your speech or presentation and make it your goal to deliver that message to the other students in your class.Rack up experience.  Volunteer to speak in front of your class as often as possible. Be the first one to raise your hand when a question is asked. Your confidence will grow with every public speaking experience.Observe other speakers. Take the time to watch other speakers who are good at what they do. Practice imitating their style and confidence.Organize your talk. Every speech should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Structure your talk so that the other students know what to expect.Grab the audiences attention. Most of your fellow clas smates will pay attention for at least the first 20 seconds; grab their attention during those early moments. Start with an interesting fact or a story that relates to your topic.Have one main message. Focus on one central theme and your classmates will learn more. Tie different parts of your talk to the main theme to support your overall message. Trying to cover too much ground can leave other students feeling overwhelmed.Tell stories. Stories catch the attention of other students  and deliver a message in a more meaningful way than facts and figures. Whenever possible, use a story to illustrate a point in your talk.Develop your own style. In addition to imitating good speakers, work on developing your own personal style as a public speaker. Integrate your own personality into your speaking style and you will feel more comfortable in front of the class. Telling personal stories that tie into your theme are a great way to let other students get to know you better.Avoid filler words. Words such as basically, well, and um dont add anything to your speech. Practice being silent when you feel the urge to use one of these words.Vary your tone, volume, and speed. Interesting speakers vary the pitch (high versus low), volume (loud versus soft), and speed (fast versus slow) of their words. Doing so keeps your classmates interested and engaged in what you say.Make the audience laugh. Laughter is a great way to relax both you and the other students in your class, and telling jokes can be a great icebreaker at the beginning of a speech. Practice the timing and delivery of your jokes beforehand and ask a friend for feedback. Be sure that they are appropriate for your class before you begin.Find a friendly face. If you are feeling anxious, find one of your friends in class (or someone who seems friendly)  and imagine that you are speaking only to that person.Dont apologize. If you make a mistake, dont offer apologies. Chances are that your classmates  didnt notice anyway. Unless you need to correct a fact or figure, there is no point dwelling on errors that probably only you noticed. If you make a mistake because your hands or shaking, or something similar, try to make light of the situation by saying something like, I wasnt this nervous when I woke up this morning! This can help to break the tension of the moment.Smile. If all else fails, smile. Your fellow classmates will perceive you like a warm speaker and be more receptive to what you have to say. A Word From Verywell Its natural to feel frightened the first time you have to speak in front of your class. However, if you fear continues, interferes with your daily life and keeps you awake at night, it may be helpful to see someone about your anxiety. Try talking to a parent, teacher, or counselor about how you have been feeling. If that doesnt get you anywhere, ask to make an appointment with your doctor. Severe public speaking anxiety is a true disorder that can improve with treatment. Understanding the Fear of Public Speaking

Monday, June 29, 2020

Analysis of The Story of An hour - Free Essay Example

No woman or man hasnt fallen in love before. It every man and woman desire to be together and cant wait for the moment that can happen. Most of them think that because they dont know the consequences after that happen. The idea of love blind their minds and cant see any further and foresee the products of marriage. It is still the same without any development and the consequences usually are predicted. Kate Chopin, in the of an hour the death of the husband and his wife got affected by that to symbolize the control of marriage over women. Mrs. Louise Mallard is a wife with a heart attack who discovers her husband death in a bus disaster. The heart attack she has could represent the suffrage and stress she is experiencing from that marriage. When she heard the news of his death she was sad and started to cry like any woman would do for her dead husband. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.(Chopin B). The story starts to be more valuable when she went to her room and started to look through the window. The setting begins to explain the excitement of her feelings and the effects they have over her. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. (Chopin A). The use of spring express the rebirth and hope. She starts to have new feelings that were unfamiliar with her while she was looking through the window. Mrs. Louise felt that consequences after many years of marriage between her and her husband. Barbara Ewell adds that love has been, for Louise and others, the primary purpose of life, but through new perspective, she comprehends that ?love, the unsolved mystery counts for very little. . . . (Q and A). Her perspective on love had changed since her marriage. She discovered that love wasnt what she expected it to be. She understood love as her only reason to live and it doesnt count for much. Her husband have the ultimate control over her like being in jail where she will not be freed until he die then she can truly enjoy her independence. She said it over and over under breath: free, free, free! The vacant stare of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. (Chopin B). Mrs. Louise is now more happy and have great enthusiasm as she is examining the joy of freedom. The idea of starting a new life and being an independent woman with no control, limits or duties what led to her enthusiasm. Even though she loved him sometimes, but in a proposal she didnt really wanted to marry him. Finally, when he showed up again and for her freedom to be gone by that speed really shocked her to the limits of dying immediately. The sadness that Mrs. Louise had when she heard of her husband death changed into joy quickly after she recognized that she could be free and independent for the rest of her life. The Story of an Hour reflects Chopinrs view of the repressive role that marriage played in womenrs lives as the protagonist, Louise Mallard, feels immense freedom only when her husband has died. Kate Chopin wants to clarify for the readers that not all women desire to live their lives traditionally.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Ancient Calendar

Be quiet! The Roman calendar is the most perfect yet devised. It has twelve months.Except when it has thirteen, as this year.And all of these months have either thirty-one or twenty-nine days.Except Februarius, which has twenty-eight. Only this year, according to you, it has only twenty-four.~ Steven Saylor Murder on the Appian Way, p. 191. Early farmers couldnt simply look at a wall calendar to see how many days until the last frost date. However, knowing there were approximately 12 moon cycles between one spring and the next, they could calculate how many lunar phases remained before planting season. Thus was born the concept of the 354 day lunar calendar, a concept eternally at odds with the approximately 365.25 day solar year. Blending time derived from the motions of the rotating earth, the earth revolving around the sun, and the moons passage as the earths satellite is hard enough, but the Mayans had 17 cosmological calendars, some of which go back ten million years and require the services of astronomers, astrologers, geologists, and mathematicians to figure out. Introduction to Mayan Calendar Terminology provides simplified information on some of the cycles and glyphs used in the Mayan calendars.~ From Mayan Calendar Terminology (1) The position the planets is vital to many calendars. At least once, on March 5, 1953 B.C.-- at the beginning of Chinese calendar time -- all the planets, the sun and the moon were in alignment.~ Source (2) Even our calendar system calls on this relationship with the planets. Names for the days of the week (although the Teutonic Woden, Tiw, Thor, and Frigg have replaced the Roman names for deities of related prowess) refer to various celestial bodies. Our 7-day week began under Augustus. [See table below.] According to Calendars and Their History, calendars permit us to plan our farming, hunting, and migrating activities. They may also be used for prediction and to establish dates for religious and civic events. However accurate we might try to make them, calendars should be judged not by their scientific sophistication, but by how well they serve social needs.~ From Calendars and Their History (3) Calendar Reform disagrees. Its author thinks its high time for reform. Our Gregorian calendar, adopted in 1751 by an act of Parliament, uses basically the same months Julius Caesar established 2 millennia ago, in 45 B.C.~ From Calendar Reform (4) Julian Calendar Reform Caesar faced an unreliable lunar calendar system based on a distrust of even numbers. The original first month, Martius, had 31 days, as did Maius, Quinctilis (later renamed Julius), October, and December. All the other months had 29 days, except the last month of the year, which was allowed to be unlucky with only 28 days. (The Aztecs, too, considered certain days of their xihutl calendar to be unlucky.) Finding, over time, that their calendar didnt correspond with the seasons of the solar year, the Romans, like the Hebrews and Sumerians, intercalated an extra month -- whenever the College of Pontiffs deemed it necessary (as in the passage from Murder on the Appian Way). Caesar turned to Egypt for guidance with the difficult Roman calendar. The Ancient Egyptians predicted the annual Nile flooding on the basis of the appearance of the star Sirius. The period between was 365.25 days -- less than an hour wrong in five years. So, abandoning the Roman lunar calendar, Caesar set alternating months of 31 and 30 days with February having only 29 days except every fourth year when February 23 was repeated.~ Source (5) Why the 23d? Because the Romans didnt yet count from the beginning of the month, but from before it. They counted how many days before the Nones, Ides, and Kalends of each month. February 23 was counted as six days before the kalends of March -- the old beginning of the year. When it was repeated, it was referred to as bi-sextile. What Was the Format of the Roman Fasti Calendar? Gregorian Calendar Reform Pope Gregory XIIIs major changes were algorithms to calculate movable feasts and a new system of leap years that got rid of leap years in years that are divisible by 100 but not 400. Pope Gregory also deleted ten days from the 1592 calendar year in order to accommodate a shift in the equinox. When Did We Switch From the Roman Fasti Calendar to the Modern? A variety of calendars culminate around the year 2000. Calendar Convergence shows the common end of calendar cycles from the Hopi, the Ancient Greeks, the Early Egyptian Christians, the Mayan, and the Indian Vedic tradition. Planets Alignments in 2000 shows an alignment of the seven planets on May 5, 2000.~ From Calendar Convergence (6) and Planets Alignments (7) U. Glessmer. The Otot-Texts (4Q319) and the Problem of Intercalations in the Context of the 364-Day Calendar in:Qumranstudien: Vortraege und Beitraege der Teilnehmer des Qumranseminars auf dem internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Lit., Muenster, 25-26. Juli 1993 [Hans-Peter Mueller zum 60. Geburtstag]. Schriften des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum; Bd. 4. Ed. H.J. Fabry et al. Goettingen 1996, 125-164.~ From ANE discussion (8) References ([URL www.resonate.com/places/writings/mayan/calendar.htm ])([URL iNsci14.ucsd.edu/~fillmore/blurbs/calendars1.html ])([URL www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/mayan-calendar.html ])([URL www.webcom.com/tsh/ngs/ca/day1.html ])([URL astro.nmsu.edu/~lhuber/leaphist.html ])([URL ECUVAX.CIS.ECU.EDU/~PYMCCART/CALENDAR-REFORM.HTML ])([URL www.pcug.org.au/~dfry/calendar.html ])([URL physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/ancient.html ])([URL www.mm2000.nu/sphinxd.html ])([URL www.griffithobs.org/SkyAlignments.html ])([URL www-oi.uchicago.edu/OI/ANE/OI_ANE.html ]) Table of the Days of the Week dies Solis Sun day Sunday domenica (Italian) dies Lunae Moon day Monday lunedà ¬ dies Martis Mars's day Tiw's day Tuesday martedà ¬ dies Mercurii Mercury's day Woden's day Wednesday mercoledà ¬ dies Jovis Jupiter's day Thor's Day Thursday giovedà ¬ dies Veneris Venus's day Frigg's day Friday venerdà ¬ dies Saturni Saturn's day Saturday sabato   Related Resources †¢ Julius Caesar†¢ Calendars†¢ Maya Calendar Round†¢ Intercalation†¢ Gregorian Calendar†¢ Julian Calendar

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Who Is The Leader - 1631 Words

Who is the Leader? James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States held office from 1977-1981 and lost his reelection bid due to what was perceived by many as incompetency in his decision making and self induced alienation from potential followers. Carter however, exemplifies the personification of true humanity toward his fellow man in his efforts to eradicate the Guinea Worm and bring women’s rights as the new face for the civil rights movement. Three decades past his presidency, Mr. Carter shows the true mark of a great leader forging a great legacy. Mr. Carter was born on October 1, 1924 to religious parents James Earl Carter Sr. and Bessie Lillian Gordy that introduced him to Christian values that highlight Mr. Carter’s persona present date. He grew up on his father’s peanut farm spending his first four years in Plains, Georgia until his father decided to relocate the family to a rural area in the close by town of Archery. A bit introverted, Carter was still studious in his studies. Carter showed an interest in hard work and politics at as early as age ten while working in his father’s family store. Carter studied engineering in college which helped him land a much coveted spot at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was not so popular with his peers due to what they deemed as a lack of physical and psychological savvy; however, Carter still managed to continually excel in his studies and upon his completion showed he had secured theShow MoreRelatedWho Is A Leader?892 Words   |  4 Pagesorder to be a leader one must have all the answers; however leadership is more about asking questions than it is about giving answers. The truth is that no person will ever have all the answers in every situation. It is through the process of skilled, intellectual inquiry that leaders are able to guide their teams to success. Inquiry is essential to leadership and should be utilized to foster growth in self, others, and the field in which the leader is involved. The role of a leader can be extremelyRead MoreWho Is The Leader?969 Words   |  4 PagesWe are all called to be Leaders. At some point in your life you will play the leadership role. Some of you do it everyday and don’t realize it. What is a leader, any who has influence over someone. Let’s look at some synonyms for leader are: head,supervisor, overseer,conductor. To prove my point that we are all called to be leaders; I have listed some action words for leader: adapted, advocated, aided, answered, arranged, assessed, assisted, cared for,clarified, coached, collaboratedRead MoreWho is a Leader?1332 Words   |  5 Pages Leader is an important person who is responsible in an organization. A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. â€Å"Culture isn’t simply one aspect of the game, it is the game and once you enter a successful culture, you feel it immediately† (Laurie Hillis, Ma). The quotation are form an article that give the view about the possibilities for a leader to influence people, creating culture and eliminate cul ture. Culture is group or organizational-level ofRead MoreWho Is A Leader?1840 Words   |  8 PagesWho is a leader? Some may say a father, a husband, a brother, a friend, or even a mentor can all be leaders. Well for the first 30 years of Steve Job’s life, many of those closest to him would say he was none of the above. In fact it was this time in his life that mattered the most. Since the beginning of birth, every event that occurs leads up for a reason and it’s what you do with those events that help shape the leader you are to become. In Steve Jobs case the outcome of events in his life isRead MoreWho Is A Good Leader?1241 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership- I believe that a good leader has other strong types of leaders around them. If a leader is to be successful they must first keep good hardworking, and trustworthy people around them. With that being said I see myself a mixture of Tao and Covey forms of leadership. These styles are very complementary of each other, both favoring community based leadership. The two parts of Tao leadership I think I want to embody better are appearing foolish and warrior, healer and Tao. For Covey the twoRead MoreWho Is A Peer Leader?1362 Words   |  6 Pagesthink a peer leader does? What kind of qualities should a peer leader have? A peer leader should provide support, encouragement, and information to incoming ninth graders because they have their own experiences to use a guided framework. Because of the peer leader’s experience in the school, they could give advice on classwork, homework, how to interact and reach out to teacher, and other social issues. Overall, a peer leader should make a meaningful impact on ninth graders. A peer leader should beRead MoreWho Is A Better Leader? Essay1550 Words   |  7 PagesWho makes a better leader? The competition of who is a better leader is still on the run. There is no doubt that there is change in the leadership styles and skills of men and women. Men by birth are considered to be more powerful in terms of confidence and in contrast women are considered to be the ones who are less powerful. From the very ancient times people have preferred male to in the top managerial position. Think manager-Think Male in the 1970’s Virginia Schein can be the one of the appropriateRead MoreWho Is The Leader Of The Propaganda?1567 Words   |  7 Pagespopularity, there is another reason that he is chosen to be the leader of the propaganda. â€Å"Momotaro is the embodiment of Japanese heroic courage and succeeds in overcoming a seemingly superior enemy, who, in an analogy to the fairy tale, is a devil.† Momotaro is a young boy who is born through supernatural means and yet is accepted into being a symbolic hero for the nation. He is untouched by outside forces, said to be a à ¢â‚¬Å"pure Japanese hero†, who faces against â€Å"foreign demons† , which can easily representRead MoreWho Is The Dysfunctional Leader?945 Words   |  4 Pagesrequires others, and that implies they don’t need to be â€Å"direct reports†, (Kruse, 2013). Some leaders are great leaders, they care about the organizations they work for, they also care about the people they manage and their future. Other leaders are just put in positions or situations that they are simply not qualified for. There is also one dangerous type of leaders called dysfunctional leaders. Dysfunctional leaders can be gifted with charm and determination, but when something goes wrong, their self-confidentRead MoreWho Is A Servant Leader?2606 Words   |  11 PagesHow do you rate as a servant leader? Discuss commitment to others as shown by access, communication, and support. A person who is a servant leader is someone who is committed to the people. I would consider myself a servant leader due to my strong commitment to people, whether it is to coworkers, customers, management, and even people outside of the work place. This can be shown through access, communication, and support. In a fast paced world where everyone is head deep into their computers

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Should Performance Enhancement Drugs Be Banned - 865 Words

â€Å"I want to be like Alex Rodriguez when I grow up. I want to play for the New York Yankees and be able to hit the baseball like him. I want to like A-Rod,† says a young six-year-old boy. As children grow up they look to professional athletes as role models, they dream about being like them, but what image are these athletes setting if in order to perform, there injecting and popping drugs into there body? Performance enhancement drugs are, drugs used by athletes to enhance their abilities in the performance of their sport. Often the drugs mean illegal or unethical use of these substances (Medical Dictionary). Performance enhancement drugs have been a major topic of sports over the past decade. Many athletes over the history of performance enhancement drugs have been caught with the illegal substances within their system, in which some athlete’s stories were more public then others. The health effects of doping, which is an act or instance of giving a narcotic, usual ly a steroid, to an athlete to unfairly boost performance in a competition (Dictionary), are very negative and can have major impact on the athlete not only during performance, but also later on in life (Allan Stensballe 368). Athletes of all ages are turning to performance enhancing drugs as a way of improving their performance by giving them that little extra edge. This isn’t only unethical, but it’s a form of cheating and a form in which is harmful to the human body. Performance enhancing drugs are not new toShow MoreRelatedSport Enhancement Drugs1667 Words   |  7 Pagesit interests me why athletes feel like it’s ok or acceptable to take drugs to enhance their performance on the field of play. Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their skills on and off the field. With the use of steroids, athletes everywhere, not just â€Å"well-know† or â€Å"popular† athletes are putting their entire career on the line with steroid use. The use of steroids and other substances to enhance sports performance has risen to an all-time high over the last few years. Steroids areRead MoreSports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a changeRead MoreThe Use Of Anabolic Steroids And How Athletes Are Cheating1482 Words   |  6 Pageshas started to increase and guys are looking for ways to enhance their performances. Many turn to repetitive practices and healthier diets, while some turn to protein powder. No mat ter the method the average athlete is trying their best to propel his or her efforts past previous marks. Most stick to natural remedies, but there are a select few that turn to steroid injections. Steroids have overtaken the sports world and banned many famous athletes from ever competing again. However, they believe theRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† (go.galegroup.com). Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use in Sports Summary1493 Words   |  6 Pagesfierce among athletes. Winning a t all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goals and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost? Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports because their use results in many harmful side effects; because theirRead MoreEssay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs 741 Words   |  3 PagesDrugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah† you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports thatRead MoreEthical Dilemmas1304 Words   |  6 Pagesare using a new performance enhancing drug. Paul’s teammates are always reminding him that it is not a banned substance, and the coach has turned a blind eye to the whole issue. Paul told me that his coach is making some changes, and he may lose his starting position. He is starting to think about actually taking this drug so he does not lose his spot. The dilemma is that Paul could just take the drug, and get to keep his position as a starter. Since the drug is not listed as banned, and the coachRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 PagesSteroids seem to to be having a negative view for much of history. Steroids are drugs used by athletes to become stronger and achieve a strong physique. Steroids are illegal and are strongly discouraged to be used and may be seen first expressed during high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. The perspective against the legalization of steroids believes in the many benefits of legalization. The perspective for the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroidsRead MoreSteriods in Sports Should Be Banned1295 Words   |  6 PagesSheila Sim Mrs. Virginia Link-Pease English 122 02 October 2010 Steroid Use in Sports Should Be Banned Day by day professional athletes are being praised for their ability and accomplishments in their respective sports. The professional athletes that are succeeding the most are generally using performance enhancing drugs, other known as anabolic steroids (Mayo Clinic). Anabolic steroids are drugs which imitate the effect of the male sex hormone, Testosterone. The cells producing protein increaseRead MoreThe Effects Of Blood Doping On Professional Sports1265 Words   |  6 Pagesargued that the prohibition of sports enhancing drugs in the professional sports mirror the prohibition of alcohol, making for unsafe, unsanitary and black market drug erupt. Instead of prohibition, could the professional sports community limitations in order to better allocate their money? There are great incentives to use blood doping techniques with little by way of repercussions. Blood doping is a process intended to boost athlete’s performance by increasing the body’s ability to filter more

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conquest Of America Essay - 1078 Words

The 15th century was a turning point in the worlds history, since the ocean, which was previously seen as an obstacle to reach beyond, was turned out to be a medium to unify the continents. The discovery of ocean is mainly referred as the oceanic revolution and it put the study of history in a global context, for power relations were no longer limited to national histories. At the time the Ottoman Empire was the leading figure in terms of power, since it was dominant in the Mediterranean which, as Bender states, formed the core of the worlds economy. The Europeans, feeling inferior against the power and the wealth of Islamic world, saw the ocean as an alternative way to claim power. As Haring suggests ‘Ocean Sea became the medium†¦show more content†¦As Haring states, another motive for colonization was to impose their modes of civilization upon as large a part of the world as possible. In his letter, Columbus described the natives as simple, timid folk who went abo ut naked and who lived simple lives in an environment like that of the Garden of Eden. Thus the Spaniards justified their colonization of the Americas with the concept of the White Mans Burden. The success of the Spaniards colonization of the Americas was partly a result of the condition of the natives. Columbus referred to the natives as timorous creatures without any weapons, so the men who remain there alone sufficient to destroy all that land. In addition to this, the Aztec belief in the return of Quetzalcoat also played a significant role in the submission of the natives to the Spaniards. As the Spaniards were coming from the sea with their ships, the natives believed that they were the agents of the God and thus they showed their respect. Columbus recounted that they all believe that power and goodness are in the sky, and they believed very firmly that I, with these ships and crew, came from the sky; and in such opinion they recevied me at every place where I landed... Another, yet not the last, factor in the success of the Spaniards was their use of Indian tribes suchShow MoreRelatedThe Conquest Of The Americas1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe conquest of the Americ as is one of the most important events in modern history. The invasion, which took centuries to complete, created a trans-atlantic world. The people that began the conquest were Spaniards, inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, primarily from the Christian kingdoms of Castille and Aragon. Following the initial discovery By Cristobal Colon in 1492, Spaniards conquered most of modern South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. They did this in the words of Bernal DiazRead MoreThe Spanish Religious Conquest Of America1739 Words   |  7 Pagesthe key factors that have shaped our world society today. The Spanish religious conquest was one of the first early history examples that played a big role in America. As soon as the Spanish landed in New Spain it changed the Native Mexican culture. The consequence of the spiritual conquest was the loss of the native people beliefs, buildings, and customs. However, the Native Mexicans did not respond well to the conquest, it caused them t o rebelling against the Spanish, but with time they started toRead MoreConquest of South America Essay785 Words   |  4 PagesThe conquest of Mexico began when Hernando Cortes first arrived in South America. When he started his first movement of the conquest, some people looked at him as a great leader or a God and others saw him as a simple man. His conquest brought the Spaniards and Indians happiness and sorrow at the same time. The differences between the Spaniards and the Indian accounts were vast and varied from writer to writer, for a mans deeds could be bad and good. The differences that the reader encountersRead MoreEuropean Exploration And Conquest Of Latin America1277 Words   |  6 PagesBefore European exploration and conquest in Latin America the indigenous people lived off the land working mainly to support themselves. Despite having conflicts of their own, most Latin American tribes would coexist peacefully relative to what was to come. Some, more advanced civilizations, such as the Aztec, did have conditions somewhat similar to those that would soon spread to the rest of Latin America. When European settlers started to take over the Americas, however, conditions got markedlyRead MoreThe Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov Essay3698 Words   |  15 PagesThe Conquest of America In the book The Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov, Todorov brings about an interesting look into the expeditions of Columbus, based on Columbus’ own writings. Initially, one can see Columbus nearly overwhelmed by the beauty of these lands that he has encountered. He creates vivid pictures that stand out in the imagination, colored by a marvelous descriptive style. Todorov gives us an interpretation of Columbus’ discovery of America, and the Spaniards’ subsequentRead MoreEssay about Religious Conquest of the Americas1910 Words   |  8 PagesCatholic religion, they were to be punished severely and sometimes even fatally. This influence would undoubtedly be brought over to the Americas a century later, as the colonization of the New World would begin by then. While it was very essential for the Spanish (as well as the Portuguese) to improve their economy by using the resources they found in Latin America, it seemed to a number of them as if that was the o nly reason for being there, or the main reason at the very least. During the SpanishRead MoreThe Discovery And Conquest Of Latin America And The Caribbean Islands1235 Words   |  5 PagesConquering the Americas The discovery and eventually conquest of Latin America and the Caribbean Islands is perhaps one of the single most important encounter of two cultures. In 1492, when the conquistadores first set foot on the New World, not only did they discovered territories previously unknown to them; but also great civilizations who inhabited the lands. As Marshall Eakin describes in his book The History of Latin America, the civilizations of the Americas were â€Å"monarchies led by powerfulRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words   |  5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rationalRead MoreThe Conquest Of America By Walter Ong And Goody s Claim1333 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout his text The Conquest of America, Todorov, a french sociologist, implements multiple theories written by Walter Ong and Jack Goody in regard to the contrasting effects living in an oral versus a literate society plays on its members. More specifically, Ong and Goody claim that the way one communicates, greatly affects their thought processes as well as their physical brain. To explore this, Todorov uses Cortes’ and Montezuma’s communication techniques throughout their battle to highlightRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words   |  5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rational

The Fall Of Rome Free Essays

The Book is written by Bryan Ward-Perkins, with the title The Fall Of Rome: And the End of Civilization and printed by Oxford University Pres in 2005. John Bryan Ward-Perkins was born in 1912 in UK. He was a British historian and archeologist and director of British School at Rome. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fall Of Rome or any similar topic only for you Order Now During WWII he served in military, during which he gained the knowledge of Tripolitania and Roman ruins which led him to take interest in history. In 1946 he accepted the position of Director at British school at Rome and stayed on this position till 1974. â€Å"The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization†, addresses the general perception of modern historians about the benign change from Roman Empire to Christianity. The author corrects this thinking through archaeological evidence. He mentions that it was the coming of German tribes and their long term effects that led to the dissolution of Roman Empire. The main argument which I find different from the normal text books is the telling of story of fall of empire from the other side. For example, he mentions that the transition of Roman Empire was neither nor peaceful; instead it was Germanic tribes (Vandals, Visigoth) etc who crossed the river Rhine in 5th BC and took whatever they wanted by force rather than through treaties or negotiations. He argues that one of the main reasons for collapse of Roman Empire was decline of Roman economy through many centuries. He provides a reality check to modern readers shocking them with the truth about a Rome that was caught in economic collapse, rebellions from barbarians and rise of new orthodoxy; all of which became the reasons Rome collapse. The book provides interesting insight into the fall of Roman Empire from a different view compared to popular thinking in schools and text books. I believe this book is essential for any history student to look at a great event of history from a different perspective. Reference: Bryan Ward-Perkins,The Fall Of Rome: And the End of Civilization. Oxford University Pres,2005. How to cite The Fall Of Rome, Papers

Postmodernism Theoretical Interpretation of Death †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Postmodernism Theoretical Interpretation of Death. Answer: The understanding of death was subject to postmodernism analysis. Literatures pertaining to death have been developed after 1970s as there was limited understanding relative to the topic(Larkin 2011). Death has been defined an experience individual in nature that is understood by culture and personality. I completely agree to postmodernism analysis of death, which provides a theoretical interpretation and hypothetical understanding. I agree to Postmodernism theoretical interpretation of death as it contends that our insight about the social world is continually changing in view of individual viewpoint at a particular point in time. Most importantly it provided understanding of death encompassing social perspectives. A social function and public display of death allows the bereaved to cope with reality. It provides social support to the bereaved(Adrian 2011). The view helps explain grief work as the production of stories for the deprived to investigate their sadness and adapt. It helps individuals understand their own meaning in e to mortality. It allows a broader point of view to accommodate funeral ceremonies and public mourning display. Though it has deviation from modernism but it contains aspects from historical era of social structure, hence I support it. It has some amount of enlightenment rationality that deviates from understanding of this modern world understanding. References Adrian, E. (2011). Social Aspects of Health, Illness and Healthcare. Larkin, M. (2011).Social aspects of health, illness and healthcare. McGraw-Hill Education (UK)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Virgin Analysis free essay sample

Kerima Polotan Tuvera is a Filipino female author who wrote The Virgin which won two first awards in the Philippines. The story can be narrated both man and woman. The text shows that the character, a woman who likes to wear flurry-colored clothes, Miss Mijares—a 34 year-old submissive daughter, sacrificing herself (she spent most of her life caring for her ill mother that’s why she’s still a virgin). She is a spinster who has strength in her work at the office, in her assurance and being discreet, that shows her sexual pleasure. She wants to be loved and to get married. She reflects a woman who has the right to express sexual inclination but not to the tone of exploitation. Miss Mijares is the protagonist of the story. One of the feministic qualities of the character is freedom. Miss Mijares possesses the power of choice from choosing to accept her sexuality towards another. We will write a custom essay sample on The Virgin Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She emphasizes the importance of choice. From a simple choice of expression (you will wait for me) reflects the power of choice: as God’s favor. She proves that even you are a woman; you can still manage your own life under the patriarchal society. The character shows a silent impetus, a resolution that need not proclaim. Even in the confines of her mind she presents a spirit that is woman. She also states in the story that women are the masters of their own destiny. That at the end of the day they hold their lives. The male character, the carpenter who applied in the agency where Miss Mijares worked, is the one who fulfill her desire. Miss Mijares allows herself to be redounding by her perceptible for the carpenter and rebut to his urge. Though all women surely set a defiite quantity of feminine inscrutability I still feel short on what could’ve been an inspirational amount of girl power.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College

A Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs CollegeThe Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College is a well-written essay with some modern touches. This writing sample is the first in my line of writing samples and hopefully it is a good start. It is a sample that shows the writer how to write an essay about the college vs high school debate.I used this article for a student in an Intro to Writing class at my local college. I liked that the writing sample was short, yet the student could still see what was necessary to present properly. You can easily recognize the authors of this essay. Not to mention it's with a fair amount of errors and quite few mistakes.In fact, a lot of my personal essays are all the same as these samples as college students tend to make the same errors with their writing. They do not read closely enough or read past the text of the sentences, they tend to cram too much information into each sente nce, miss punctuation and other grammatical errors.The Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College has a few flaws as it contains a lot of bolded words, badly organized sentence and does not present enough information to get the point across clearly. And as the essay is of thirty-five pages there is a lot to be said about this. This type of essay gives students very little experience when it comes to writing such an essay and the Sample Essay Introduction About Compare Contrast About High School Vs College should be treated as a guide for students.There is another bit of the Sample Essay Introduction About Compare Contrast About High School Vs College that I really enjoyed and I hope you will like it too. It is where the student describes the difference between a good memory and a bad memory. So let's take a look. The Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College needs to use the use of buzz words as this is very im portant for the student to remember. Use the words 'see'be aware of' along with 'know' in order to get the point across. The Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College should not miss any details and it should be used in its entirety. I should also add that a copy of this essay can be purchased from amazon.com.For some reason the student found the copy of the Sample Essay Introduction About Compare Contrast About High School Vs College useful but the essay was not. It's all too common with students to forget exactly what they were taught in class and most likely made several mistakes.The Sample Essay Introduction About Compares Contrast About High School Vs College is only one example of how it is essential to review and re-read any and all of your writing samples to make sure you have what is needed. The more time you spend reviewing your work the better you will become at writing your own essay and the easier it will be to write a good one.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Costs Controlling Methods Essay Example

The Costs Controlling Methods Essay Example The Costs Controlling Methods – Essay Example The paper "The Costs Controlling Methods" is a good example of an essay on finance and accounting. Proper bookkeeping creates notable and remarkable differences in smooth operations with lots of sustainability when it comes to the administrative functions of a business organization. By getting informed of where the cash business money and funds are coming from as well as going to, an accountant can easily streamline his or her accounting activities. The costs controlling methods play significant roles in the maintenance of good reputation and getting rid of disputes arising on legal matters. The standard rule in accounting is that liabilities get recorded on the debit side of a cash book and at the same time invoiced as an expense (Hoggett). For the case of assets, the get debited on the cash book and invoiced as income. Liabilities are always regarded as costs since they involve cash flowage outward or from the business accounts or even the business cash at hand being given away. Fo r the case of assets, they are considered as income since they involve money flowing into the company, which can be through sales and other interests gained on loans (Hoggett). In this case, there is a brokerage fee of $3,000 when a corporation (publicly listed) issued bonds. This particular brokerage fee is considered as an expense since it involves the flow of cash from the business to the individual broker who identifies a potential customer to buy the bonds from the company. Therefore, it means that the $3,000 is a liability that must be expensed on the invoice. The amount received from selling the bond or rather the price of the bond is invoiced as revenue to the firm (0-edu.knotia.ca.orca.douglascollege.ca). The net value of the bond is therefore gotten by finding the difference between the selling price of the bonds and the brokerage fee. The brokerage fee in the process of selling the bonds is considered as a transaction fee. This is mainly because the to get a client and pe rsuade as well as convince him or her to buy them at the prevailing price set by the business organization some fee must be incurred. These particular fees are what get regarded as transaction costs in the matter. Therefore in the process of making an invoice, they are invoiced as expenses.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Need for Electricians is on the Rise

The Need for Electricians is on the Rise The end of the Great Recession is worthy of celebration for several reasons, but one group of tradespeople may have even more reason to rejoice than the rest of the population: electricians. Why? Because with the recession behind them and a construction boom imminent, they are positioned to be in great demand in the years ahead. Here’s what you need to know. There’s a reason he’s so happy.A Closer Look at the NumbersAccording to the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for electricians is expected to grow by a whopping 20 percent between 2012 and 2022. This significantly exceeds the average growth for all occupations.Why the increase? Jobs for electricians fluctuate based on the health of the overall economy. In times of stagnation and recession, demand for construction and maintenance drops leading to fewer jobs for these trained professionals.When the economy is healthy, however, the construction building and ma intenance industry thrives - meaning more jobs await those with the right training and qualifications.Not only that, but many older electricians turned to other types of work during the recession-era shortage. Their absence now leaves the door open to new workers in the field. Particularly with so much buzz surrounding the challenges of job seekers with bachelor’s degrees, the in-demand nature of electrical work makes it a more popular choice than ever.And considering that nearly every building has some form of electrical power, a building boom means terrific prospects for electricians.Not Just More Work, But Different WorkOther factors affecting the job market for electricians? Emerging technology related to alternative power generation - everything from solar to wind - will challenge electricians in new and exciting ways. From installation to linking these alternative sources of power to the grids, these responsibilities are expected to land with electricians, although g overnment policy may determine the extent to which employment opportunities occur.And while some manufacturing plants will shut down due to old or inefficient facilities, these closures should be outpaced by the installation and maintenance related to new manufacturing plants.What You Need to KnowElectricians require a high school diploma or its equivalent. Additionally, the majority of electricians learn the trade through a four to five year apprenticeship program, while others attend trade school. Nearly every state requires licensing before electricians can practice. This varies from state to state but typically includes a test on requirements related to electrical codes. What does it take to make it as an electrician? They typically have strong business, critical thinking, customer service, and troubleshooting skills.Because more and more people are becoming aware of the career promise in electrical work, the competition is stiff with hundreds of candidates applying for a handfu l of apprenticeships in certain regions. However, pursuing your goals despite the competition is largely regarded as worth it considering that many apprentices make more than many debt-burdened college grads: a median pay of just under $50,000 with the top earners making as much as $83,000.Even better? Ten percent of electricians are self-employed and can set their own hours.While the forecast for licensed electricians may not have looked sunny in the height of the recession, the current outlook is beyond bright - and more than reason enough to give this profession another look. Wondering about positions for electricians near you? Sign up for the innovative to get started.While the forecast for licensed electricians may not have looked sunny in the height of the recession, the current outlook is beyond bright - and more than reason enough to give this profession another look.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Frederick Douglass Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Frederick Douglass - Research Paper Example Some others are of the view that his autobiographies and speeches were like his audacious attempts to publicly declare his renegade status. Regarding his personal life, one can see that he was born in a slave cabin, in February, 1818, near the town of Easton, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland (A Short Biography of Frederick Douglass). He was separated from his mother from the very tender age itself and was under the care of his grandparents. Like many other slaves during his time, he was also taken to a plantation master by his grandmother who left him to work there. Though he was betrayed, unlike the other slave children, he was lucky enough to learn the alphabet with the help of his mistress. This kindled his life that he sharpened his knowledge in every possible ways and used his words as the powerful weapon to retaliate against the forces that suppressed the black community for a long time. Reading through Douglass’ chronology, it is understood that as a slave, during his life-time, he had to undergo various kind of physical and mental torture. Those bitter experiences and certain other factors like the ‘horrifying conditions that plagued slaves during the 270 years of legalized slavery in America’ (A Short Biography of Frederick Douglass), provided him the energy to pursue his studies earnestly and secretly. He conducted classes secretly for slaves which in turn caused for the displeasure of plantation owners and were often severely punished. Some of the notable occurrences of his life include his escape to New York in 1838, publishing of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in 1841, meeting with Lincoln to discuss the treatment of the black soldiers during civil war in 1863, becoming of U.S. Marshall in 1877 and the posting to the position of American consul-general to Haiti (Chronology). Douglass passed away on 20th February 1895 in

Monday, February 3, 2020

Leadership, Power and Corporate Strategy Research Paper

Leadership, Power and Corporate Strategy - Research Paper Example In other words, organizational culture refers to the basic beliefs and aims of any organization, and how all the work and purposes of that organization will revolve around those beliefs and aims. The key to a strong organization lies in developing their organizational culture, such that it is unique to each organization, yet commonly understood by all members within the organization (Parker, 200). This basically means that every person in the organization should have a clear idea of what they are working for, what their core beliefs as a member of the organization are and what is the main purpose of the firm. It is clear however that these beliefs and strategies are not developed on their own. Any successful organization will find itself headed by a leader who has a clear vision of the purpose and future of their organization, and who does their best to instill this vision in the members of their organization (Kotter and Heskett, 192). Strong organizational culture is developed by organizational members in leadership positions, whether or not they are the founding members of that organization. The success of any organization lies in the hands of their leaders and in how successful those leaders are in developing this organizational strategy and culture. Consider for example the organizational culture and strategy of Apple Inc. Founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, the company initially started out as a computer technology organization, but over time developed into an organization focused more on consumer retail goods. Apple is both famous and infamous for its highly publicized organization culture, accredited highly to Steve Jobs, both in its success and its infamy. Apple Inc. enjoys a highly unique organizational culture, varied in its style from almost any of its time. The aims of the company are straightforward and simple: the company

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Teaching maths

Teaching maths Introduction Mathematics is an essential part of our world and an important life skill. In our society today, we are bombarded by numberous data that requires us to record, sort and organize. We need to use mathematics not only at our work places, but also in our everyday life. Even simple daily tasks like making a purchase or financial recording at home needs mathematical skill. By having a strong understanding of mathematics, it will open doors to a promising career and a productive future (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2004). Early childhood education sets the foundation upon which future learning is built. Before children enter school, many of them develop number and geometric abilities like counting objects and making shapes (Clements, 2001). Children develop informal mathematical knowledge that is complex and sometimes sophisticated (Clements, 2001). During preschool years, children’s brains undergo significant development as their learning and experience affect th eir brain structure. Their brains grow most as a result of complex activities and not just from simple tasks. Preschoolers are a special group and therefore, it is important to have developmentally appropriate activities for them (Clements, 2001). In order to help children with mathematics, teachers need to first understand how they learn mathematics. It is also crucial to find out the difficulties they may face during the learning process so that Teachers can use appropriate methods to help them. How children learn mathematics and their concept development At a very early age, children start to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematics. Children are curious about their world and this leads them to explore the concept of mathematics (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). In the ordinary environment, they experience everyday mathematics involving topics like space, shape, pattern, number and number operations (Ginsburg, Lee Boyd, n.d.) . Children’s play and interest are the sources of their first mathematical experiences (Clements, 2001). They need different kinds of concrete materials to manipulate and the time to play in order to construct mathematical concepts (Smith, 1997). For instance, when playing with blocks, children spend a lot of time figuring out which block is higher than the other. The blocks also help the children to further explore mathematical concepts such as shapes and symmetries (Ginsburg et al., n.d.) . As children manipulate materials, their action forces some thinking and reaction. Materials allow children with a wide range of interests and abilities to enjoy success (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). Interaction with others is another way that children learn mathematics. Through interaction with other children, they are able to question their own view of the world and adjust accordingly. Mathematical group project is an example that provides opportunities for social interaction and can be a strategy for mathematics learning. During project work, children can share different ideas, discuss approach and argue about their suggestions. Children talk and listen to each other when playing and working. They naturally talk about what they are doing. Use of the language is essential to learning about mathematical ideas and procedures (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). Besides interacting with others, language also helps children in learning mathematics because it aids in organizing their thinking and experiences. Children are able to learn new concepts better when they have the ability to describe mathematical ideas an d relationships (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). The theory of Piaget and Vygotsky gives teachers information about children’s course of mathematical concept development and aid in developmentally appropriate teaching. Piaget proposed a four-stage theory of cognitive development (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). From zero to two years old, it is called the sensorimotor period. Mathematical concepts are believed to develop as children grasp, touch or move objects of different sizes and shapes. Classification skills are also believed to develop during this period of time. Preoperational stage is from two to seven or eight years old. During this period, children learn about conservation concept and they develop the understanding that objects remain the same no matter how they are changed in form or arranged in different ways. They acquire language rapidly and are able to use symbols to represent real objects. Concrete operations period is from seven to eleven or twelve years old. As they think, they still need to handle and manipulate objects. However, they start to become more independent from the manipulation of objects. They can think about classes, seriation and numbers (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). Vygotsky’s theory consists of natural and cultural development (Smith, 1997). Natural development influences learning. Cultural development occurs when children interact with others and language is improved through interaction. He believed that when children are in their â€Å"zone of proximal development†, learning takes place. With the help of teachers and peers, they can achieve certain tasks. He also believed that in early learning scaffolding is essential to grasp a task. Later on, the support is slowly reduced in order for the children to master the skill independently (Smith, 1997). Role of teachers in helping children learn mathematics Teachers play an important role in helping children learn mathematics. First of all, the teacher should plan the learning environment in such a way that it is beneficial to mathematical explorations. For example, the classroom should contain a variety of objects related to numbers and concrete materials like blocks and manipulatives (Clements, 2001). Classrooms can also be numbered (Barbour Seefeldt, 2000). This will help the children learn mathematical concepts through their play. During their play, teachers must observe and intervene when necessary to create teachable moments. But when should teachers intervene? A useful way is to observe whether mathematical thinking is developing or already installed in children. If the thinking is developing, the teacher can take notes and discuss about the experience after they finished playing. On the other hand, if the thinking is installed, the teacher can discuss and clarify the ideas with the children. In this way, the children can clarif y their thinking and extend the idea (Clements, 2001). Teachers can work with the children on group projects so that they can be involved in different mathematical ideas like measurements, numbers, space and so on (Ginsburg et al., n.d.). Developmentally appropriate curriculum is an essential part of developing mathematical knowledge. A curriculum offers planned activities and assumes that mathematics does not need to be always integrated with other activities, but it can also be an interesting subject on its own (Ginsburg et al., n.d.). It strengthens children’s geometric and number knowledge (Clements, 2001). Some children may have difficulty in learning mathematics and it is the teachers’ role to help them cope with the problem. Some children have math anxiety and it has a negative influence on the children’s academic performance (Mazzocco, 2007). Others may have inability to estimate quantity (ScienceDaily, 2013) and spatial difficulty (Mazzocco, 2007). In order to help these children in mathematics, teachers can use different methods to improve the learning experiences. For instance, in order to help children with math anxiety, teachers can enhance the basic numerical and spatial processing. This can be done both in school as well as collaboration with parents. Research shows that the quality of numerical and spatial talk by parents is related to the children’s math and spatial skills. Hence, the parents can engage the children in daily activities that are related to math. This will help the children to have more basic knowledge of mathematics when they come to sch ool and reduce the anxiety in them (Beilock Willingham, 2014). Small group learning is another strategy that the teachers can use to help those children that has difficulties. Small group is where teachers plan the materials and lessons based on the children’s interest and their level of development. Teachers can scaffold each child’s learning. As children gain confidence in their abilities, they are more willing to take up new challenges. Small group also allows teachers to observe each child in the group through daily interactions and understand more about their abilities and interests (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, 2011). Integrated curriculum is another approach to enhance the children’s learning in mathematics. It emphasizes the holistic development of the child- physical, social, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development. Stories are a great teaching resource and when used effectively, can promote thinking and new knowledge. For examp le, the story book â€Å"Pancakes, Pancakes† can be used as a resource for integrated curriculum. Through storytelling and the use of learning centres and group settings strategy, language, math and cooking are learned (Velu, 2012). Case study Child’s profile Name: Jason Age: 6 years old Gender: Male Race: Chinese Preschool: Little kids kindergarten Skills: Able to count one to ten. Able to sort, match and compare by one attribute (example size, shape and colour). Able to recognize basic shapes. Family background: Both parents are busy with work and have little time for him. He has two siblings so the parents cannot give him full attention. Parents do not communicate with him often and they often use television to keep him occupied. Siblings: two Parents: Both parents working Spoken language: English Activities other than school: Watch Television and play online kids’ games Problems he face in mathematics This child faces some difficulties in mathematics. He is not able to do more advanced pattern like AAB pattern. During class he has difficulty in number bond and he isn’t able to finish his numeracy activities in class. The teacher has been trying to do one-to-one teaching such as helping him to be more familiar with pattern by re-introducing AB pattern using paper and stamp. The teacher also helps him in number bond by pairing him up with another child. However, there is little improvement and the child continues to have difficulties in mathematics. In order to help this child to improve, lessons can be conducted for both pattern and number bond. Both teacher and parents should collaborate to help Jason to improve. Lessons to help him with pattern and number bond Lessons for pattern: The activity is call people patterns (Big Ideas of Early Mathematics, 2014). This is a visual pattern activity and the material is the children in the class. It is a simple pattern activity to help Jason to understand the basic pattern from the environment. The teacher arranges the children in AB pattern: stand, sit; stand, sit; stand, sit. After that, the teacher can ask the children to describe the pattern. Lastly, the teacher ask questions like â€Å"what is the pattern† and â€Å"what is its rule?†. Each child takes turn to give the answer (Big Ideas of Early Mathematics, 2014). If Jason is not sure, the teacher can explain to him immediately. At the same time, Jason’s parents can also help Jason to reinforce his pattern knowledge at home. They can carry out activities like shape pattern. His parents can use concrete materials like plain wooden blocks of different shapes to teach him the AB pattern. For instance, three square and three triangle blocks can be used. Then the parents can set the pattern: square, triangle; square, triangle; square, triangle. They can ask Jason to describe the pattern and after that ask him to demonstrate the same pattern. Once Jason is more confident with the AB pattern, the teacher and parents can use the same materials and methods to introduce AAB pattern. Instead of using paper and stamp for AAB pattern activity, the teacher can try to use concrete material. After Jason has a better understanding of AAB pattern, the teacher can replace concrete materials with paper and stamp. Lessons for number bond: The first activity for the number bond can be done at home. Jason’s parents can use material such as raisins to carry out the activity. For example, they can ask him how many raisins are in his hand. He is then allowed to eat some of the raisins. After that, ask him to count again. If he gets the correct answer, he is allowed to eat all the raisins. After Jason is able to understand the number operations at home, he can go on to the number bond lesson in class. Concrete materials like small dinosaur models can be used together with the number bond worksheet. The dinosaurs can assist Jason to see the numbers using real objects. For instance, if the numbers are three and seven, the teacher can give Jason three dinosaurs first and ask him to count. Another seven dinosaurs can be given to him. After that ask him to count the total number of dinosaurs and he can write the answer on the worksheet. This activity can use different combination of numbers and is a good way to help Jason to understand the number bond concept better. Conclusion References Beilock, S., Willingham, D. (2014). Math Anxiety: Can Teachers Help Students Reduce It?. American Educator. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://www.aft.org/sites/default/files/periodicals/beilock.pdf Barbour, N., Seefeldt, C. (2000). Early Childhood Education-An Introduction (4th ed., pp. 449-462). New York: Macmillan College Publishing. Big Ideas of Early Mathematics. (2014) (p. 91). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Ginsburg, H., Lee, J., Boyd, J. Mathematics Education for Young Children: What It Is and How to Promote It. Social Policy Report. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://srcd.org/sites/default/files/documents/21-3_early_childhood_education.pdf HighScope Educational Research Foundation,. (2011). Scaffolding Children’s Learning at Small-Group Time. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://www.highscope.org/file/Trainer%20Page/Preschool/1%20Day%20Workshops/W2006_11-Scaffolding%20SGT%20Booklet%20%239_press.pdf Mazzocco, M. (2007). Early Predictors of Mathematical Learning Difficulties: Variations In Childrens Difficulties With Math. Exchange. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://msdp.kennedykrieger.org/pdf/42.pdf ScienceDaily,. (2013). Preschoolers inability to estimate quantity relates to later math difficulty. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130814132508.htm Smith, S. (1997). Early Childhood Mathematics (pp. 1-18). Boston: Allyn Bacon. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,. (2001). Mathematics in the Preschool. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://gse.buffalo.edu/org/buildingblocks/writings/preschool%20math%20in%20tcm.pdf The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,. (2004). A Familys Guide: Fostering Your Childs Success in School Mathematics. Retrieved 10 November 2014, from http://illuminations.nctm.org/uploadedFiles/Activities_Home/FamilyGuide_FullText.pdf Velu, G. (2012). Intergrating Language, Math and Cooking Through Storytelling. Early Educators.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Should Mental Illness Be Taken Into Account in Determining Punishment

The penal system has been no help in alleviating the stigma attached to mental illness, routinely and historically treating mentally unstable inmates with just the same harsh approach as their criminally insane counterparts. Indeed, the distinction between these two populations is significant; however, authorities have long been reluctant to entertain such a concept. Similar to the treatment availed to them in institutions, mentally ill inmates have a history of being shackled, beaten and deprived of the most basic human needs.One might readily argue how state and federal penitentiaries exist for one reason and one reason only: to lock up the criminal and throw away the key. The conspicuous absence of rehabilitation programs speaks to the attitude society openly harbors about its convicted felons – keep them out of sight forever. Only recently has the idea of rehabilitation over incarceration been considered throughout contemporary correctional institutions as an alternative t oward addressing the imprisoned mentally ill, a population many believe are deserving of this option because of their blatant lack of free will in making morally responsible choices.The perpetuation of criminal activity, coupled with the severely limited resources availed to the state and federal criminal justice system, has made it almost compulsory for the penal system to implement comprehensive mental health programs not only to help alleviate prison overcrowding but also to rescue those inmates who do not belong in the penal system. Most people like to think that human beings possess free will, at least with regard to a wide range of actions.In contrast, however, some believe that certain people lack the aspect of free will. Many great theorists have contended that the reason some people may, indeed, lack free will is not so much due to the determined nature of their choices and behavior, but rather due to the fact that their behavior is not responsive to their choices in such a manner as to reflect those who do possess free will.When examining this viewpoint in further detail as it relates to mental illness playing an integral role in punishment, it is important to consider whether or not an individual can truly possess free will while at the same time having one's choices and behaviors determined by a greater force, as well. When one attempts to distinguish the principle essence of such theorists as David Hume, it is essential that one understand the difference between free will and determinism. When one is cast forward by ay of determinism, it is as though one has absolutely no control over the various and sundry occurrences that take place during one's life. Free will, on the other hand, speaks to the concept of having full authority over one's aspirations and ultimate direction, reflecting the exact opposite of those ruled by determinism. Having grasped the difference in meaning, the student may then want to argue that Hume's position was more than si gnificantly biased toward the concept of determinism.One might readily surmise how an individual whose life is ruled by determinism could realistically become void of any moralistic tendencies, inasmuch as one can claim that responsibility for any action would not fall upon the individual but rather the fateful path his is forced to follow. The manner in which this concept relates to Hume's radical principle is such that one might not be compelled to fight his own destiny, choosing instead to follow a path that is not always pristine and virtuous.The message that Hume is trying to convey is one of responsibility – all man's ideas come from impressions of things that have occurred before. Contrarily and without assuming responsibility for one's own actions in light of this assertion, the world would be nothing if not a jumble of adulterated confusion. By acting upon a basis of Hume's principle, one effectively relinquishes all accountability for his actions and – in the case of considering mental illness when doling out punishment – does not deserve the option of rehabilitation over incarceration.A world without moral liability, according to Hume, is certainly no place for a civilized being. â€Å"There is a species of skepticism, antecedent to all study and philosophy, which is much inculcated by Descartes and others as a sovereign preservative against error and precipitate judgement. It recommends a universal doubt, not only of all our former opinions and principles, but also of our very faculties; of whose veracity, say they, we must assure ourselves, by a chain of reasoning, deduced from some original principle which cannot possibly be fallacious or deceitful† (Hume PG).Characteristic of humanity's constant quest for the concept of meaning, the journey of understanding has come to represent myriad things to myriad people, ultimately rendering any universal explanation virtually impossible. The problem with meaning as it relates t o free will's impact upon one's moral responsibility is attempting to successfully pinpoint a single yet comprehensive connotation to its overall concept; however, this cannot be achieved as long as any two individuals harbor decidedly different interpretations, which is usually the case when debating this highly controversial subject matter.Critics have long questioned the theory of free will existing within the shadow of determinism, arguing how difficult it is to realistically determine if people exhibit certain behaviors out of fear of consequence or because they have the power to take control of their own lives, often causing them to become neglectful and unwise. Unlike other living beings, for what is possible is pretty much fixed by instincts and reflexes, one may argue how people initiate much of what they do, whether that means for better and for worse.Clearly, the connection one might make between free will and behavior based upon Hume's conjecture leads one to believe tha t people are much more likely to act out in such a manner that is motivated only by their personal desire to do so, rather than depending upon automatic reaction or stimulation. â€Å"The skeptic, therefore, had better keep within his proper sphere, and display those philosophical objections, which arise from more profound researches† (Hume PG).Society has not been very successful in addressing its mental illness problem; one only has to witness the nation's tremendous homeless population, obtain criminal justice statistics and examine the number of people currently taking psycho tropic medication in order to underscore the prevalence of mental illness. Understanding the origins of mental health is paramount to gaining further understanding of how to address punishment issues directly associated with mental illness, which requires the examination of myriad cultural and genetic elements that have been suspect in the study of human behavior.Recognition and treatment of mental i llness has undergone a tremendous metamorphosis over the past three centuries, with the very definition of â€Å"insanity† having encountered a most significant evolution. What was sane and what was normal was completely left open for interpretation by the powers that be, ultimately sealing the fate of many a mentally unbalanced individual whose only crime was chemical disparity. Institutional inmates were forced to live out their lives in formidable surroundings where they were cloistered in small, dark, dank rooms accommodated with one floor mattress for some half a dozen people.Chained in place, the inmates were forbidden to enjoy any of what one would consider necessary daily elements for sustaining sound mind and body: fresh air, sunlight and nutritional sustenance; along with regular beatings, the unfortunate victims of ignorance were deprived of virtually every common decency known to man. A handful of professionals from the medical community sought to defend the legit imate nature of insanity and tried to explain the need for medical attention; however, their attempts fell upon deaf ears, and their reputations were immediately tainted.The mentally ill were lumped together with the criminally insane, with officials making no distinction whatsoever between the two, inasmuch as the former â€Å"were not recognized as sick people and were accused of having abandoned themselves to shameful and forbidden practices with the devil, sorcerers and other demons† (History of Mental Illness). Ancient Egyptians understood the inherent connection between the body and mind, supporting the notion that if something was amiss in one's life it could easily cause one a bout of mental instability.Their approach was simple and straightforward: talk it out and rejoice in religion. The combination of these two elements was believed to empower the individual with internal strength that would ultimately overrule the continuation of any mental imbalance. Similarly, A ristotle and Socrates – the logical beings that they were – also recognized mental illness for what it truly was and prescribed such cures as soothing music to help alleviate melancholia.Hippocrates followed suit by prescribing a natural vegetable diet and exercise as a means by which to overcome mental illness (History of Mental Illness). It was not until the concept of the â€Å"mind† began to overtake such simplistic approaches, along with blaming the victim for such a disgraceful downfall, that the entire notion of mental illness began to shift for the worse. Dual diagnosis presents yet another concern where mentally ill offenders are concerned, a situation where an individual is diagnosed as being both mentally ill and a drug addict.While it is wholly possible to be dually diagnosed with a different secondary disease, drug abuse ranks high on the list. Research findings indicate that mental illness leads into drug abuse, inasmuch as the mentally ill partake of recreational drugs no differently than their mentally stable counterparts. What does separate the two groups, however, is what is termed downward drift, meaning that â€Å"as a consequence of their illness they may find themselves living in marginal neighborhoods where drug use prevails† (Dual Diagnosis).In these cases, it is customary to address the drug problem before approaching treatment for mental illness. There are a number of social and environmental factors that encourage criminal delinquency – one in particular is overlooked more than the rest when it comes to, for example, juvenile delinquency: mental illness. Indeed, an adolescent who is suffering from any one of many forms of mentally illness can display myriad socially unacceptable behaviors; within this mindset, juvenile delinquency has been found to be a prevalent occurrence.Considered for decades to be a disease of the insane, mental conditions like depression that intensify juvenile delinquency hav e finally been recognized for the debilitating and emotionally unbalancing illnesses they truly are. With an astounding nineteen million Americans suffering from clinical depression, the disease can no longer be looked upon as nothing more than merely the blues. Additionally, another five percent are victims of occasional despondency, with one of every six people succumbing to a serious or major depressive episode at some point in life (Clinical Depression).Depression often hits the elderly more than any other age group; however, with each passing year the average age of sufferers continues to drop as depression in young people is on the rise. Indeed, mentally ill offenders have much to contend with in their own way; as such, their punishment needs to fit their mental stability. If an offender is convicted of aggravated assault yet lacks the capacity to ascertain that he actually committed a crime, then it would seem prudent that he be given the right to appropriate counseling as a means by which to overcome his tendencies.However, the implementation of the insanity plea has allowed for perfectly normal criminals to reap the rehabilitative benefits typically bestowed upon the mentally ill, which has served to compromise the very foundation of this legal loophole (Harley 45). The theoretical implications contend that far too many people are crying insanity as a means by which to evade punishment for a crime they willfully committed, knowing full well that if they can achieve an insanity status, the penalty they receive will be significantly less overall, if they receive any.Clearly, intent does not have any relevance to its determination; as such, the tactics and strategies of both the prosecution and the defense have little, if any, bearing on how insanity is determined. The implications of such a problem speak to the overall distortion of insanity, as well as illustrate how much more difficult it makes it for the truly mentally ill to secure a legitimate insa nity plea (Harley 45). Re-training the mentally ill offender to become positive, contributing members of society has always proven to be a challenge for officials in charge of rehabilitation.Myriad programs have been implemented throughout history to achieve this goal but according to those in the field, none have proven as effective as the treatment approach. In attempting to put back the missing elements of a stable and productive person, such programs as behavioral therapy have been said to be instrumental in realigning otherwise maladjusted individuals as opposed to the harsh approach of boot camps and shock incarceration programs. Critics of such programs contend that such brutal methods do nothing but instigate more of the same behavior the recovery programs seek to overcome.If delinquency is â€Å"rooted in personality characteristics rather than in external forces† (Banks et al 49), then it does not make sense to employ this type of rehabilitation. Implementing behavi or therapy is one way of addressing the issue of mentally ill offenders whose deviant tendencies lead to criminal activity. With the help of professional therapists, law enforcement agencies are learning the art of behavior therapy as a means by which to control otherwise unreachable mentally ill delinquents.The objective of behavior therapy is to first assess and then treat mental problems that cause people to act abnormally. The current consensus among mental health professionals is that behaviors responsible for causing distress or preventing normal functioning in daily life are considered abnormal. There is a social standard by which all members are expected to abide; however, when an individual shows a propensity for straying from that social norm, behavior therapy theories are more than likely applied to determine the problem's origin and ultimate treatment.There exist myriad influences that can prompt a person into sidestepping what is considered to be normal behavior, includ ing mental disorders, physical diseases and stress-related issues. Experts report successful treatment outcome and maintenance for dealing with mentally ill offenders, inasmuch as behavior therapy theories focus upon unconscious conflicts that cause anxiety or maladaptive behavior. In effect, these myriad theories represent the means by which therapists are able to assess, diagnose, treat and finally heal their mentally ill patients. News reports that usually frame mental illness in the context of violence and crime are giving rise to stereotypes which stigmatize de-institutionalized mentally ill people. Thus, the challenge facing journalists is addressing deep-rooted and largely unjustified public perceptions about mental illness and violent crimes† (Smellie 25).In order to work toward a solution to the overwhelming inadequacy of mental health resources in contemporary penal systems, grants must be both created and obtained to address the following issues: Housing the mentall y ill in places other than jail and prison †¢Revisiting community mental health centers from the 1960s and 1970s †¢Assembling a task force of researchers to undertake myriad projects †¢Assessing mental health issues in minority communities †¢Exploring mental health issues in African-American communities †¢Providing a more active role by the clergy in reference to mental health issues, especially in African-American communities †¢Researching the correlation between mental health, crime and recidivism, with particular emphasis upon minority populations Conducting ongoing research for early identification programs, prerelease programs, transitional care management programs and effective parole/probation programs †¢Maintaining consistency in all programs from start to finish (Clinical Depression and African-Americans). Clearly, continuum of care is the key for the incarcerated mentally ill, a model consisting of three distinct phases: jail/prison; comm unity mental health programs; and probation/parole. Within this continuum resides effective pre-release programs for all incarcerated mentally ill inmates; ongoing substance abuse and literacy programs; and behavior modification programs.Activities for daily living would include employment, job training and retraining through vocational rehabilitation programs, state employment services, adult ex-offender job programs and effective communication programs; and alternatives to incarceration programs for the mentally ill and dual diagnosis. Are all delinquents created equal? Indeed, there are myriad levels of criminal activity that land offenders in jail, with a percentage of those criminals committing their crimes under the duress of mental illness. These prisoners, who many believe are deserving of severe punishment, often do not have full control of their faculties.These orphans of society are compelled by an emotional or mental imbalance that provokes them to display deviant behavi or toward society and their fellow human beings. Clearly, such individuals need treatment, not prison; rehabilitative help is in order for these offenders, not a lifetime behind bars. By placing the criminal into long-term therapy, there is at least a chance of rehabilitation there likely would not be in a full security prison. To stray from the norm is to deviate from socially acceptable behavior; when one is deviant, he goes against the very essence of what society has deemed acceptable.One of the easiest things in life is to deviate from what is considered by the masses to be normal; in fact, Morpheus points out that it is often considerably more difficult to remain upon a straight and narrow path with the myriad obstacles that appear in daily life. Therefore, one can readily argue how deviant behavior has found its niche within contemporary society, even to the point of infiltrating what is considered to be a standard of normalcy; as such, appropriate corrective measures must be applied in order to expect any semblance of rehabilitation for the mentally ill criminal.WORKS CITED Banks, Terry & Dabbs, James M. , Jr. â€Å"Salivary testosterone and cortisol in a delinquent and violent urban subculture. † The Journal of Social Psychology 136, (1996): 49. Clinical Depression. 25 April 2004 http://www. nmha. org/ccd/index. cfm Clinical Depression and African-Americans. 25 April 2004 http://www. intelihealth. com/specials/depression/htmDeprAfrAmer. html Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse And Mental Illness. 25 April 2004 http://www. schizophrenia. com/family/dualdiag. html Harley, Debra A.