Sunday, October 6, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Assignment Example According to Linda Alchin, William Shakespeare invested in the Globe Theatre and it was in his interest to write as many plays as possible! Six men became the joint owners of the Globe Theatre, the largest stakes were put up by the Burbage brothers. The initial investment by William Shakespeare made him a wealthy man and successful man due to his share of the large profits which were made at the Globe Theatre. The traditional camp (Stratfordian’s) maintains that the famous Bard was indeed a poet, playwright and an actor. Critics known as "Oxfordians" argue that a more likely contender may have been Edward De Vere (1550-1604), Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, Derby or even Queen Elizabeth herself! Polonius is councillor to King Claudius and the father of Ophelia and Laertes in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. He is especially known for his maxim-filled speech (â€Å"Neither a borrower nor a lender be†). His meddling garrulousness eventually costs him his life. Polonius hides himself behind an array in Gertrudes room, in his last attempt to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet deals roughly with his mother, causing her to cry for help. Polonius requests to help and is heard by Hamlet, who stabs through the array and kills him (due to mistaking him for Claudius). Fights between Catholics and Protestants led to the Civil War in 1642 between the aristocratic, royalist â€Å"Cavaliers† and puritan, parliamentarian â€Å"Roundheads†. The conflict ended with victory for parliamentary forces. In 1649 Charles I was captured and executed after formal trial for crimes against his people. The country became republic. The religious problems took place in Ireland a conflict between Catholics and Presbyterians. Anglican Church was restored, but the conflict between Monarch and Parliament was going on. 24. Identify the underlined words/phrases in the following passage from â€Å"The Great

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