Thursday, October 31, 2019

Promotion and Public Relations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Promotion and Public Relations - Coursework Example It only can be determined with the help of sales revenue of the restaurant. It is Doral, Florida based restaurant. It possesses or establishments 116 Japanese cooking restaurants as far and wide as possible, including its lead Benihana Teppanyaki brand, and in addition the Haru (combination food) and RA Sushi restaurants. Hiroaki Aoki was founder of this restaurant. The marketing promotion and public relation aids a restaurant to increase their sales and engage new customers. It also helps the restaurant organization to remain competitive in to the market, able to introduce their new services in foods and drink. The main objective of a restaurant organization should retain their existing customers. There are many tools for consumer sales promotion of restaurant organization, such as coupon distribution, price off promotion, free sample distribution and offering free gifts. To being a new service in restaurant, there should be free sample distribution of foods and drinks to the customers so that the customers will aware of food and drink quality. Distribution of coupon and offering free gifts will help the restaurant organization to attract more customers. These activities will aid the restaurant to understand the consumer behavior and their desires and needs from restaurant (Horchover, 2002). For a restaurant, it will be good to do trade sales promotion. It will aid Benihana Inc restaurant to attract more customers and can give competition to other existing restaurant in the market. Here, Benihana Inc restaurant should sale provide their service via online third party website, in this the restaurant should decrease their price of foods and drinks, some rebates to existing customers and free coupons. This particular activity will increase the sales of the restaurant and helps engage more new customers (Dauster, 2007). For a Benihana Inc restaurant in the market, the owner should distribute pamphlets and flyers to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Networking Topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Networking Topic - Research Paper Example To begin with wireless networking, the first thing needed is a â€Å"high speed internet connection at the place where you want to use wireless networking† such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or WI-FI (Software Reviews). Other requirements include wireless networking adapter or a PC card adapter, a modem and a network hub. In case of wide-ranging wireless networking, it is always sensible to use an HP Network Assistant â€Å"to validate your wired and wireless network settings† (Hewlett-Packard Development Company). Wireless networks are based on IEEE 802.11 standards which is a set of standards developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) to carry out WLAN technology with specifications or protocols like 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n having frequency bandwidth of 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz. Three main types of wireless networks are WLAN, WPAN and WMAN. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) enable a user to connect to a local area network through wireless networking, like a small network in a house or an office. WLANs use radio waves for information transmission and are based on IEEE 802.11 standards. An example is Wi-Fi which is a fast speed wireless technology connecting devices for quick file sharing. Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) connect two devices which are present close to each other or within personal reach. An example is Bluetooth which can â€Å"transmit at relatively low power and have a range of only 30 feet or so† (Bradley). Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) cover a larger geographic area and interconnect WLANs to one another. Another name used for WLANs is WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) which is a digital telecommunication technology based on IEEE 802.16 standards and supplies broadband wireless access cov ering a very large area. To maintain security of wireless networks is a bit difficult as compared to wired networks. The reason for this is that it is easier to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact Of Pop Culture On Our Society Music Essay

Impact Of Pop Culture On Our Society Music Essay Many people attribute pop culture as ideas, art, and perspectives isolated to the 1960s. Pop culture started as an era during the 20th century. However, the ideas expressed in pop culture art deeply impact our society in 2010. Undeniably, pop culture influenced art, such as architecture, design, music, and theatre influence this generations entertainment, day-to-day living, and even possibly, our political climate. Three people definitively displaying this pop culture impact include architect Michael Graves, comic book author and creator Stan Lee and his artist Steve Ditko, and musician Michael Jackson. These men have not only impacted society thirty to forty years ago but their presence is still influential today. Michael Graves, an American architect, whose interest in drawing and painting began within his early childhood and has remained with him throughout his career in architecture. After college and studying abroad, Graves founded his own practice in Princeton, New Jersey in 1964. He began teaching at Princeton University in 1972. As a member of the New York Five, he developed a new style of designing called eclecticism, straying from the roots of Modernism which allowed him to emphasize his use of color. It has even been stated that he has become an opponent of modern works who uses humor as an integral part of his architecture. He has received many prestigious awards to include the 1999 National Medal of Arts and the 2001 Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects. Paul Goldberger, architect critic for the New Yorker wrote Graves as the most truly original voice American architecture has produced in some time. Some of his projects include the Clos Pegase Winery in Calistoga, C alifornia, the Newark Museum expansion in Newark New Jersey, the Humana Building in Louisville, Kentucky, the Dolphin and Swan Hotels in Walt Disney World Florida, the Hotel New York and Euro Disney, both of Disneyland Paris, and many others. His name can be found on many things from apartment buildings to household appliances found in local Target Stores. During his career, he has not only established the Michael Graves Design Group, which has also won many awards, Graves has published many books about architecture and developed projects with many exclusive clientele. His career in design that is even within retail, clearly demonstrating his ability to take high style designs and make them easily accessible to the common consumer by way of his Target Line This line would include products such as lighting, bath and kitchen aids, products for home, office and personal use to just name a few. Graves has the privilege of being one of the most recognizable names in his field and the pre stigious honor of creating more than 300 buildings and projects. We are still counting on more beautifully designed spaces from his organization, Michael Graves Associates. Along with his exhibitions that have toured the country and world numerous times. Michael Graves is a phenomenon in the architecture world and his work has inspired a new interest in architecture, along with a new generation. From one Michael to another, Michael Joseph Jackson, a performer, composer, actor, and producer in the age of pop became a global product and pop culture was a global iconic superstar (Barnes A1). Michael Jackson was the seventh of nine children. He began his career at the age of five as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 in 1964. Michael was influenced by others who paved the way of his arrival. From Little Richard, Jackie Wilson, and James Brown, Michael paid homage and made it his mission to acknowledge their contributions by adding a little of them to his craft and liberating himself from the stereotypical images by a white controlled society. Black culture as a movement was never in the forefront until Michael came along and exposed America to it. Michael has helped shape pop culture over his forty-five year career. He made being Black in America acceptable during a time when prime time television refused to show Blacks. Michael was one of the first three black artists to break th e social barrier on MTV. Despite this major accomplishment, MTV had to be threatened with non-service of other videos before they would play Jackson. His unifying effect on world youth, and musical savvy are well documented. Fans across racial lines embraced his trademarks by sporting the Jacksonian jackets, white tees, pipestem jeans, and white socks. Michael won a total of thirteen Grammy Awards and has more Guinness World Records than any other artist. The American Music Award presented him with no less than the Artist of the Century Award. Tommy Mottola, a former head of Sony Music, called Mr. Jackson the cornerstone to the entire music business. He bridged the gap between rhythm and blues and pop music and made it into a global culture, said Mr. Mottola, who worked with Mr. Jackson until the singer cut his ties with Sony in 2001. He has influenced dozens of artists in his achievements and popularity. From Beyonce` to Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson inspired a whole world of music and has worked with some of the greatest producers from Quincy Jones to Timbaland. Jackson has considered his great achievement and well deserved award to be the Presidential Humanitarian award from Ronald Reagan in 1984 for his support of charities helping people overcome alcohol and drug abuse. Not only was he influential in the music world, Michael had numerous humanitarian goals and dreamed of making the world a better place. In 1985, Michael alongside Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones, and help from Ken Kragen organized the We Are the World project for USA Africa, which aided famine relief efforts in Africa. This project along with Kragens Hands Across America forced the government, particularly the president, to release 800-million dollars in feeding funds for women, infants, and children, as stated by Kragen (Devine). Lastly it i s worth noting one other area within pop culture outside the world of music that Michael was known to have a fondness which has also had its impact on us today in 2010, Marvel comics. His favorite superhero is Morph from the X-Men. From the King of Pop to the King of Comic Books, also called Godfather of the Superhero, Stan Lee helped create many of our comic super heroes that are recognized as icons. Since the age of seventeen, Stan Lee has been in the comic book industry. He began as an assistant editor for the Timely Comics Group. He was later promoted in 1942 to editor. Behind Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Joe Simon, Stan wrote most of the scripts for some of our well known comic heroes today, such as Captain America, Sub Mariner, and The Human Torch. The Timely Group went through some changes in the fifties which would include the name. It was renamed Atlas; however, the sales were still low. At this time in America, comics were not as popular as they use to be.. In 1961, the group had well over eight superheroes. This group of heroes was renamed Marvel Comics. Lee made a few changes working along side Jack Kirby and created some of the popular superheroes that we know today with titles such as, The Fantast ic Four, Spider Man, Doctor Strange, Thor, The Hulk, The X-Men, The Silver Surfer, Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos, Daredevil, and The Iron Man. In the sixties, he became editor of the group. Not only was Stan Lees empire growing but comics started their growth in popularity. So much so to the point has the comic world grown, that there are now annual events held every year to honor this world that Stan Lee has helped to create. These events are popular and widely known as Comic-Con, WonderCon and Alternative Press Expo. Comic-Con is covered internationally across the globe from Japan to France; from its home in California to New York. Thousands upon thousands descend upon this event every year to celebrate the world that has bought us such words as WHAM! BAM! And Whoosh! which are in the world of Stan Lee. Things went up when Spider Man was released in 2002, quickly followed by the Incredible Hulk and X-Men to the silver screen grossing over eight billion dollars in consumer sal es worldwide. Lee has also managed to gain accolades and awards for his vision and artists over the years. Hes even managed a reality show called Who Wants to Be a Superhero. His heroes and villains call to children of all ages. Giving all values of truth, honesty, justice and American Pride, Stan Lee has proven that his work is timeless and his fans are equally priceless as well. Thus the door into the fantastic world of comic books and Stan Lee is open and shall remain so for many years to come. . Pop culture is a movement like those before it. Although originated during the mid fifties-sixties, it still has a great impact on our lives today as we know undeniably. From music, to television, media to fashion, movies to everyday lives, pop culture cannot be denied and unacknowledged. It is everywhere. The pop culture movement is now more trend savvy than any other era. It is in every facet of our society of our day-to-day living. Over the last fifty years, we have been seeking a greater meaning, but it is a spoken voice through media, architecture, design, music, and even childrens cartoons. It has integrated in with other medians within our everyday existence and will remain forever popular.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Alice Walkers Roselily Essay -- essays research papers

Alice Walkers "Roselily" is a short story about a woman who is about to be married, but is having second thoughts about the marriage. She is also looking into the past and the future trying to make sense of what is happening. Roselily is being torn between choosing between her current or possible future Economic status, Societies view of her, her religion and her freedom. All these thoughts go through her mind as the wedding ceremony takes place, and she begins to wonder if she has made the right choice is marrying this man. Changing religion is one of the first things that is discussed. After the initial set up of the story Roselily thinks of â€Å"ropes, chains, handcuffs, his religion.† She is a Christian and he is Muslim. After they are married she will convert into a Muslim because that is what her husband wants her to be. She knows that things will be very different as a Muslim; there will be very strict rules that she will have to follow. She gives an example of this when she says â€Å"His place of worship. Where will she be required to sit apart with covered head†. This seems scary to her because she begins to feel the pressure of the marriage building; she begins to think if she wants a life like that. If she does choose to marry him and that life one of the advantages for Roselily, is that she will move up from poverty to not having to worry about money on a day to day basis. She worked in a sewing plant in Mississippi, but in Chicago she is not expected to work, but r...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Halo and Devil Affect

Halo and Devil Effect Paper We live day to day knowing we live in a superficial society, from the way we look and dress and up to the way we present ourselves; we are always being judged in some form or fashion. Whether this is how you are treated by your social circle or in your employment seeking experience, its pretty sad that physical appearance can have and effect on so many things including the hiring process.In this essay I will be discussing two key concepts that are directly related to workplace discrimination based off of a persons physical appearance and characteristics. In the process of this I will view the film â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada† and discuss two scenes that illustrate my findings. The halo effect is the overall tendency to judge someone and favor him or her based on the bias of his or her positive characteristics or physical appearance without knowing the overall full package.The opposite affect of this concept is called the devil effect which is the te ndency to judge someone who could potentially have all of the qualifications for a position but wont be hired based off of his or her negative characteristics or physical appearance. While reading the article â€Å"Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination† this article definitely highlights on the halo and devil effect and discussed how weight came into play when determined if the interviewee should be hired or not.The job title was a school bus driver and it was determined without any concrete evidence that she could not evacuate a school bus in the event of an emergency situation, I find this completely bias on the companies behalf. Personally being a passenger on a school bus for many years during grade school, many of the school bus drivers where obese and not in the best of shape but, when any emergency situation arose mainly on and emergency school bus drills, they where able to perform the task of evacuating the bus in a safe and timely manner.This article also highlights other aspects of a study and how looks can play a major role in how people perceive a good looking or attractive person being viewed as intelligent, good and likable. Documented in this study obese individuals were rated to have a disadvantage in work, school and more. Among other findings in years of research, people who where unattractive where less likely to be hired and promoted and had lower salaries, even in fields where looks were not even of relevance. Another aspect of physical ttractiveness bias in hiring comes from the article â€Å"beauty is beastly†. There has been evidence suggesting that jobs traditionally filled my men, the opposite of the traditional bias happens to female applicants, attractive females are evaluated less favorably than unattractive females. This suggests that a more rugged female possibly comes across as being manlier or tomboyish making her easy to relate to traditional male positions such as a construction worker, firefighter, mechanic etc.I chose to watch the film â€Å"The devil wears prada† there was an obvious halo affect that was present; the job title was a personal assistant at Runway which is a very popular fashion magazine. When the applicant went into the office for her interview she was basically judged based on her since of fashion on weather she had the abilities to do that particular job even though she was college educated and had the qualifications to perform this job.I think the only reason why she was called back in and hired was because she asserted herself after the interview stating that she was not skinny, glamorous ect, but she was smart and a fast learner which are the important things. We know when going to an interview that we should dress in casual or business attire but you shouldn’t have to be dressed like a supermodel in order to get any job unless you are actually the model.The devil effect was depicted in this film when Andrea was out with a new found friend o ne night and he learned that she was working as Miranda Priestley’s assistant, he comment that she would never survive Miranda because she seems nice and smart and that she couldn’t do that job. I think many people think that’s just because someone comes off as being nice or relaxed cant handle aggressive or mean people but this definitely isn’t always true but with her being smart and educated can sometimes deem you over qualified for positions and not work in your favor but in this situation it was not the case.My personal connection to the halo effect was while in the military, being in the military you learn from basic training that looking sharp in your uniform can show how much pride you have in the service. There are also many awards that you can obtain depending on how sharp your uniform looks, how well you perform your job duties and on up to having outstanding military bearing. In order to win awards you have to compete with a number of your pee rs and who ever has the most recognition win.I had been nominated for several awards while in the military and most of the time I won because they always told me I was always sharp with my uniform pressed and creased and always respectful. The halo and devil effect is constantly seen in our society, this will be an on going issue that will probably never change because we live with a judgmental state of mind that constantly makes snap judgments on individuals, so the next time you are in a situation remember try not to judge someone based on there positive or negative characteristics try getting to know them first.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wireless Fingerprinting Attendance

This project presents the design methodology of wireless fingerprint management system for easy and time saving attendance. The project is used for the attendance of students at Institution. Since the project is wireless it is portable. As the student impress their fingerprint against the scanner the fingerprint module will match all the points of the fingerprint with the enrolled database. The data is maintained in the main PC. The WIFI present in the raspberry Pi b3 is used for the data transmission. This device use computer or a PC as the host device to store and verify the fingerprints. Through this automatic system time and manpower is reduced to great extent.Keywords-wireless communication, fingerprint module, raspberry Pi b3, host device. Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional wire attendance system, a design method of wireless fingerprint attendance system based on inbuilt WIFI technology is proposed. The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance management module in computer. It can realize automatically such functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching, and attendance management. However, the inclusion of integrated Bluetooth 4.1 and 802.11n WIFI will please many, as it'll reduce the need to scour component sites for cheap USB dongles. The Wi-Fi is particularly good news, as it means you'll no longer need to take up one of your precious USB ports with a Wi-Fi adaptor. The experiment results show the transmission time is saved over one third and transmission efficiency is improved greatly. It realized low-cost and high-performance wireless fingerprint attendance function, which provided a new wireless fingerprint attendance system for enterprises and institutions. In the proposed paper complete development and implementation of attendance management system is provided. Various modulus which constitutes different parts of the attendance management system are explained using their hardware requirement.SYSTEM DISCRIPTIONThe description of complete attendance management system is given below. The below two sections 2.1 and 2.2 tells us completely about the hardware used in the system and the structure of the system. In the Section 2.2 the flow of the data that is shared with the database or the server in the attendance system is shown.2.1. System Hardwarea) Fingerprint module: The GT-511C3 is a fingerprint module which consists of a fingerprint scanner. It is a small embedded module that consists of an optical sensor mounted on a small circuit board. The optical sensor sca ns a fingerprint and the microcontroller and the software provides the modules functionality which automatically processes the scanned finger. The FPS consists of four pins as shown in fig(a). The pins are as follows: Fig. a Fingerprint Module1-UART Transmit (3.3V)2-UART Receive (3.3V)3-GND 4-Vin (5V)b) RASPBEERY PI B3-Fig. b Raspberry Pi b3c) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-Fig. c LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)2.2. Data flow in the systemThe system consists of two parts i.e. a) the ‘hardware' part and b) the ‘software' part. The hardware includes all the components listed above in the figure including the LED, switches etc. The data flow in the fingerprint management system is shown in fig. d .Fig. d Flow of dataThe Enrolment and Authentication is done using the fingerprint scanner present in the fingerprint module. This fingerprint module is connected to the Raspberry Pi interfacing pins also called as GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins. The fingerprint module works in majorly two modes Master Mode- In this mode every student will be getting registered as a new user and that data will be stored in the ROM present in the fingerprint module with a unique id.User Mode- In this mode we will be verifying the scanned images with the stored images. During this verification if the match is available than the data is further send to the Raspberry Pi and through it is stored in the database.The flow of the project is as shown below:Fig .e Flow of project.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Recommendation For A Software Manag Essay

The Recommendation For A Software Manag Essay The Recommendation For A Software Manag Essay The recommendation for a software management plan is to use RPM. RPM is a software management tool originally created by Red Hat, and later GNU’ed and given to the public at It forms the core of administration on most systems, since one of the major tasks for any administrator is installing and keeping software up to date. Various estimates place most of the blame for security break-ins on bad passwords, and old software with known vulnerabilities. This isn’t exactly surprising on would think, but while the average server contains 200-400 software packages on average, on begins to see why keeping software up to date can be a major task. The main page for RPM leaves something-to-be-desired, but the book â€Å"Maximum RPM† on the other hand is really wonderful and freely available ( This book is suggested for any Red Hat administrator, and can say safely that it is required reading if you plan to build RPM packages. The basics of RPM are pretty self-explanatory; packages come in an rpm format, with a simple filename convention (package_name-package_version-rpm_build_version-architecture.rpm or nfs-server-2.2beta29-5.i386.rpm) All computer systems can suffer from malware and viruses, including Linux. Thankfully, very few viruses exist for Linux, so users typically do not install antivirus software. It is still recommended that Linux users have antivirus software installed on Linux systems that are on a network or that have files being transferred to the device. Some users may argue that antivirus software uses up too much resource. Thankfully, low-footprint software exists for Linux. To better understand antivirus programs, it may be beneficial to understand malware itself. In order to manage critical and noncritical security-related updates, there are some things that are recommended. The first of which is to turn off any unused services. Services which you don't enable can't be attacked from the outside. If you don't provide access to a service, it doesn't matter if there are any vulnerabilities in the daemon which would provide that service. So disable anything you don't need to use. Some daemons are started when the system boots, and remain active as long as the system remains up. For these persistent daemons, you need to look at the initialization scripts or programs used to start services when the system boots. Other services are not started at boot time, but instead are managed by either inetd or xinetd. If your system is configured with inetd, look at /etc/inetd.conf, and remove, or simply prefix with a "#" character to make it a comment, any entry providing a service you don't need. The second step would be where available, install IP filter or firewall rules. While restricting network access helps, it is no guarantee that you won't be attacked. If you allow, you can be attacked from another system. But restricting access to a smaller group of systems will reduce the number of attempts you see made against you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Project Management Theories Essays

Project Management Theories Essays Project Management Theories Essay Project Management Theories Essay Assessment 2: Pre-Course Assignment (20%) Carry out a comprehensive literature review on the software development methodologies (for eg: Rapid Application Development, Object-Oriented Software Development etc) adopted by organizations emphasizing on the following for each method addressed: * What are the main characteristics of the method? * What are the main constraints of the method? * What are the advantages and drawbacks of the method? * When is this method more suitable to use? This is an individual assignment. All reference materials used must be properly acknowledged. Use Harvard referencing method. Assessment 3: Main Assignment (20%) Select an organization of your choice. * Describe the nature of the organization and the nature of the industry to which it belongs to. * Identify the major competitors and the competitive forces affecting the organization. Describe any environmental opportunities or threats to the chosen company that can be considered as significant or likely to be significant over the next few years. * Identify key business, functional or standalone strategies formulated by the chosen company to face the changing environmental conditions. How are these strategies matched with the strengths and weaknesses of the company? * Critically examine the Information systems/strategic IS used, development alternatives used, the purpose of use and analyze the benefits achieved and drawbacks of these information systems. Explain how each of these systems supports the overall business goals of the organization. * Describe the nature of the relationship between the IT division and the other divisions of the organization. Explain problem, change and recovery management processes adopted by the IT division. If the organization does not posses such processes, you may make suitable suggestions as part of your recommendations) * Explain the types of controls used by the IT division in order to protect the IT assets of the organization. * Explain briefly how IT costs are recovered and charge back mechanisms used by the IT division. * Based on you findings make suitable recommendations to improve the Information Systems and the IT division that would enable the organization to emerge as a market leader.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Attachment and Infant Child Care Centers

There are many advantages in an infant and toddlers emotional attachment to caregivers. Infants pay special attention to attachment figures. This attention helps the child learn from how the adult reacts and how they speak. Infants learn through informal direction, not a formal lesson or instruction from a teacher. Infants and toddlers learn how to respond to events based on how their caregiver(s) react. Emotional reactions affect an infant or toddlers response to an event. The child learns from caregivers what to think about things (a toy, a spider, an open door). This kind of learning comes from observation of the caregiver’s facial expression, gestures, posture, and tone of voice. Infants carefully observe the responses of attachment figures to unfamiliar events. Emotional attachment to child care providers helps infants learn about emotional reactions during the many hours they are at the child care center, just as they would do if they were cared for at home throughout the day. Infants and toddlers also learn by exploring their surroundings, but they refrain from doing so unless an attachment figure is present. This is because the child views the attachment figure as a â€Å"secure base†, a place where they can go to in order to feel safe when there are unknown objects or strangers around. When a child is securely emotionally attached to an adult, they will make short ventures into an unfamiliar environment, occasionally looking back at the secure base for emotional support. If an attachment figure is not present, then the child is much less likely to explore and may stay in one spot, crying or rocking themselves to soothe their anxiety. Infants and toddlers are able to emotionally attach to people who are biologically unrelated to them. Infants and toddlers have no more than three or four emotional attachment figures. Developing emotional attachments to caregivers in a child care center does not take away from the child’s primary emotional attachment to their parents. Although a child who has a revolving door of caregivers will probably not develop a secure attachment to any of them, it is common for infants to have secure attachments to mother and father, a primary caregiver, and another caregiver who regularly comes to take care of the child. The child care center itself can either help or hinder attachment. If a child is to develop an emotional attachment to their caregiver, she must have the opportunity to spend long periods of time with hat child, to be reliably available to respond to the child’s needs and communications, and to have responsibility for a small enough number of children. Good child care center policies will want to encourage child-caregiver attachment. In order to do so the center would structure the classroom schedule so that the caregiver can talk and play with each child for periods of time every day. She will know each child’s likes or dislikes, their facial expressions, vocalizations, and other methods of c ommunication used by each child in her care, and she will respond to these communications in a helpful, playful, and affectionate way. This style of regular attention and responsiveness is where attachment is built. Another important factor in the development of attachment to child care providers pertains to a caregiver’s salary. In order to maintain a consistent staff at any child care center, (and thus building secure emotional attachments with children), caregivers must be paid a worthy wage that reflects the hard work that they perform. This can reduce the number of revolving door teachers (teachers who come and go within weeks or months of being hired).

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Origin Of Islam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Origin Of Islam - Term Paper Example But, after the death of Muhammed, Allah’s peace be upon him, every revelation were inscribed by the believers on barks, stones, and the modern times writing paper in the hope of passing the teachings on to the subsequent generations. In 1935, the first English translation was attempted bringing more people into the faith. Body Based on the revelation of Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, in the Qur’an, Islam as the religion of mankind was first taught by Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, to Adam and Eve, Allah’s peace upon them, with the following words: â€Å"And if as is sure there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve† Sii: 38 (Ali, 1935). â€Å"But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, they shall be companions of the fire; they shall abide therein† Sii: 39 (Ali, 1935). This marked the beginning of Islam for mankind when men and women were sent down on the surface of the earth. This was after Adam and Eve fell for disobedience. Along the way, generations after generations, not the whole of mankind remembered to pass on the faith to their progenies. Then Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, was born to a family in Ur, Karbala, Iraq. "We gave him Isaac and Jacob: All (three) We guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: Thus do we reward those who do good: And Zachariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: All in the ranks of the righteous: And Ismail and Elisha, and Jonas and Lot; and to all we gave favour above the nations" Sii: 84-86 (Ali, 1935). At about the age of maturity, after a long search for whom to worship, Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, received a revelation from Allah, glory to Him: "And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: and he will be in the hereafter in the ranks of the righteous" Sii: 130 (Ali, 1935). "Behold! His Lord said to him: 'Bow (thy will to me):' He said: I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe" Sii: 131(Ali, 1935). "And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; 'Oh my sons! God hath chosen the faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam" Sii: 132 (Ali, 1935). The above quotations are the faithful English translation in 1935 of the Arabic Qur'an. The Arabic version was revealed during the time when people were left groping in the dark after about 500 years when Jesus the son of Mary left earth. This exact revelation marked the reappearance of Islam. This was revealed to the prophet Muhammed s.a.w. in 500 A.D.Subsequently, the following revelations confirmed Abraham's leadership of Islam as the religion reappeared guided by Allah s.w.a.: "He said: 'I will make thee an Imam to the nations.' He pleaded: 'And also (Imams) from my offspring!' He answered: 'but My promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.' Sii: 124 (Ali, 1935). Conclusion Islam as a religion of Muslims dates back to the time of the prophets Adam and Eve, Allah's peace upon them, which prominently reappeared during Abraham's civilization unto his progeny. Reference Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. 1935. Qur'an. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al Arabia.

Clinical Nurtiution health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Clinical Nurtiution health - Case Study Example Interactions with other health care professionals and strategies to tackle malnutrition will be discussed. Dietary assessment has become an integral part of clinical evaluation and nursing assessment. Good nutrition is not only important for preventing disease, but also for comprehensive management of a patient. Dietary assessment includes 24 hour recall of food intake, including the type and quantity, calories analysis, estimation of protein, fat and other important nutrients like vitamins and minerals and comparing with standard references for respective age, sex and physiological condition like pregnancy, lactation and adolescence. One day’s 24 hour recall of food may not be the best guide for nutrition assessment of a particular patient. However, it keeps matter simple for calorie calculation. From what we can see from Anitas’s 24 hour food recall, the total calorie intake is about 1000 kcal, shortcoming of her requirement. Based on the age, sex, height, weight and lifestyle, the calorie requirement of Anitha is 1581 kcal per day. Her basal metabolic rate based on Harris-Benedict formula is 1318 kcal per day. The protein intake is about 20 grams when she needs about 45 grams (ICMR, 2010). Total fat is about 10% and mainly constituting saturated fat. Dietary fiber is only about 10% (when it should be 30%). Except for some iron and calcium in the breakfast and some vitamins in the snacks, her diet is poor in vitamins and minerals. The diet does not contain fresh fruits or vegetables or starchy staple foods. Nor does the diet contain adequate milk. Malnutrition occurs when an individuals diet fails to provide nutrition that is required for growth, health and normal body function. Malnutrition can affect any system in the body. The most significant symptoms of malnutrition are fatigue, weight loss and dizziness. Anitha lost 6 kgs

Federal Reserve Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federal Reserve - Research Paper Example Monetary policy is used to control inflation by revising the reserve ratio requirement or increasing the funds rate so as to reduce the demand of goods in the economy. Monetary policy influences the money supply and by this tool it controls the inflation (The Federal Reserve System 2012). Open market operation is a tool that the Fed uses to increase or decrease the money supply. Through open market operations the fed buys or sells treasury bills, Notes or bonds. This is the way the Fed alters total reserves in the banking system. When the Fed buys $50 million of bonds from a bank, the banks reserve would increase by the same amount and eventually that money would be loaned out by the bank. The $50 million increase in bank reserves would cause an equivalent increase in their monetary base (Colorado 2011). When the Fed undertakes a stimulus program, it essentially increases the money supply in the economy. As seen in the above example, the money supply will increase by $50 million times the money multiplier. If the money multiplier is 5, the money supply will increase by $250 million and obviously that would provide big impetus to the economy (Colorado 2011). Currently, the Fed discount rates are quite low, near to 0.25% that indicates the government wants to give boost to the economy by increasing money supply. After 2008 meltdown, the government bought long-term treasury bonds and notes. This indicates that the Fed is making all efforts to increase money supply to revive the market (The Federal Reserve System

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management - Assignment Example 329). Leadership has many functions that bring the team closer to their goals to carry out .The significance of leadership is reflected in the following functions: providing inspiration to employees, securing cooperation in the team, creating confidence among individuals, providing a conducive environment for employees, implementing changes, maintaining discipline among the members, representing them, and setting goals. (Murugun, pg.328) There are many factors that affect how a manager exerts leadership. The most important and the first one that comes to mind is his personality. Leadership style largely depends on the nature of a manager. Moreover, the experiences of a manager also define his leadership style. He may lead in a certain way because his practices and situations in the past expect him to go forward in that manner. In addition to that, it is also based on the beliefs and values of the leader. He will also manage and lead his team according to the organisation's environment, culture and needs. To get to the point, there are a number of leadership styles, defined by a number of individuals. For example, Likert's four main leadership styles: Exploitative authoritative, Benevolent authoritative, Consultative and Participative styles (Likert 1967). Or , for example, Goleman's, Boyatzis' and McKee's (2004) six emotional leadership styles: The Visionary Leader, the Coaching Leader, the Affiliative Leader, the Democratic Leader, the Pace-setting Leader and the Commanding Leader. But in this paper, we will only go over the ten most common ones out of which the first three are Lewin's Leadership styles (Lewin, Lippit and White 1939): 1. Autocratic leadership 2. Democratic leadership or Participative leadership 3. Laissez-faire leadership 4. Bureaucratic leadership 5. Charismatic leadership 6. People-oriented leadership or Relations-Oriented leadership 7. Task-oriented leadership 8. Servant Leadership 9. Transactional leadership 10. Transformational leadership Autocratic Leadership Style is a rigid way of leading. It is when the leader feels no need to consult his team members before making important or even unimportant decisions. This makes one think that it will essentially de-motivate workers or employees. This is, in fact, very true so ideally, this style is adopted when not seeking employees' input doesn't motivate or de-motivate them. It could be implemented in a situation where employees are inexperienced and are unable to make decisions for themselves let alone for the team as a whole. It could also be used in a situation where the leader is extremely experienced, competent and blindly trusted by the team members. The limitations of this style of leadership are apparent; it leads to de-motivation and low self-esteem of the subordinates. They are never allowed to make decisions, even the smallest ones, and this puts pressure on their self-actualization or self-realization needs. Their job satisfaction must be close to nil. It discourages subordinates that could be potential managers and leaders to reach their aptitude. It seems like this style of leadership would hardly produce leaders in the future. Furthermore, an autocratic leader creates a very unfriendly and peculiar environment which prevents employees from showing any innovation at all. Democratic

What roles do interest groups play in influencing public opinion and Essay

What roles do interest groups play in influencing public opinion and the political process What kinds of interest groups are they How do they contribute to, or hinder a healthy democracy - Essay Example It is important to note that in political science, the main points of argument refer to the particular study of what individuals get, the time they are to get it and the process to be followed in getting it. This has led to many questions about how the government carries out its governance process. For instance, why does it have different tax regimes for different people and firms? Why some benefits are made available to certain groups of people and not others among others. Most of the answers to these questions in the American example depend on the political and socioeconomic processes and the work of interest groups The works of interest groups cannot be underestimated in any country; in the United States, these groups are important channels through which people express their ideas and make their views known to people they elected in governance. Citizens can always channel their views and concerns to interest groups that articulate their concerns to various arms of the government and other public institutions (Maisel 25). In the United States, interest groups find fertile grounds to advance their interests through the informal traditions and the formal structures existing in the country (Hays para 5). It is important to note that these groups find their great source of influence from the fact that political parties in the US are thought to have some weaknesses as far as tackling the interests of people in the country is concerned. Another important feature of the American political system that encourages the functioning of interest groups relates to the way political power is decentralized to various localities and states. This is known as federalism, and plays a big role in the way citizen associations begin; mostly at the local level and the state and later coming together to make strong influential groups at the national level Interest groups made up of business people and corporate groups agree that they are critical to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Militant Environmentalists War on Environmental Crisis Essay

The Militant Environmentalists War on Environmental Crisis - Essay Example The Militant Environmentalists’ War on Environmental Crisis England’s King Edward I threatened Londoners with harsh penalties if they didn’t stop burning sea-coal.†, and the latest news narrates about the deteriorating state of affairs, carbon emissions being the main point of concern in terms of air and chemicals in terms of water. The logical and necessary efforts on changing the existing situation for better aside, there are some organizations that make this purpose the core value of their members’ existence, and their actions often not only look at least strange, but also may lead to the radically opposite effect, that is, distract people from the sound interest on the environmental problem, due to intervention into one’s life. The cause of militant behavior of certain individuals or groups of environmental activists is their being determined at turning the attention of the society to the most serious problems of the environment to date. This suggestion is enforced by the fact that it is quite possible that we might simply have no time to consider the environment damage we have caused and to find an adequate and effective solution as the pace of the nature destruction by humans is high, and the effect of the counter-measures taken is, on the contrary, time-consuming. The reason the behavior is violent is because there are, as Lohan states, simply no other ways the mentioned activists can get the public informed about the problem and its seriousness, as it is quite possible that the conventional organization of the life on the Earth may either disappear or be completely changed in the nearest future.

What roles do interest groups play in influencing public opinion and Essay

What roles do interest groups play in influencing public opinion and the political process What kinds of interest groups are they How do they contribute to, or hinder a healthy democracy - Essay Example It is important to note that in political science, the main points of argument refer to the particular study of what individuals get, the time they are to get it and the process to be followed in getting it. This has led to many questions about how the government carries out its governance process. For instance, why does it have different tax regimes for different people and firms? Why some benefits are made available to certain groups of people and not others among others. Most of the answers to these questions in the American example depend on the political and socioeconomic processes and the work of interest groups The works of interest groups cannot be underestimated in any country; in the United States, these groups are important channels through which people express their ideas and make their views known to people they elected in governance. Citizens can always channel their views and concerns to interest groups that articulate their concerns to various arms of the government and other public institutions (Maisel 25). In the United States, interest groups find fertile grounds to advance their interests through the informal traditions and the formal structures existing in the country (Hays para 5). It is important to note that these groups find their great source of influence from the fact that political parties in the US are thought to have some weaknesses as far as tackling the interests of people in the country is concerned. Another important feature of the American political system that encourages the functioning of interest groups relates to the way political power is decentralized to various localities and states. This is known as federalism, and plays a big role in the way citizen associations begin; mostly at the local level and the state and later coming together to make strong influential groups at the national level Interest groups made up of business people and corporate groups agree that they are critical to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Use of Shocking and Stricking Visual Effects Essay Example for Free

The Use of Shocking and Stricking Visual Effects Essay Early seventeenth century plays often make striking use of visual effects to shock the audience. Explain the ways Ford creates striking or shocking dramatic effects in Tis Pity Shes a Whore. Plays of the seventeenth century are notoriously known for being rife with gory representations and some critics have gone as far as to suggest that Ford is a prime example of the glorification of violence and sex on the stage. However, this stylistic use and representation was not unwanted by his audience seventeenth century theatre goers of that age expected shocking scenes with the purchase of a ticket. This very apparent made it necessary for Ford to sometimes over dramatise or make more bounteous his shocking and striking scenes John Ford, many would argue, went just that one step further. Undeniably, one of the most shocking moments that Ford creates is seen fairly near to the beginning of the play in an exchange between Giovanni and Annabella. The plays main plot revolves around the two siblings and their growing love for one another, and we see this love addressed and first reciprocated in Act I, Sc 2. Giovanni is first to admit his love, offering Annabella a dagger to strike him with if she does not requite this love. This moment is extremely dramatic and shocking to the audience, as Giovannis desperate nature if revealed here; Ford establishes both his character and his characters intentions very forcefully. Later in the scene, the two kneel together, making a commitment to one another. They both say the exact same thing, except brother is changed to sister where applicable. Ford here creates a dichotomy for his audience; without our prior knowledge, this scene is strikingly beautiful, but we as an audience as ultimately repelled and shocked by their declaration of love upon our mothers dust. Ford uses the proxemics of Annabella and Giovanni as a method of shocking the audience. The kneeling suggests a greater commitment, almost a spiritual marriage between the two or giving oneself up to the other. Giovanni follows suit by kneeling by Annabella. This not only creates an effect use of the stage, but also a differentiation between normality, but a consistency and uniformity between the two. The shocking element of this scene is aided by the repetition of speech and the language used; they both start and finish addressing each other as their siblings. This reinforces the wrongness the repulsion, unsettling feeling toward the shocking situation. They also swear on their dead mother, creating more family ties and emphasising the severity of their actions, or the actions they would be willing to carry out. The two then declare, love me, or kill me; this again shows the severity of passion between the two. It is interesting to note that this proclamation of love is the only one found throughout the play that is true, deep and meaningful. In retrospect, Fords creation and portrayal of an incestuous relationship as the only one that is right throughout the play, shocks the audience and forces them to make judgements between what they believe are right and wrong.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Leadership And Change Management At Mcdonalds Commerce Essay

Leadership And Change Management At Mcdonalds Commerce Essay This report is conducted on McDonalds. In 1st section focus on change and resistances to change, real examples of change process and its implementation, scope of change at McDonalds and possible resistances and conflicts to change at McDonalds. The last section provides management role for making effective plan and strategies to implementation of new change in this way minimise the resistance from employees resistances against this change. Table of Contents Section Name of Contents Page no. 1 McDonald Profile 4 2 Change and Resistance to Change. 6 3 Real example of change process and its implementation. 7 4 Scope of Change at McDonalds. 8 5 Resistances and Conflicts to change at McDonalds. 10 6 Recommendations 13 7 Conclusion 16 8 References 17 cDonalds Profile: McDonalds started his business in 1940 with 1st restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California by Richard. It was the result of the thoughts of two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonalds who introduced a new revolutionary restaurant Speedee Service System in 1948 which was established on principles of the modern  fast-food restaurant. Speedee completely replaced with  Ronald McDonalds  by 1967. 1st time used as trademark on the name McDonalds on May 4, 1961, with the description Drive-In Restaurant Services which is still continues until end of June, 2010. The logo trademark on an overlapping, double arched M symbol was introduced in Sep 13 1961. The M double overlapped arched symbol logo was temporarily disfavoured by September 6, 1962. The modern double arched M symbol started in November 18, 1968. (McDonalds , 25 August , 2010 , ) The list of inventions, the Big Mac in 1968, the Egg McMuffin in 1973, the Happy Meal for children in 1979, or Chicken McNuggets in 1983 .At the present time, McDonalds have more than 31,000 restaurants in 119 different countries of the world of which a lot are franchised. ( McDonalds vision is to become worlds best and quick service experience restaurant for this purpose McDonalds delivering outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. In mission statements includes best employer or our people in each community around the world, excellent operational for delivery to customers and enduring profitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging strength of McDonalds through innovation and technology McDonald Corporation ,2010) Change and Resistance to Change: According to Rev. Sharon Patterson that which people want to changes are babies who have wet diapers. We can be explained that change is an effort that consists of actual physical changes to operations and different exciting incentive is really painful process in the workplace (Bernerth, 2004) Change Process Model Though we all know and believe that progress means change, and we all want and need progress, but not even the prospect of attaining profit from change that everyone will ready and willing to hold change. On the other hand, it is widely believed and trust that most would resist change, (Duck, 1993) According to Duck (1993) bluntly he pointed out that change is intensely personal. but according to Petersen (2002) reckons that for many people, the spectre of change produces Factor of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. (Peterson, 2002) Since change is widely accepted all over the world as almost always from top management to down and its brings by the management, those people which are only being managed would also always show resist against change, before imposing change or before forward change its duty of manager to make a such type framework which should be overcome over all resistance before implementation. (Peterson, 2002) Resistance to change can be defined as its a perceived behaviour of organization members which are refuse to accept any change within organization. (Cheng Petrovic-Lazarevic, 2004).James Hunt says Resistance isnt an indication that something is wrong with what you are trying to change. It is an indication that something is happening. Ansoff defined Resistance as its only cause of creation unexpected delays, costs and instabilities into the process of strategic change (Ansoff, 1988). Resistance is any employee behaviour trying to stop or delay in any change. (Bemmels and Reshef 1991) Real example of the change process and its implementation. British Airways. Past in 1981, British Airways hired on board of Directors a new chairperson.  When this chairperson joined, he noticed that the company was very unproductive and was wasting a lot of valuable resources in useless activities.  To make the organization efficient and increasing the profit ratio he decided to restructure the entire organization.  He realized that Change Methodology Management Plan is the best way to serve that purpose. (Jean Scheid, 2010) Systematically, the British airways started reducing workforce.  But, before started this, through his change management leadership, the chairman gave the all reasons for the restructuring and privatization of the company in order to prepare them for the future change.  He directed his company through a hard time that could have been terrible without  effective change management resistance communication just only through his Leadership Communication (Jean Scheid, 2010) Scope of the Change at McDonalds. The scope of this change for McDonalds is limited to the application of the Integrated marketing Communication (IMC) as part of the marketing strategy of the McDonalds. In this change, the most important area that had been given attention is the advertising and promotional campaign of the company.   Usually, advertisement or promotional activities are concerned as an open sponsorship of offering products, services and any ideas through the use of any mode of communication. In this purpose, there are different kinds of mode of communication or media which are use for advertising and promotional campaign. Basically, in this new Integrated marketing Communication (IMC) theme will be major focus on advertising and sales promotion activities. Particularly this change will give importance to the Integrated Marketing Campaign (IMC) as part of the marketing strategy of the McDonalds. (McDonald Corporation , 2009) Basic aims of Integrated Marketing Campaign to take on a new health-conscious rule that would be constant with the latest trend of health awareness and the growing concern in corpulence among children and target market. In addition, its aim is to  introduce the implementation of a new and separate menu of low fat for children, planned to counter the rising bad publicity being thrown at McDonalds. The company is well known that this new strategy which most concerns with the health of consumer would effectively inform both children and parents regarding the nutritional value of new, McKids Meals, and how these meals are different from the traditional McDonalds meals.  In addition, the implementation of the new innovation namely Integrated Marketing Communication might be able to provide an effective advertising and public relations campaign that would successfully introduce the new McDonalds change to the world. For implementation of this new change in the organization, the company has been able to create a team that would be responsible for all essential matters related this change.(McDonald Corporation, 2009) The major focus of this change would be on the sale promotion and advertising, not only to mention other marketing mix which would be included and participated to make successful this innovation or change. Today McDonalds different kinds of menu for kids had faced different criticism, mostly in terms of its nutritional contents. The Integrated Marketing Communication has been implemented only changing public image towards the McDonalds. We can say Integrated Marketing Communication is a technique for ensuring that a companys mission and vision is included and promoted in every advertisement or promotion that will be happened (McDonald Corporation,2009) According to Forgeson and Green Basically there are three major categories of change resistances are organizational, group and individual. The following are resistance or conflicts faced by McDonalds during implementation of this change: McDonalds employees and customers, McDonalds organizational culture and behaviour. (Mabin, Forgeson Green, 2001) Resistances and Conflicts to change at McDonalds:   1st resistances due to reactions of the McDonalds staff and customers of the company , some employees are in favour of this new change and some are against this new change mean using the Integrated Marketing communication. Managers and some employees only against this change due to fear, they think might be this change instead of resolving problem it will increase the problems of the company. There are not only employees have negative reaction towards this change but also customers are not showing positive reaction towards this campaign so it lead o another conflict in the shape of not positive attitude of customers towards this new change in this way McDonalds cant achieve benefit from this change as whole of the company.   One more resistance against this new change of the company the shortage of qualified personnel in company who assigned the maintaining these tasks to maintaining crew and application of this new marketing change but they are not much professional so this is the conflict in the way of new change. In strategic implementation of the change there are lot of barriers and enablers which are attributed as the main factors for the success or failure of the implemented changes. Barriers may include different resources which are not may be available for the innovation process. These include insufficient financial budget, organizational or stakeholder resistance to change and ineffective used of communication media. One more of the conflicts or resistances that may arise in the implementation of change in an organisation are the absence of support in sustaining the success that can be achieved in the change process. (Cheng Petrovic-Lazarevic, 2004) According to Carlopio Innovation is a social process that should be undertaken in a regular phases and not just a decision event so within McDonalds these forces are the ones attributed which may hinder strategic implementation of the innovation. The company may not be able to implement the Integrated Marketing Communication as part of its marketing strategy lacking of one of these hurdles, or incapability to handle these hurdles effectively, the company may not be able to implement the Integrated Marketing Communication as part of its marketing strategy.(Carlopio, 1998) The difference in culture between the different employees of the organization is another inner conflict. Due to difference in cultures in McDonald in different members of the company so in this way they unable to do work in pleasant environment and in good way and also this cultural leads to create difficulties in the way of implementation of new change in organization. According to Wilkins Dyer the administration and management of the management of McDonalds must be identify and understand those subcultures that might provoke a work environment more or less empowering than the larger organizational system at the time of assessing the interaction between culture and empowerment. (Wilkins Dyer, 1988). Recommendation: In restaurant industry managers play vital role in any change so in this way what McDonalds managers pay specific attention at the time of implementation and initiating change towards reducing possible resistances and achieve better organization performance. Manager is the person who initiating and start the change and employees have to accept and adopt it. Through Effective communication, perception of managers actions, employees attitude and harmonious working situation can be overcome resistances to change and also play important role in attaining better organizational performance. Implementation of Change in the Restaurant Industry Effective communication is the most important components in restaurant industry and played a vital role in the success of organizational operations. Effective communication is very important among the managers and employees and among the employees to employees.Good listening skills are the essential for a successful manager of any organization specially in fast growing fast food industry. Before, after and during the change process managers should carefully listen to the employees opinion and should modify the new change according to the opinion of the employee. For implementation of successful change in organization it is compulsory for manager he should always alert regarding employees reaction towards change. McDonalds Managers should realize that if employees against that change and dont want to cooperate with them so in this way customer service delivery will get worse. Conflict may arise amongst colleagues and managers when employees resist change. In this way employees may not perform well which directly effecting reputation of restaurant and might be it will also become cause of resignation of employees. So befre implementation of new change McDonalds managers listen very carefully arguments of employees and change the situation according the time need and should avoid the create bad environment in which employees proved poor environment for work and end all go for resignation. Not only this but also they should encourage the employees for better service and development of performance of the company as well as the employees.. So there should be a framework for possible improvement in efficient working system and better customer service within a working environment. This framework indicates and encourage to both parties managers and employees should look for a better technique of getting things done. We should clear one thing improvement always goes along with change. If there is no improvement, it means no change in this way restaurant will most likely become sluggish in particular when unforeseen circumstances or events occur restaurants and that time might be it will very difficult to keep pace with competitors. Managers should also provide a pleasant environment to employee for keeping happy to workers and cheerful staff will contribute to higher level of motivation and high performance. High-spirited employees would be able to creation and maintain harmonious working relationship with workmates. Managers should always maintain and keep a lovely pleasant environment for employees to keep them motivated because stressful environments always negatively impact the restaurant (A Paton, R. and Maccalman, J. ,2008) Further more, the success of the new change is still under process and difficult to convert the children attitude towards healthy fast food meals. But at the other hand, there are very strong chance for this success due to strong campaign and promotion activates for prompting the characteristics of the this new change. Furthermore, McDonalds should assure the message has been reached to every child in 119 countries where McDonalds is serving for this purpose help from every type media is the best strategy. There should be a new theme for new advertisement I love it even more! and hopefully this new theme and way of advertisement will inspire the parents and also encourage the childrens towards healthy food. This campaign should be long lasting, strong concerned on healthy characteristics of this new change and should be in friendly way like kiddie-friendly way. If McDonalds carefully make plan and use best strategy and good and effective method for implementation of this new change so there are bright chance of the success of this new change and in this way company can achieve very easily mission and objectives of the company. The most concerned of this company to give image of health conscious which is good match with the latest trend of health conscious measures for this world and also for the future world. Conclusion: According to Beverage the management change leaders must be willing to keep their fingers on the pulse of the organization, by monitoring what is working and what is not working and in the change process.   The management must create s safe environment for changes, reassure, support, and commitment on the organization in order to application the strategy of change effectively and successfully (Beverage (2003) Therefore, it is concluded that, changes of management is not bad until they enhance the competitiveness and power of an industry. If any change implicated through proper planning and investigation so it will be very effective and will also increase the performance of the organization. So organizations should impose the any change at the right time when studies proved that no time of change. Because we dons forget the change management system not only critical and complex but also very sensitive so only one wrong decision of any company in any change might be it push company to in under clouds and prove harmful for organization profit and inspite giving development instead company feel difficult to survive in perfect market. This is strongly recommendation for McDonalds that must see and again and again ensure that future changes are well very planned there implication is very carefully because these changes will be cause of the success /or failure of any company.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abortion: One Of The Most Controversial Topics Today Essay example --

Abortion: One of the Most Controversial Topics Today In the early American Colonies, English Common Law was adopted by the United States, which declared abortion forbidden. The procedure was ruled a misdemeanor if performed before quickening, which meant â€Å"feeling life,† and a felony if performed after quickening. In the early 1800s, it was discovered that life begins at conception and not when the mother â€Å"feels life.† Eighty-five percent of the states had laws that made all abortions a felony. Between the 1800s and today, many arguments have taken place regarding when life begins for a fetus and to what extent the mother has a right to terminate her pregnancy (Fast Facts: History of the U.S. Abortion Laws, 2003). There have been numerous attempts to change the current laws and/or add to them and the majority of these attempts have failed. The most famous law of them all resulted from the case of Roe v. Wade , is still in effect today and forms the basis for abortion laws and arguments. Important Court Cases   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most important dates in abortion history is January 22, 1973. On this date, the Supreme Court struck down all state abortion laws and legalized abortion in all 50 states for the full nine months of pregnancy. A mother’s right to abortion is known as the outcome of Roe v. Wade and falls under a woman’s right to privacy. More specifically, the court ruled that the government could restrict abortion access after the first trimester with laws intended to protect the woman’s health. Also, late-term abortions need the approval of a licensed physician to judge the procedure necessary to protect the mother’s health (Roe v. Wade: The 1973 Supreme Court Decision on State Abortion Laws, 1973) .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to an article written by Michael W. McConnell, â€Å"the reasoning of Roe v. Wade is an embarrassment to those who take constitutional law seriously, even to many scholars who heartily support the outcome of the case (p. 136).† The first reasoning behind the decision is based on the â€Å"right of privacy† and that it is broad enough to encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. But the right of privacy is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution, as many would agree. Connell says that judges have found at least the roots of that right in the First Amendment, Ninth Amendment, ... ... No one ever thinks that rape will happen to them, but if it did, your decision now and your decision at that time may be different. Ultimately, should a woman have the right to choose between terminating her pregnancy and a potential life, or continuing with the pregnancy? Bibliography Fast Facts: History of U.S. Abortion Laws. (2003, January 21). FoxNews Channel Online. Retrieved February 12, 2005, from,3566,881,00.html McConnell, Michael M. (1998). Roe v. Wade at Twenty-Five: Still Legitimate. In R. M. Baird (Ed.), The Ethics of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice (pp. 135-138). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Roe v. Wade: The 1973 Supreme Court Decision on State Abortion Laws. (1973). In R. M. Baird (Ed.), The Ethics of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice (pp. 63-72). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Thomson, Judith Jarvis. (1971). A Defense of Abortion. In R. M. Baird (Ed.), The Ethicds of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice (pp. 241-256). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. (1989). In R. M. Baird (Ed.), The Ethics of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice (pp. 73-92)., Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children

Child Abuse   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Help me!† This is the plea of many children in America. As you read this, one little girl is crying out in pain, one little boy is begging not to be touched anymore. Many children live through everyday being abused sexually, physically, and emotionally. â€Å"More than two million cases of neglect and physical abuse are reported annually. Studies have shown that most parents who abuse their children were once abused as a child† (Funk & Wagnall’s 121). According to the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, 185 children died from child abuse in 1996. There are a lot of ways to put an end to this; it just takes some work and time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all there are the children who are emotionally abused. The question is what is emotional abuse? Emotional abuse is when the child is hurt emotionally causing changes in behavior and low self-esteem. â€Å"For example, the parents may use extreme or bizarre forms of punishment, such as confinement of a child in a dark closet, and less severe acts, such as habitual scapegoating, belittling, or rejecting treatment† (NCCANCH). Children who suffer from this type of abuse grow up being called bad things and never really knowing what love is, take 10-year old Carla for example. She was both physically and emotionally abused. She was neglected; the only attention she got was bad attention. Her mother called her worthless and some of her mother’s boyfriends hit her. was there for her and now Carla is doing much better (Bob Cooper). Emotional abuse, in my opinion, is a terrible type of abuse that a child could go through. Although it ma y not seem too harsh, it causes many social problems for the child. These social problems include, fear of meeting people, shyness, withdrawing from classmates, and an introverted personality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly, there is physical abuse. Physical abuse is when the child has â€Å"physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking or otherwise harming a child.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy Essay

1.Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1. 2.Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S. before the presidential doctrine was announced. 3.Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above. 4.Describe the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War. 5.Assess whether or not the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced. 6.Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. To help you understand this assignment further, the following description and examples may be useful. Step 1: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one. A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States, so you will need to expand on this theme. Refer back to Assignment 1, and build on whatever doctrine you wrote about then. Say, for example, you selected the Truman Doctrine. Therefore, this is the only thing you will write about in Assignment 2 step 1. Step 2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S. Before the presidential doctrine was announced. In the case of Truman, you would pick either the Soviet Union, Greece, or Iran, since all three were affected by his doctrine. If you are writing about the Eisenhower Doctrine, you would choose Lebanon or Egypt; if you wrote about the Kennedy Doctrine, you would have write about Cuba or Vietnam; if your wrote about the Nixon Doctrine,  you would choose either Vietnam, Saudi Arabia or Iran; if you chose Carter, you would select either Iran or Afghanistan; and if you wrote about the Reagan Doctrine, you would select Nicaragua, Angola, Russia or Afghanistan (although there were several others). Step 3: Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War. That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Western Europe after the Truman Doctrine was announced? What happened in the Middle East after the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced? What happened with Cuba or Vietnam after Kennedy offered up his doctrine of flexible response? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect? What happened in the Middle East after the Carter Doctrine was announced? What happened in Central America or Africa or the Middle East after Reagan announced his doctrine? Step 4: Refer back to the country you selected in step two and describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and that country. How has the relationship changed between the U.S. and that country since the doctrine was announced? Step 5: Evaluate whether or not the presidential doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the one country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced. Your assignment must: †¢Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. †¢Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: †¢Identify the cultural, economic, and political context of information resources, and interpret information in light of that context. †¢Use technology and information resources to research issues in international problems. †¢Write clearly and concisely about international problems using proper writing mechanics.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Assignment: Change Models Essay

In this paper the executive at a high-end retail chain selling luxury watches, jewelry, and hand bags is in charge of the company’s first expansion in the international pool, which is about a new store open in Shanghai, China. This is only a short term objective as the company expects to open several stores in the BRIC countries, such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China, which is the long-term plan. The executive explains the chain models used to follow the short-term and long-term goals and the effects these changes would have on executives, managers, and employees from the company. Organizational Change Change is not easy to implement and plan. It requires a lot of responsibility for the ones that are impacted by it and for the ones who enforce it. Weis (2012) reminds about three types of change that can be at an organizational level, such as: developmental, transitional and transformational. Developmental change refers to improvements of what already exists. A good example of developmental change is when a company improves a procedure or a process that exists within the organization like the leave time or the update of an HR policy. There is little stress involved in such change and it does not really need to be of a larger scale and scope. The second type of organizational change reminded by Weiss (2012) is transitional change and it refers to implementing a known desired state, different from a current one. It is a type of change of a larger scale and it deals with a certain amount of stress, unlike developmental change. A good example of transitional change is the merger or acquisition procedure of a company. Another example when it comes to processes and procedures is about replacing them with new ones, like when a new technology system is installed, replacing an older one. Transitional changes can unsettle jobs, can shake things in a company, and they can also create new jobs, requiring training and hiring. The third type of change is the transformational model which requires or involves the emergence of a new and unknown state for the company. When a company moves to a new and different target market it requires different strategies, as well as skills. Another good example of transformational change is when the CEO and executives of a company want to change the culture or/and the structure of a company. This type of change is the requiring intensive focus and involving a lot of stress. It may be the most complex among all three change types. The short-term objective that needs to be implemented by the executive is the open of a new store in Shanghai, China. Being a single event it may not require such intensive focus; however, there are aspects of the matter that need to be highly considered. The strategy proposed for the opening of a new store in Shanghai is to reach the objective through a transitional change model. A good way to implement this change model is with the 7-S model. Waterman, Peters, and Philips (1980) explain that the 7-S Model for Organizational change examines seven key areas of the company, as well as the relationship of each of the elements one another. The 7 elements are grouped into two major categories, such as: soft elements and hard elements. The elements are as follows: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff, and skills. Through strategy, the company plans to maintain competitive advantage, while the structure refers to the hierarchy of the company. In both situations, the short and long-term, the hierarchy of the company suffers modifications and the executive needs to make sure the employees and everyone affected by the change are ready to experience it. Systems refer to every-day processes through the company, while shared values refer to the core value of the company. The executive will follow and enforce the shared values of the company in both the short-term and long-term events. Planning for the short-term and opening a new store in China, may be slightly difficult since it is the first time the company deals with such an action. That is why every step needs to be well calculated. It is the first time when the executive needs to come up with a plan involving the inventory of the new store, how it will be maintained, and how supply of products is made. Laws and regulations of China when it comes to retailing need to be considered properly. The first experience will be useful into creating the long-term strategy because it provides the experience necessary to such change within the company. No longer will the other managers and executives need to think locally and nationally. They have to think globally and that is a change required to be addressed in the first place. Since it involves opening a new store, the employees would be hired locally. This is a change that affects the managers because they will have to learn how the hiring process takes place in the country where the new stores are opened. The long-term strategy may not be as complex as the short-term strategy for change because there will be a precedent and the company will cope with the change easily. Conclusion Dealing with change can be challenging when a company focuses on going globally. This paper exposes the strategies an executive at a jewelry store has to deal with opening new store in China (a short-term objective) and other stores in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). Given the cultural diversity of these countries, hiring approaches, as well as the laws and regulations being different in these countries can make the achievement of the objectives more difficult. References Waterman, R. H., Peters, T. J., & Philips, J. R. (1980). Structure is not Organization. Retrieved from Weiss, J.W. (2012). Organizational Change. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Beowulf Literary Analysis Essay

Ronis Aba September 27th, 2012 Period 6th â€Å"No better king had ever lived, no prince so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise. † This is an ultimate description of the heroic events of Beowulf, an old Anglo-Saxon poem about a warrior who battles and destroys three horrifying monsters. Although written long ago, the emotions expressed within this work, emotions of bravery, valor, and ethics still speak to us centuries later. The anonymous author of the poem convinces us through the masterful use of various literary elements that emphasize its meaning and message.Conflict, imagery and setting are three literary elements that contribute to the effectiveness of the poem. The use of conflict aids us to visualize the struggles between Beowulf and his opposing forces. To begin with, we are first introduced to Beowulf’s strength as we read lines 390-392; â€Å"and the bleeding sinew deep in [Grendel’s] shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke. † This first battle exemplifies the readers respect towards Beowulf; this clearly demonstrates that the readers are in fact in awe of Beowulf’s strength and capability to fight Grendel with his bare hands.Furthermore in the story, we learn that Grendel’s mother â€Å"rose at once† and â€Å"repaid [Beowulf] with her clutching claws† (lines 513-517). This passage shows the readers, not only the struggle but, the effort Beowulf put forward to defeating Grendel’s mother in the hopes of glorification to his people and maintaining his pride. Finally, in lines 768-775, we read, â€Å"I swear that nothing ever did deserve an end like this†¦. As he dove through the dragon’s deadly fumes. † This final battle grants the readers with the logic of suspense.This is an epic scene because it is shown to the readers that Beowulf is indeed aware that this is his final battle meaning, with or without help, he would have to go to ulti mate ends in order to complete his mission of defeating the dragon. Finally, these are just some of the many conflicts that help us understand the fights between Beowulf and his differing opponents. Another literary element that offer meaning to the poem is imagery, by simply allowing the readers to envision the events of the story.In the first part of the story (129-134), Beowulf is described as coming over â€Å"seas beating at the sand† while â€Å"the ship foamed through the sea like a bird. † This scene truly guides the readers to admire the vivid description of how proud and tough the ship looks. This ship in this case, becomes a metonymy for Beowulf himself, who is certainly proud and strong, resulting in the readers’ admiration. Additional imagery is used describing the mere, or lake, discussed above, with â€Å"storms [an] waves splash[ing] towards the sky, as dark as the air as black as the rain that the heavens weep† (440-442).This clearly illu strates how dreadful Grendel and his mothers’ home is. It intensely aids us to picture how grotesquely unpleasant the lake actually is. Near the end of the tale (lines 651-653], Beowulf â€Å"[strides] with his shield at his side and a mail shirt of his breast†¦.. Toward the tower, under the rocky cliffs. † While Beowulf awaits the battle, the description of his armor and the details of each entry help us to respect how ready he is for his concluding battle. Even as an elderly man, Beowulf is a hero beyond compare.In closing, the use of imagery greatly enriches the readers’ experience of this heroic epic. Evidently, the setting of Beowulf helps the readers to better understand the cultures and events that occur in the story. In lines 60-63, the mead hall (Herot) is described as â€Å"[standing] empty, and stay[ing] deserted for years, twelve winters. † This makes the readers feel and understand the seriousness of Grendel’s attack. Before Grend el, Herot was described as a beautiful and happy place, and so the readers feel terrible regret when it is destroyed by the creature.Later in the story, we are shown the lair under which Grendel and his mother lives: â€Å"secret places, windy cliffs† and a lake which â€Å"at night†¦.. Burns like a torch† (424-433). This passage shows the readers the monstrous, awful conditions of where the monsters lived. It also causes us to feel disgust and revulsion at their horrible habitat. Finally, in the episode with the dragon, its cave is depicted as a â€Å"hidden entrance† with â€Å"a streaming current of fire and smoke block[ing] the passage† (lines 659-661). The cave is intimidating, helping the readers to believe that the upcoming battle will be a real challenge for Beowulf.And it turns out to be so as the powerful dragon ultimately causes the hero’s death. Evidently, these settings, along with others, make the stories come alive for the reade rs. The poet effectively combines the literary elements conflict, imagery and setting to show the reader the qualities of an Anglo-Saxon warrior and hero. To the old English people, no one was more praise worthy than Beowulf, Despite it being written over a thousand years ago, Beowulf shows one important detail of what it takes to truly be a hero, a standard to which we can still relate to today, perhaps more powerfully than ever.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Satisfying all stakeholders when the business is competing in mature Essay - 1

Satisfying all stakeholders when the business is competing in mature product markets is difficult. Discuss - Essay Example Another handicap facing mature products is that the markets they operate in are likely to be mature as well, making growth prospects for the product as well as industry very tough. The rest of this essay will present various factors that have a bearing on stakeholders when a business is competing in mature product markets. Shareholders are one of the main (if not the most important) stakeholders to a company’s prospects. And equity markets are the arena where they can hope to claim their rewards. But increasing share price on a consistent and non-volatile manner is very difficult in mature product markets. For example, â€Å"Equity markets both reward companies that outpace growth in their sector and that show significantly higher price/earnings multiples than their competitors. But, since 80 per cent of equity markets grow only as fast as their country's gross domestic product - that is, at a rate that rarely pushes beyond the low single digits, an organization that seeks to outpace a mature equity market and achieve double-digit revenue growth faces a steep uphill climb. A company can attempt to take market share, but competitors in a mature market will work just as vigorously to defend their customer base. Higher revenue does not always signal success anyway, since revenue gains almost always hurt margins, and can precipitate a price war that devalues the entire market.† (Magrath, 2005) The telecommunications industry offers opportunities for studying marketability of mature products. This is so because, although digital and satellite communications technology were invented only a couple of decades ago, the rapid rate of growth ensured maturity of both the industry as well as its products. The recent developments in the telecommunications industry in the Middle East illustrates common challenges faced by mature products and mature markets. The quarterly performance of these telecom companies after the first quarter of 2009 shows how growth can be stagnant or in decline for mature product markets. During this period, Saudi Telecom reported a whopping 69 percent dip in its net profit figures. Etisalat, another major firm in the region, reported a 20 percent drop in profits in the same period. Smaller players too, including Maroc Telecom and Zain, performed likewise. (Hadfield, 2009) These examples illustrate how difficult it has become for managements to satisfy stakeholders in a mature product business. It is a sign of problems identified with mature markets that investors are looking at opportunities in emerging markets. An increasing share of the world’s capital is now being directed to equities and other derivative products in emerging economies. In the era of globalization, the flow of financial capital is a vital parameter. Financial products and derivative products transacted via stock exchanges trans-nationally have matured as a product over the years. This means that there is now vast empirical data to draw theories upon. This has also had the effect of increasing the degree of volatility in these markets. Investment firms and individual investors look toward emerging markets despite their high volatility due to the following reasons: higher average returns, lower correlations than developed markets, and more predictable returns. Each of these characteristics has made the volatility

Monday, October 7, 2019

Developing Career Prospects Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Developing Career Prospects - Assignment Example Additionally, through the Chapter on management process, roles, behavior and skills has made me to identify the skills that managers should have. These include personal, social, technical and political skills among others. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) entails the process that people pass through as they perceive the world and make decision. The theory, which indicates the existence of two dichotomous pairs of cognitive functions, was of great assistance to me (Emmons, 1996). In terms of rational function, my thinking and feeling towards life challenges were positively enhanced. I felt that with determination and confidence I was able to handle any challenge that comes on my way. On its part, irrational function aroused my sensation and intuition towards my duties. As a student or an employee, one should be able to identify areas that they are effective as well as areas that they are weak. In this way, one is able to identify the areas that they need assistance. My competence in the area of business was based on the skills that I gained in the course of my school work as well as the assistance I received from the instructors. Through the skills, I was able to receive a positive outcome that included strong positive relationship with my customers (Schneider and Alderfer, 1973). However, my inability to balance intuition with rational judgment was a negative perception that affected my outcome. I address this by thinking strategically and go beyond the obvious, gathers complex data, to get to the heart of the issues One’s values are important since they are source of motivation and they greatly make one to be identified by the values. My main value is working hard. I like to achieve my goals through working hard, remaining confident and be focused at my goals (Ibarra, 2003). Additionally, I value learning how to master new tasks by adopting high self efficacy. In this way, I am in a position to educate others on various issues thus our

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Assignment Example According to Linda Alchin, William Shakespeare invested in the Globe Theatre and it was in his interest to write as many plays as possible! Six men became the joint owners of the Globe Theatre, the largest stakes were put up by the Burbage brothers. The initial investment by William Shakespeare made him a wealthy man and successful man due to his share of the large profits which were made at the Globe Theatre. The traditional camp (Stratfordian’s) maintains that the famous Bard was indeed a poet, playwright and an actor. Critics known as "Oxfordians" argue that a more likely contender may have been Edward De Vere (1550-1604), Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, Derby or even Queen Elizabeth herself! Polonius is councillor to King Claudius and the father of Ophelia and Laertes in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. He is especially known for his maxim-filled speech (â€Å"Neither a borrower nor a lender be†). His meddling garrulousness eventually costs him his life. Polonius hides himself behind an array in Gertrudes room, in his last attempt to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet deals roughly with his mother, causing her to cry for help. Polonius requests to help and is heard by Hamlet, who stabs through the array and kills him (due to mistaking him for Claudius). Fights between Catholics and Protestants led to the Civil War in 1642 between the aristocratic, royalist â€Å"Cavaliers† and puritan, parliamentarian â€Å"Roundheads†. The conflict ended with victory for parliamentary forces. In 1649 Charles I was captured and executed after formal trial for crimes against his people. The country became republic. The religious problems took place in Ireland a conflict between Catholics and Presbyterians. Anglican Church was restored, but the conflict between Monarch and Parliament was going on. 24. Identify the underlined words/phrases in the following passage from â€Å"The Great