Friday, March 20, 2020

The Costs Controlling Methods Essay Example

The Costs Controlling Methods Essay Example The Costs Controlling Methods – Essay Example The paper "The Costs Controlling Methods" is a good example of an essay on finance and accounting. Proper bookkeeping creates notable and remarkable differences in smooth operations with lots of sustainability when it comes to the administrative functions of a business organization. By getting informed of where the cash business money and funds are coming from as well as going to, an accountant can easily streamline his or her accounting activities. The costs controlling methods play significant roles in the maintenance of good reputation and getting rid of disputes arising on legal matters. The standard rule in accounting is that liabilities get recorded on the debit side of a cash book and at the same time invoiced as an expense (Hoggett). For the case of assets, the get debited on the cash book and invoiced as income. Liabilities are always regarded as costs since they involve cash flowage outward or from the business accounts or even the business cash at hand being given away. Fo r the case of assets, they are considered as income since they involve money flowing into the company, which can be through sales and other interests gained on loans (Hoggett). In this case, there is a brokerage fee of $3,000 when a corporation (publicly listed) issued bonds. This particular brokerage fee is considered as an expense since it involves the flow of cash from the business to the individual broker who identifies a potential customer to buy the bonds from the company. Therefore, it means that the $3,000 is a liability that must be expensed on the invoice. The amount received from selling the bond or rather the price of the bond is invoiced as revenue to the firm ( The net value of the bond is therefore gotten by finding the difference between the selling price of the bonds and the brokerage fee. The brokerage fee in the process of selling the bonds is considered as a transaction fee. This is mainly because the to get a client and pe rsuade as well as convince him or her to buy them at the prevailing price set by the business organization some fee must be incurred. These particular fees are what get regarded as transaction costs in the matter. Therefore in the process of making an invoice, they are invoiced as expenses.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Need for Electricians is on the Rise

The Need for Electricians is on the Rise The end of the Great Recession is worthy of celebration for several reasons, but one group of tradespeople may have even more reason to rejoice than the rest of the population: electricians. Why? Because with the recession behind them and a construction boom imminent, they are positioned to be in great demand in the years ahead. Here’s what you need to know. There’s a reason he’s so happy.A Closer Look at the NumbersAccording to the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for electricians is expected to grow by a whopping 20 percent between 2012 and 2022. This significantly exceeds the average growth for all occupations.Why the increase? Jobs for electricians fluctuate based on the health of the overall economy. In times of stagnation and recession, demand for construction and maintenance drops leading to fewer jobs for these trained professionals.When the economy is healthy, however, the construction building and ma intenance industry thrives - meaning more jobs await those with the right training and qualifications.Not only that, but many older electricians turned to other types of work during the recession-era shortage. Their absence now leaves the door open to new workers in the field. Particularly with so much buzz surrounding the challenges of job seekers with bachelor’s degrees, the in-demand nature of electrical work makes it a more popular choice than ever.And considering that nearly every building has some form of electrical power, a building boom means terrific prospects for electricians.Not Just More Work, But Different WorkOther factors affecting the job market for electricians? Emerging technology related to alternative power generation - everything from solar to wind - will challenge electricians in new and exciting ways. From installation to linking these alternative sources of power to the grids, these responsibilities are expected to land with electricians, although g overnment policy may determine the extent to which employment opportunities occur.And while some manufacturing plants will shut down due to old or inefficient facilities, these closures should be outpaced by the installation and maintenance related to new manufacturing plants.What You Need to KnowElectricians require a high school diploma or its equivalent. Additionally, the majority of electricians learn the trade through a four to five year apprenticeship program, while others attend trade school. Nearly every state requires licensing before electricians can practice. This varies from state to state but typically includes a test on requirements related to electrical codes. What does it take to make it as an electrician? They typically have strong business, critical thinking, customer service, and troubleshooting skills.Because more and more people are becoming aware of the career promise in electrical work, the competition is stiff with hundreds of candidates applying for a handfu l of apprenticeships in certain regions. However, pursuing your goals despite the competition is largely regarded as worth it considering that many apprentices make more than many debt-burdened college grads: a median pay of just under $50,000 with the top earners making as much as $83,000.Even better? Ten percent of electricians are self-employed and can set their own hours.While the forecast for licensed electricians may not have looked sunny in the height of the recession, the current outlook is beyond bright - and more than reason enough to give this profession another look. Wondering about positions for electricians near you? Sign up for the innovative to get started.While the forecast for licensed electricians may not have looked sunny in the height of the recession, the current outlook is beyond bright - and more than reason enough to give this profession another look.